"You have lived in vain for so long, but you can't even compare with the personal guards who are less than 100 years old around me. If you don't believe it, try it. " Mu Qingge's eyes are full of banter.

Her tone is very contemptuous, so that the Mu people in the hall, have to show indignation.

That pair of unwilling eyes, reflected hate.

This hatred is not directed at mu Qingge, but at the tone of her speech.

Xu Xiu eyebrows light frown, slowly turn eyes to see Xiang Mu light song, eyes with disapproval. It seems to be saying, "your people are recognized by you, but the Mu people who stay on the land of God are not worthless."

However, mu Qingge did not respond to Xu Xiu's eye hint, or even looked at her.

"You are too arrogant

"That is, if you stay in shenlu, you may not be as good as us."

"What is the best way to escape? We want to preserve our strength! "

"Even if you are the little Lord, you can't say that to us!"

In the main hall, the voice of dispute rises again.

They are venting their dissatisfaction with muqingge. And their dissatisfaction with her is not only her frivolity in words, but also because they are difficult to accept the behavior of "crossing the river and tearing down bridges" like admiring light songs. They are defending Xu Xiu's injustice.

Xu Xiu was a man of Tianlu and a wise man of Mu nationality.

At this moment, he has seen the crux of the problem. I also understand that no matter what I say now, I can't change the inherent impression of these people.

Xu sighed and looked in the direction of the high priest, but he saw his old God standing there, without any panic.

"Are you so confident in him?" Xu Xiu couldn't help but ask.

The high priest received the message and raised his eyes to meet the light of his eyes. "Elder martial brother, just watch quietly. You just have to show your attitude. You can't have two sides of the body, and the Mu people only need one commander. "

Xu xiumou light shrink, holding the scepter hand tight, drooping the eye light.

How can a high priest not see through things that he can see through? It was because he could see through that that he agreed to delegate power so easily. However, he can delegate power, mu Qingge has the ability to put down the power in his hand, that is her ability.



Two hundred dragon teeth guards, drink in unison.

Deafening sound, the noise will be broken, but also to Mu light song discontent voice down.

These Mu adherents looked at Longya Wei in surprise.

They can see that these dragon teeth guards are the first and second floor of the spirit cave. Compared with these four or five floors, it is not enough.

However, in front of nearly a thousand of them, it is really surprising that such a momentum can be made.

However, at the thought of Mu Qingge's boasting about Haikou, she said that they could not compare with her own guards, which made Mu's adherents look at Longya Wei in a bad way.

That kind of scorn and ridicule is the same as what mu Qingge did to them before.

"Don't try your best to talk to me about your strength." Mu Qingge calms down in the main hall and opens his mouth lightly.

She had a calm, calm look.

She can't say that she can't form her own voice.

It is necessary to admit that the mood of Xu Mu is more stable than that of observing.

If Mu Tianyin meets the situation at the moment, I'm afraid he will be furious. He can't think of any good way, but he can only use killing to frighten him.

But mu Qingge --

Xu Xiu frowned a little. Up to now, he has worked out the intention of Mu Qingge, but he can't figure out how she will solve it.

However, he could not see that Longya Wei had the slightest chance of winning in the face of Mu adherents. Whether it's fighting alone or in groups, he doesn't see a single win.

"Well. Since the little Lord is so confident in his own guards, let's have a contest. " Among the adherents of the Mu nationality, a big man came out. When he called out the title of "Shaozhu", he had a disdainful attitude and his words were full of sarcasm.

Then, he did not pay attention to Mu Qingge. He swept around the Dragon teeth guard with scornful eyes and said, "who are you coming?"

He was so provocative, but the Longya guards were still cold and unfettered.

Seeing them and looking at Xiangmu Qingge, Xu Xiu suddenly felt that the temperament between the master and the servant was so similar. Muqingge is crazy, Longya is also crazy, muqingge is proud, Longya is also proud, muqingge is calm, Longya is also calm, muqingge is not afraid, Longya is equally fearless!

"How much influence does this need! Infectivity! " Xu Xiu was shocked.

However, what shocked him was more than that.

Moqingge mouth raised the curved arc, full of meaning unknown smile. "There's no need to be so troublesome. To deal with nearly a thousand of you, two hundred of them are enough."what!

The Mu people were shocked. Xu Xiu was also shocked.

What does moqingge mean? She wants to fight in groups?

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Are you kidding? We are several times as many as them, and our cultivation is higher than them. If it's one-on-one, there may be miracles. If it's a group war, they will surely lose. " The big man of the Mu nationality laughed wildly.

Mu light song but smile eyes all squint up, in the eye seam exudes the burning light, slowly way: "I don't worry, what do you worry about?"

She stopped laughing with a word.

At this moment, nearly a thousand mu adherents noticed that after mu Qingge's decision was made, there was no shock, no fear or cowardice on the face of 200 dragon teeth guards.

It's not right. It's not right!

Don't they know their own strength? Why do you still keep calm when you know you have to lose?

The laughter gradually stopped, and the adherents of the Mu nationality all looked at the 200 dragon teeth guards.

Mu light song empty play a nail, look calm way: "start."

At her command, the two hundred dragon tooth guards immediately rose to power.

In the hall, nearly a thousand mu adherents, at the moment, are all congealed with each other's eyes, and after meeting each other's eyes, they intend to defeat each other.

In their understanding, group warfare is like this.

Everyone rushed forward and went straight to the war after finding their opponents.

With such a huge difference in the number of people, four or five of them could win with their eyes closed against a dragon tooth guard.

However, when they planned to rush out and solve the problem directly, the 200 dragon guards took a step forward in a unified way.

Two hundred of them, with the same posture and the same momentum, merged with each other and swept over like sea waves.

At the first sight of this astonishing momentum, Xu Xiu opened his eyes in shock.

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