Phoenix heaven, seen from a distance, looks like a phoenix fluttering to fly. However, this phoenix is made of mountains and rivers.

It is surrounded by clouds, like real fantasy, the United States is very enchanting, but also a bit independent of the world's arrogance.

Mu Qingge is sitting on Luan Jia, all the way to Phoenix heaven. The one who pulled the cart was a blue Phoenix bird with a white plume on its forehead.

The chariot is made of pure gold. It is hollowed out all around. There is a canopy on it. A layer of gauze curtain falls on the canopy to block the sight of the outside world.

Mu Qingge sits cross legged among them, burning incense in it.

Outside, with four female disciples of fengtianyu, they are the four people she met before.

Two of them led the way ahead, and the other two followed. They are wearing colorful skirts and flowing clothes. They are wandering in the air with elegant and graceful posture.

Can't help but, let mu Qingge think of the previous life has seen, painting carved in the desert flying murals.

Qingluan bird, towards the Phoenix Mountain.

On the road, constantly issued clear sound.

At first, mu Qingge did not notice the sound of Qing Xiao. When she was about to arrive at fengtianyu, she found that the song of qingluan was to inform the people in fengtianyu that a distinguished guest was coming.

When the qingluan bird begins to land, mu Qingge sees the entrance of the Phoenix heaven and the mouth of the Phoenix through the veil and mist. A group of graceful and graceful women come out. They hold flower baskets and stand on both sides. They kneel on the ground on one knee, showing great respect.

Mu Qingge has gone through several divine regions, but in terms of ostentation, there is no one comparable to this Phoenix heaven.

She gave a sneer in her heart and restrained the banter in her eyes. She came to see with her own eyes what Liyuan looked like and whether she could recover some interest.

Since fengtianyu people, to treat her so solemnly, she will not be stage fright.

Qingluan bird raised its head and roared, and landed steadily at the entrance of Phoenix heaven.

The entrance of fengtianyu is just like the position of Phoenix's mouth, which makes mu Qingge a little surprised. She quickly swept the outside of fengtianyu with divine consciousness and found that there was no other place to enter except this entrance.

Such a special environment, however, makes the whole Fengtian area closed, but it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack.

"Little emperor, please."

Mu Qingge converges her thoughts and looks to the front.

On both sides, those female students kneeling on one knee, after mu Qingge got off the chariot, they began to grab the petals in the basket and sprinkle them in the sky.

Those petals are fluttering, but they are somewhat beautiful.

However, in Mu Qingge's opinion, the fatness is too heavy.

Following people into the Phoenix heaven, those women with petals also stand up and follow mu Qingge.

When they walked out of the entrance and their sight suddenly opened, these women were like fairies. They jumped up and hung in the air, sprinkling petals from the air.

Petals fall like rain, some fall on the head of Mu light song, some fall on the robe, so that she constantly raised her hand to brush away these scattered petals.

Such treatment

Mu light song in the heart "ha ha" a, lift eyes to look around the scenery.

From the narrow "bird's beak" to enter, the eyes suddenly open up, as if to come to another world in general. The scenery here is very beautiful, just like a dream.

The waterfalls falling from the sky, such as jade bowl like pools and silvery mountains, are really dreamlike and beautiful.

It is no exaggeration to call this place fairyland.

See Mu light song to look around the scenery, the woman who brought her in, the manner shows a bit quite proud of the appearance. "Little shenhuang, who is more beautiful than you in fengtianyu

Mu Qingge turned her eyes to see her, and in her expectant eyes, she answered faintly: "Phoenix heaven, surrounded by Fairy Spirit, beautiful scenery. For Yue region is also in a piece of fairy water, boundless, majestic atmosphere. It can only be said that each has its own characteristics and is beautiful. "

"The little god can really talk." The woman covered her lips and laughed.

After coming in, mu Qingge finds that the female disciple named silk Yu, who had some friction with her, has disappeared at the moment. Accompanied by her side, only the high-ranking female disciple who later entered the teahouse was left.

"Little emperor, our emperor has been waiting in the palace of God. Let's go and see him first." After chatting a few words, the woman said.

She didn't report her name, so mu Qingge didn't bother to ask.

Anyway, these people in her heart, just passers-by, there is no need to know so much.

Along the way, mu Qingge did not take the initiative to speak, but the woman kept asking about the outside situation. After getting to the back, mu Qingge asked curiously, "how long has the girl not left Feng Tianyu?"

That woman a Leng, some embarrassed way: "I from a hundred years old into the Phoenix heaven domain, has not left the Phoenix heaven domain scope.""You fengtianyu's disciples, don't you go outside to experience?" Mu Qingge can't help but say.

"Our God Emperor said that the outside world is dangerous and unpredictable. We are all women. Although we have the ability to protect ourselves, we are also difficult to distinguish people's hearts. We are afraid that we will be cheated. Therefore, if it is unnecessary, we should not leave fengtianyu easily. " Said the woman.

“……” Mu Qingge is speechless. I don't know what to say about Liyuan. At the same time, she taught her disciples so simple that she was not familiar with the world. On the other hand, she is so vicious that she wants to let Simao give up everything and enter her god palace. After being rejected, she has to put down a killer and seal a curse. Which one should a holy woman do?

Mu Qingge looks at the sky of Feng Tianyu in silence. She really can't understand this kind of green tea whore who is both a whore and a memorial archway. What kind of mentality is it?

She is more willing to touch the poppy flowers that look like the same.

"White lotus, green tea whore, Virgin mother whore, quickly withdraw and disperse!" Mu light song in the heart abdominal Fei Road.

See Mu light song not language, that woman explained a sentence again, "our God Emperor, is for our good, for our consideration."

"Ha ha, you just like it." Mu Tucao in the heart of the song, smiled on the surface, and make complaints about this topic.

Chatting, the two finally walked on the palace of God.

And those in the sky with petals of women, also finally dispersed. Sweeping off the last petal on her body, mu Qingge sighed in her heart, "it's finally over."

"The little emperor, please come in." The woman entered the palace of God with a song of admiration.

The shape of the imperial palace of Phoenix heaven is also like that of a Phoenix.

After mu Qingge went in, he didn't see anyone. However, there was an ethereal and noble voice floating in his ear, "your face is really beautiful." , the fastest update of the webnovel!