As soon as mu Qingge got off the empty boat, he felt an extremely cold air blowing. The sky over the land was always covered with mist. The climate was a little colder than other shenlu.

With a moment of time, to adapt to the climate of the North God land, Mu light song raised his eyes to see come to meet her Moyang.

A year ago, when she returned to Yueyu, mu Qingge asked Yinchen to take the four girls to different shenlu, and Longya Wei and Longyu Wei, before she closed down, were released and scattered in the land of four seas and gods and lurked down.

They were divided into four teams, led by different people, and cooperated with the four women who left first. They formed mu Qingge's own stronghold in the land of the four seas.

And those who were sent to North shenlu were xuanya and Moyang.

After closing up, mu Qingge left Changyue alone. She wants to come to beishenlu to meet with the adherents of the Mu nationality, and to enter the demon forest through beishenlu.

"My Lord." Not for a year, Moyang in the sight of Mu Qingge, eyes faint with excitement.

Mu light song jaw first smile, to him way: "this year can be ok? Is shenlu's life habit? "

Mo Yang nodded, "everything is very used to. The only thing I'm not used to is that I can't obey the Lord and serve him. "

"To do my duty well is to serve me best." Mu light song light road.

"Sir, according to your orders, we have planted our stronghold in a mortal city under the jurisdiction of Feng Tianyu. The city, named Chaolu, is very prosperous. It is the largest mortal city in fengtianyu. It is also close to fengtianyu and is the place where the gods and all meet. " Moyang introduced the situation to Mu Qingge.

In his heart, mu Qingge placed him here, which only showed that she attached great importance to this matter. However, he did not understand that most of the enemies of the Mu clan were not in the West God land? Why is beishenlu, the fengtianyu of beishenlu, so worthy of admiration?

However, he followed mu Qingge for many years and naturally understood her temper.

Ask what should be asked, and never ask what should not be asked.

"Well, it's been a hard year for you." Mu light song jaw first said.

It was not her willfulness to put Moyang on the North shenlu and Youhe on the West shenlu. Because, in the West God land, there is a song Tianji.

His brain is not weak, and Youhe's more important in gathering intelligence and managing Longya guards. If Moyang is put there again, in addition to some superfluousness, I am afraid it will also lead to the struggle for the right of control.

However, xuanya, though loyal, is sometimes too clever and needs to be suppressed. Moyang is the best choice for muqingge.

"There is still a long way to go from here to the morning dew, sir. Please get on the bus." Moyang takes moqingge to a carriage.

The luxury of Linchuan is similar to that of luxury, but it can't be ignored. The two unicorns were pulling the cart. They were like horses, with pointed unicorns on their heads, and their fur was so bright that there was no trace of mottled fur.

However, the two unicorns are not white, but red, which is very similar to the color of Mu Qingge's clothes. It can be seen that Moyang spent a lot of time in the selection.

as like as two peas in the carriage, the display is exactly the same as the car she was in Linchuan. Moyang followed up, but did not enter the car, but for mu Qingge personally driving.

"Where is silver dust now?" Mu Qingge lies down at will in the carriage, looking for a comfortable angle and keeping one's eyes closed.

She is only used to the service of young lotus and Flower Moon, and other maids are difficult to get close to. Mo Yang knew her habit, so he didn't arrange people to serve in the carriage.

Moyang waved his whip to drive the unicorn into the air and answer the question of muqingge. "Half a month ago, he arrived at Zhaolu, and he had to wait for the young Lord. However, he seemed to feel something and left a message that he would go to the demon forest first and wait for the young Lord in the demon forest. "

"Well." Mu light song gently should a, did not continue to ask.

Shaoqing, did not hear the voice of Mu light song, Mo Yang turned to look, only to find that she had fallen asleep.

This kind of thing rarely happens to Mu Qingge, because she has always been a very self-control and binding person. She seldom completely relaxes in front of people and goes into deep sleep.

To be able to do this, in addition to because Moyang is the person that she extremely believes in, there is also that she is tired.

Looking at mu Qingge's sleeping face, Moyang's dull and cold facial features have a trace of softness, calm eyes, and a gentle color.

Just, in this touch deep in the bottom of the heart of the gentle appearance, immediately by the Moyang back, convergence clean.

His eyes regained their composure and vision, turned back to concentrate on driving.

However, he slowed down the speed and tried to make the carriage smooth without affecting mu Qingge's rest.


When mu Qingge wakes up, he feels that the carriage is falling down. With a glance at Moyang's back, she got up and lifted the curtain with her hand, and saw the huge city hidden in the clouds below.This city is really very big. Even in the sky, we can't see the boundary there.

Mu Qingge roughly estimated, I am afraid this city, almost a country size. This is just a mortal City, which shows the vastness of the land.

The unicorn falls slowly. Mu Qingge puts down the curtain and leans down again.

Outside the carriage, the crowd began to make a lively noise, but she was not allowed to see it. She said in her heart, "Liyuan, I'm finally close to you. I'll double what you've done. "

As the queen of Xiaoshen, it's very easy for her to inquire about the Phoenix emperor's departure from the kite. Fengtianyu, one of the four deities in the northern shenlu, is also the only one with goddess emperor among the four seas.

It is not to say how powerful Liyuan is, but because the legend of Phoenix heaven has the blood of the Phoenix family, which can only be inherited by women.

Mu Qingge doesn't care what the truth is.

What she cares about is that Liyuan's life must be taken by her!

"Sir, here we are." Mo Yang's voice came from outside.

Mu Qingge converges her mind and walks out of the carriage. She didn't pay attention to the bustling markets around her, and she was even more oblivious to the dazzling eyes that looked at her.

She just looked up at the black and gold sign.

Dragon tooth jingshe!

I'm afraid no one can tell by looking at the signs. What kind of business is here. Only those who walk in know that there is a wine seller.

And only the regular customers and drinkers here know that there are still some shady business here.

Here, it was only opened a year ago, but now, in Chaolu City, people with a little identity know the meaning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!