"You, follow me."

Suddenly appeared in front of Mu Qingge's pink dress woman, condescending to say such a sentence.

That look, as if to Mu light song's gift general, does not allow people to refuse.

Mu light song eyebrows a pick, eyes play up.

The woman owner of the tea house, at the moment, also stood up and showed a smile to the woman who suddenly appeared. She said, "Oh, God's patronage of my small tea house really makes my small place shine. What can I do for you

However, the woman in pink doesn't even look at the woman boss of the tea house. She has a pair of cold eyes, staring at mu Qingge. It seems calm, but in the depth of the eyes, there is a trace of amazing light.

"It's none of your business here." The woman in pink replied coldly.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the face of the woman boss of the tea house, and she stepped back unnaturally.

She retreated to one side, but her eyes were full of adoration and light song, which seemed to make her take the initiative and was liked by the disciples of fengtianyu. This is a good thing.

Mu Qingge saw the color she used, but didn't care.

She is still sitting on the seat, with a faint smile on her mouth. She looks at the pink woman who has begun to frown slightly.

"Didn't you hear me?" The eyes of the woman in pink began to look bad.

Mu Qingge raised his eyebrows and asked, "what do you hear?"

Pink dress woman eyebrow a frown, let her cold face, a little more impatient. She slightly raised her hand and pointed to Mu Qingge. "I'll let you go with me."

"To where?" Mu Qingge immediately asked.

Pink dress woman eye light a heavy, tone is not good way: "your nonsense how so much? If you come with me, follow me. "

Mu Qingge spread out his hands and said with a smile, "girl, this sentence is interesting. You and I have never met. How can you let me go with you as soon as we meet? I'm not a frivolous person

"What more nonsense are you talking about?" The woman in pink was provoked to anger by Mu Qingsong, and her cold eyes were infected with a thin layer of anger.

She's such a strong drink, immediately let the atmosphere in the tea house, become fierce.

It seems that they will draw swords at any time.

"Ouch The teahouse lady called. If the fight really started, it would be her little tea house that suffered losses. She immediately explained for both sides. "God, don't mind. This young master is a stranger. He passes by qingluan city and has a rest. He doesn't know what happened in our city, let alone the rules. "

Then, she turned to look at mu Qingge and whispered to Mu Qingge: "childe, this is the God of fengtianyu. It must be a happy event to find you. If you're not in the way, why don't you go with her? "

Her words softened the face of the woman in pink, but she still looked at mu Qingge with a proud look.

That arrogance stems from her identity.

It seems that, as a disciple of fengtianyu, she should have been superior or respected everywhere.

"I refuse." Mu Qingge refused directly.

These three words, however, let the atmosphere in the teahouse stand still again. The face of the woman in pink was particularly ugly.

"Are you scorning Feng Tianyu?" The way of women's deep voice. The sword in his hand seems to come out of the sheath at any time to teach mu Qingge.

The woman boss of the tea house, suddenly nervous, looking at two people at a loss.

However, mu Qingge still looked pale and said with a smile: "can't you, the disciple of fengtianyu, rob people in the street? Once you refuse, you despise Feng Tianyu? "

"You The woman in pink is choked by the words of Mu Qingsong. After a short while, she held out an explanation: "I love you in fengtianyu. It's your nature. How many people want to return what they can't get. You don't even know how to cherish it."

"Oh? The girl will leave my chance to others. I don't need it. " Mu light song smile Ying Ying Ying appearance, especially beautiful.

However, her dandy breath makes people want to be angry, but I don't know how to get angry.

What she said was serious, but she gave the impression that she was not serious.

"Do you really want to refuse my offer?" Pink dress woman eye light sinks, the voice is cold a few minutes.

Mu Qingge showed an innocent expression, slowly shook his head and said: "I said, I am not a casual person, not frivolous."

"If you talk nonsense again, I will cut your tongue." The woman in pink is full of insidious words, which makes her cheeks red. She said to Mu Qingge: "I want you to join me in fengtianyu. When I am a disciple of fengtianyu, where are those dirty things you think about."

"Let me be a disciple of fengtianyu?" Mu Qingge showed a blank expression. Although, in her heart already understood the meaning of the woman to come over, but at this moment, still want to pretend to do not know.

"Good! I've given you the chance. If Jane doesn't cherish it, it depends on whether you can grasp it. " The momentum of the woman in pink is proud again.

Mu Qingge shakes his head and smiles, "sorry, I can't be a disciple of Feng Tianyu.""What do you say?" The woman in pink was originally waiting for mu Qingge to react, excited and excited. However, he did not expect that after his reaction, he still refused.

"I said, I can't be a disciple of fengtianyu." Mu Qingge said it again with a smile.

"Do you look down on our fengtianyu?" The woman in pink is angry.

She felt that she was provoked again and again by mu Qingge. If she didn't do it again, people from all over the world would think that fengtianyu's disciples were weak and could be bullied.

Without waiting for mu Qingge to answer, she drew out her sword.

When the sword came out of its sheath, it immediately caused a cloud to change color.

Mu Qingge's eyes light a Lin, feel that the magic sword in her hand is good, and the quality is good. At this time, because of the sword scabbard, caused the movement, attracted other Feng Tianyu disciples.

One of them, who seemed to have more status, came to the teahouse, followed by two disciples in powder clothes.

When she saw the woman confronting mu Qingge, the sword had come out of its sheath, and immediately said, "Silk Yu, stop it."

The woman in pink who wants to teach mu Qingge a lesson is stiff and ugly. However, she still reluctantly inserts the scabbard sword back into the scabbard.

When she inserted the sword back, the three men also went under the teahouse.

The woman who is the leader first looks at silk Yu, and then sweeps to the female boss of the tea house. The female boss was seen by her, immediately piled up a smile, to her jaw head, the expression is full of flattery.

However, she was indifferent to the attentions of her boss. After sweeping her, she will look down on mu Qingge who is sitting on the stool.

Suddenly I saw her in a seductive red dress. She was beautiful without a couple. She was so beautiful that she couldn't argue with each other

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