Life and death depend on each other.

In the extreme two kinds of flames, muqingge's body is constantly changing, sometimes corrupt to ashes, and sometimes to revive life. Originally, there was a clear distinction between the two, but in the body of muqingge, they gradually merged. The two kinds of morality and morality were constantly interwoven, and the experience of life and death was presented in muqingge.

All of a sudden, she became a skeleton, and suddenly she was alive again!

Fortunately, no one can see this strange picture. Silver dust and Yuan Yuan Yuan are both sealed at the moment, without any sense. I'm afraid I'm afraid I'll be very light when I see it.

This picture of life and death alternation is not so beautiful.

However, mu Qingge is unconscious, completely immersed in her perception. Life or death is no stranger to her. After all, she has experienced it and felt it.

But, at that time, it was all unconscious to experience, and did not think about this connection carefully.

This time, with the help of the power of this strange flame, and her previous understanding of a reading finger, she seems to be able to feel the difference.

"Life with death, death with life. The end of life is death, and reincarnation after death is life. Life and death depend on each other. They are not antagonistic, but one. Flowers bloom is life, and falling flowers are death. The sun rises into the day, and the sunset becomes the night. Yin and Yang, life and death are indispensable. One thought is on the edge of life and death, yin and Yang. One step forward is life and Yang, and one step backward is death and Yin It turns out that this is the essence of yimindi, which is the morality of life and death! "

With careful understanding, careful experience and repeated taste, moqingge has been summarized in my heart.

Yin and Yang of life and death are not difficult to understand, but they are difficult to see through.

People, because of the close relatives, loved ones leave, and heartache tears, unable to accept.

People, because of the continuation of blood, the arrival of children, and the joy of tears, excited.

When facing life, people are happy. In the face of death, the heart is sad. Obviously, they are all experiences. Why? Why can't we see it clearly?

Mu Qingge asks herself in her heart. Every time she asks, her past experience will appear in her mind.

In her previous life, the feeling of struggling on the edge of life and death. No matter how difficult the environment was, she was struggling to survive and never thought of dying.

In the past life, the sacrifice of her comrades in arms would make her heartache, because she could not accept it. It's hard to bear a person who gets along day and night, and leaves like this.

This life, she seems to be more powerful, but also in the face of life and death!

A sealed memory is slowly opening

Mu light song in the mind of the picture, the previous life has become more and more blurred. What she saw was herself in this world. The disappearance of the soul of the original owner, the fierce battle in the cold inch, the sacrifice of Yuan Yuan Yuan, the disappearance of Jiang Li, and the scenes that broke her heart but had to swallow.


Her memory seems to return to the desperate battle in the testing space of the holy Yuan Empire.

"If I die, I will be buried with you."

At that time, she watched the Dragon teeth fall one by one in front of her, saw the death of Jiang Li, saw countless ferocious faces, collapsed space.

Her eyes were bleeding and her heart was broken.

This time, as a bystander, she witnessed all this with her own eyes, but she had different feelings.


She saw the picture that was wiped away by the back of time, the fragmentation of the trial space, she killed the people who wanted to kill her, but also came close to death.

She saw himself numbly pulling everyone back to his side, saw the division Mo tearing space, appeared in front of her panic.

After hearing his sentence, "no, I want to be sure. I dare not bet."

"Outsider" Mu Qingge, suddenly feel a sour nose, chest as if by the influx of heat, there is a feeling at the heart have to vent out.

This memory, in Si Mo reversal, has no longer existed.

But now, when she realized the morality of life and death, she returned to her memory. At that time, she did not give Si Mo clear emotional commitment, but he is still so unswerving.

Life with death, death with

"She is more important to me than everything else."

Simao mouth, spit out such firm words, let cross knees and sit, immersed in the sentiment of Mu light song, left a drop of tears, although her eyes closed, but in the mood, is still greatly affected.

Black and white flame, burning even bigger. In the dark clouds in the sky that day, the mysterious things hidden behind the scenes seemed to be staring at everything with a pair of calm and indifferent eyes.

What it looks at is moqingge.

"Reverse, turn!"

Even though mu Qingge knew everything, he was so shocked that he could hardly describe his mood at that time.At that moment, mu Qingge felt her heart, moved or heartache, but she couldn't tell.

Reversal, using the moral of time and space, traces everything back to a certain node, back to the time before things happen, so that people have the opportunity to change everything.

Doesn't this also prove that the other side of death is life?

Life and death, is a page, each occupies one side, can not be divided!

"I see! I see! " The memory in Mu Qingge's mind disappears, and she realizes the relationship between life and death. However, it is still difficult to accept death calmly.

No, it should be said that she can accept her own death, but it is difficult to accept the departure of the people around her.

She understood that it was because they had an emotional connection, so they would not give up.

"What I have learned is the way against the heaven, not the way of ruthlessness, nor the way of obedience! Since I don't give up, why should I? If life and death are one, then I will master life and death and control Yin and Yang! "


Mu light song suddenly opened his eyes, and his clear eyes burst out with dazzling light.

In her body, the black and white interwoven flame, burning more fiercely, seems to burn her unconventional thoughts to clean up.

Is life and death easy to control?

It's easier to die than to live!

She just wants to survive! She doesn't want to die, and the people around her, she won't let them die at will!

So, she's against the weather!

She should understand the morality, master the morality, and be detached from the world according to the desire of the heart!

"A thought means, a thought of life, a thought of death, a point of saving people, a point of killing!" Mu Qingge ignored the flaming fire on her body and the alternation of life and death of her body. She slowly stretched out her right index finger and gently touched it on the black flame.

Bang bang!

Her fingertips collide with the flame and burst out. In addition to the huge noise, those black flames struggle, as if to stop the behavior of moqingge , the fastest update of the webnovel!