The man's eyes were wide and round, almost protruding.

On his face, there was still a look of death in his back, which was directly trampled out of the pit by mu Qingge. Before the complacency, before the arrogance, and before thinking about how to revenge Mu light song, everything disappeared.

People around were stunned.

None of them thought that mu Qingge really killed the man like this.

Just when they thought that because of the death of the man, they were angry and wanted to let all the people here be buried with them, the hot temperature suddenly fell down, and the smell of strange fire was also rapidly fading away.

Yuan yuan As soon as mu Qingge noticed, he immediately called Yuan Yuan.

"Got it!" Yuan Yuan should a, in the mind, distinguish the breath of the fire left, report to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song eyes light a flash, immediately chase to the inside.

She didn't know, so they couldn't keep up with the rhythm. Silver dust is followed by Mu light song, leaving thousands of water and Tong Teng in place.

"Boss! You wait for me Tong Teng cried out in a hurry.

Just when he wanted to chase out and keep up with muqingge, he was pulled by a thousand water.

Tong Teng turns his eyes and looks at the thousand waters. He seems to be asking why he should be stopped. Qian Shui slowly shook his head and explained to him, "we should stay here, prevent these people, and calculate what."

"But my boss, she..." Thousands of water remind, Tong Teng understand. However, he is still not sure about the safety of his boss, his eyes are full of worry.

Qianshuidao: "don't worry, with the silver dust, your boss will be OK."


Mu Qingge's red robe, like a flying flame, keeps jumping forward. Those who do not dare to follow the silver dust will not be lazy.

As they walked further and further, they gradually deviated from the unknown land.

Through a small forest, mu Qingge stops.

In front of her, there was a strange picture.

She stopped, so did silver dust.

"Yuan Yuan, are you sure it's here?" Mu light song standing in place, eyes around a circle, asked in the heart.

Suddenly, a light of gold and silver shot from her eyebrows and fell in front of them.

Linglong gun into yuan yuan, appear in front of Mu Qingge and silver dust.

"Boss, this is it." As soon as Yuan Yuan Yuan appeared, he affirmed Tao.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and looked for it again with his eyes.

Yuan Yuan confidently said: "although I am not angry now, I used to be. I will never forget the smell of strange fire. "

Indeed, Yuan Yuan's perception of strange fire did not change due to different identities. This point, even if she has fire spirit root, she can't compare with him.

Yuan Yuan stood in place, carefully feeling the existence of the strange fire.

While mu Qingge is not idle, she is looking for the wave of strange fire with divine sense, while looking at some strange pictures in front of her.

Before her eyes, there was a sea of grass.

However, the sea of grass is half alive and half dead.

It's not a feeling, it's a reality.

The vigorous half, green jade and green, is very fat. And the dead half, the sea of grass, but gray, withered together.

There are some doubts about why there are two kinds of light songs on the same land.

Moreover, there was a feeling in her heart that this phenomenon was related to abnormal fire.

"Yuan Yuan, have you ever heard of any abnormal fire that can cause this phenomenon in front of you?" Mu light song suddenly to Yuan Yuan Road, the finger to that piece of strange grass sea.

Yuan Yuan looked at the sea of grass and frowned with beautiful eyebrows.

After a long time, Yuan Yuan shook his head and said, "I'm not sure."

Yuan Yuan's answer makes mu Qingge a little disappointed. However, on second thought, Yuan Yuan had been around him since he was born, and he was exposed to strange fire in order to devour them. It is understandable that he did not know the ability of all fire.

"It doesn't matter. Maybe I think too much." Mu light song see Yuan Yuan show a look of annoyance, sound comfort.

As soon as her voice fell, the sky suddenly darkened.

This sudden dark down, very abrupt, so that mu Qingge and silver dust, as well as yuan yuan, all looked up at the sky.

"It was clear just now, but it was still blue and white. Why was it suddenly dark?" Silver dust eyebrows locked road. In the dark, he was careful to watch around to prevent sneak attacks or traps.

It is not only mu Qingge, but also those in the "treasure pot" who are shocked by the suddenly dark sky.

Qianshui and Tongteng look up at the sky, but they can't understand.

Others, however, showed a more frightened look after the dark, and fled out in a panic.

"Hello...!" Tong Teng wanted to stop those people, but as soon as he spoke, they ran faster.Tong Teng looked at those people inexplicably and asked Xiang Qianshui, "what's wrong with them? It's just that it's suddenly dark. There's no need to run so fast. It's not the sky falling. "

Thousand water shakes his head, Mou color some dignified way: "is not quite right, they often activity here, familiar with the situation here. It would be extremely dangerous for them to be afraid of leaving. "

"What do they do, boss?" Tong Teng's face changed.

"Let's go, let's go to them," he said in a deep voice

Things suddenly changed, so that they did not care about those who were subdued, in a hurry toward the place where moqingge and silver dust left.


On the other hand, mu Qingge three people, standing in the strange grass overseas, are also attracted by the sudden change of the sky.

It's just that they don't feel anything wrong. They just feel that the sky is a little strange, but they don't feel the danger.

Silver dust is an orc, his perception is also very sensitive, especially the perception of danger, is a kind of innate instinct.

However, after he was alert, he did not find anything, so it can be determined that there is no danger now.


Suddenly, there was a thunder in the sky.

Mu light song eyes open, she only heard thunder, but did not see lightning.

"There seems to be something in it!" Silver dust points to the sky.

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and looked at the rolling gray and black clouds. He did see something surging in the clouds.

As if, these clouds, suddenly become dark, because it stirred to appear.

"I feel the smell of strange fire again." Yuan Yuan suddenly said.

In fact, at the moment, without Yuan Yuan Yuan to remind, mu Qingge also felt a strong sense of strange fire. What's more, she could feel the source of the strange fire, just behind the dark clouds in the sky.


Another thunder. However, the thunder, in front of them strange grass sea, unexpectedly suddenly spontaneous combustion, raised a black and white fire.

"Yin Yang and Yin Yang" Mu light song looked at the fire light and murmured. , the fastest update of the webnovel!