"I hear you're drinking?" He asked suddenly.

Mu light song eyes light flash for a while, smile slightly, nod head way: "yes." She was a little strange in her heart. Why didn't he ask her about the little master of the Mu family, or the things about the little master of the Mu family Even, don't ask her about the plot.

Do you want to ask step by step, or do you mean not to mention it?

Mu light song for a time can not judge, can only sit still, follow the words of the emperor for him to chat down.

For him, the God Emperor raised his hand languidly and pointed out a direction for mu Qingge. When she saw the past, his hand had already fallen down, and lazily and casually put it on the side of the armrest.

Mu Qingge looks at the direction he points to and finds that there are several wine jars.

Then, the voice of the emperor rang out again, "these wine, has been in the palace of God for many years. If you like it, you can take it away."

Mu Qingge was stunned.

make complaints about her. "Do you call me to give me wine?" Although the heart doubts, but she still jaw head smile, indifferent way: "thank God Emperor."

For him, the emperor slowly shook his head, and his expression was languid. "Don't be so polite. You are the little God Emperor of my changing Yue domain. You should have the airs of a little God. This wine is a reward for you. Yan lie, you did a good job. No weak, I change Yueyu's face. "

Oh, I'll go!

Mu light song blinked an eye, she is the first time to hear for him God said so much.

"Well, thank you very much." Mu light song Lengleng's reply sentence.

For Yue shenhuang turned his eyes and looked at her. In the eyes of Phoenix, the luster was flowing, very beautiful, just like glass. But it also makes people can't see through the mood in his eyes.

Mu light song pursed lips silence, she is waiting, waiting for him God to ask her.

Shao Qing, for he shenhuang just way: "went to the purple light domain, can someone make trouble for you?"

However, mu Qingge did not expect that after waiting for a long time, the emperor would ask her this question. Who else can make trouble for her? I'm afraid there is no one else except the purple emperor.

So, what is the question of the emperor of Yue?

For his words, in the Mu light song mind a circle. Her eyes flashed, and then she replied with a smile: "it's not bad. Although there are occasional twists and turns, it's safe to return to the field of changing Yue."

"Well, I heard that you also brought two people back from purple light?" Change Yue God Emperor again way.

"Yes, they were all my friends when I was in the lower world." Yao Xinghai and Xi Qianxue, of course, can't hide from him.

"Do you know that now all the gods of the world know that the woman is your wife?" For him, the emperor's voice was lower.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at the emperor. Calmly asked, "it's coming from the purple light field."

He didn't deny it, he didn't admit it. He just said, "I'll let you pinch others. Don't let them pinch you?"

Mu light song smile, helpless way: "I also have no way. The purple light emperor has been taking care of me to ask for things. I don't know what he wants. I just feel that I tried my best to kill people and take the booty. Why should I give it to him. Finally, in order to exchange people from him, I had to give it. If anyone else asks me for it, I'll just tell you the truth. "

She said it very naturally, and her eyes were sincere.

For him God Emperor has been staring at her for a long time, just way: "you say but the truth?"

"Nature is the truth." Mu light song calm way.

However, he changed his eyes, and his momentum suddenly rose, "what I asked is that you gave all the things to the purple light emperor?"

Mu light song feel momentum around one side, slightly frown. She shouldered the pressure and said in a deep voice, "yes."

"You haven't hidden anything else?" He asked again.

"Yes." Mu Qingge answers in a deep voice again.

"Before you went to jiuchongtian, you went to Wuhua, and the young master of Mu also went. It is said that Wuhua emperor also lost something. However, after the story of the purple light region came out, Wu Hua Shen Huang personally went to see it, but there was nothing he lost. " There is a trace of danger in his voice.

Wuhua emperor actually went to the purple light domain in person?!

Mu Qingge's heart leaped, "it seems that the remnant scriptures in the second volume of Shence are very important to Wuhua emperor." And now, what does it mean for him to ask?

Just asking by the way, or testing her? Or have you suspected her?

Be careful in Mu Qingge's heart. But her face was still calm. "I don't know. I don't know what the emperor has lost. At the beginning, he doubted me. But later, it turned out that it was the young master of Namu who made trouble. After I left Wuhua area, I went to xishen land. I heard that jiuchongtian was worth visiting. So I went. Later, something well known to all of the four sea gods happened. I did get the heaven and earth utensils from the little master of the Mu nationality, but I didn't have time to see it, so I gave it to the purple emperor. I don't know what's in it. "Her speech speed is very calm, her expression is also very normal, even with a trace of grievance, but also helpless.

For him, the emperor congealed with her and watched for a long time. Whether he was examining or thinking about what she said, mu Qingge was unknown.

"Ha ha ha ha! Why don't you two drink and call me? Have you forgotten me, the old man In the standoff, the voice of the old emperor came in, breaking the rigid atmosphere.

Mu Qingge and the God Emperor of Chengyue raised their eyes to him at the same time, but the old emperor did not see him at all. He threw his sleeves in his hands and walked towards them.

His ruddy face and smiling look make people feel very quiet.

"Boy, I don't know how to make a seat for the old man." The old emperor went to Mu Qingge and kicked the edge of the futon where she was sitting.

Mu light Song mouth a draw, in line with the idea of respecting the elderly, stood up, ready to give up the seat.

However, the emperor suddenly said: "I'm going to have a rest, you two go. Nothing, don't quarrel with me. "

Mu Qingge's eyebrows were lightly picked, and he said in his heart, "is this over?"

But the old God Emperor was dissatisfied with the way: "how to drop? I'm just here, and I'm going to leave? "

In the Phoenix eyes of the God Emperor of Yue, the light attached to him one eye, raised his hand and pointed to the several jars of wine, and said to Mu Qingge, "don't forget to take it away when you leave."

Finish saying, his figure unexpectedly illusory scatter, disappear in front of Mu light song and old God Emperor.

"Well, it's so fast." The old God Emperor was discontented to hum a sentence.

Mu Qingge calmly took away the wine that he had been rewarded by the emperor. He turned to the old emperor and said, "Old God, it happens that I have something to ask you for advice. Do you have time to drink with me?"

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