"What you mean is that I am old, right?" Liyuan suddenly put down her comb and turned to look back at Xiangmu Qingge's cold voice.

"No Mu Qingge's smile in the corner of his mouth does not change and he denies it decisively.

Well, even though that's what she meant.

Liyuan can understand, that's the best, but she won't admit, let her have an excuse to deal with her.

Li Yuan's eyes sank down, slowly stood up and walked toward mu Qingge with graceful posture.

As soon as she approached, the fragrance came to her face.

At the moment, the fragrance of her body is very strong, stronger than the day can see.

This fragrance makes mu Qingge's eyebrows frown. The uncertainty of the past is now fully certain. She raised her eyes, and her clear eyes fell on Liyuan.

She did not avoid the eye light, let Liyuan scornful cold hum, said a sentence, "men are not good things."

Then she turned to one side, picked up a coat and put it on her.

Mu light song but a Leng, heart analysis of the meaning of her sentence.

All of a sudden, you don't want to hurt your heart Her words, full of resentment, seems to be talking about moqingge, but actually it seems to be venting something.

Mu light song eyes light flash, hook lip shallow smile way: "God Emperor wants to say what?"

Li Yuan walked to the bed, leaning against the window lattice, overlooking the night outside the window. She didn't go to see muqingge, but said quietly, "I want to say why there should be men in this world. I have a close friend who once fell in love with a man... "

When Liyuan begins to tell the story, mu Qingge's eyes sweep around without leaving any trace. She has already determined what kind of fragrance Liyuan uses and knows more about the purpose of the incense. Naturally, she will not miss the opportunity to collect interest.

When her eyes fell on a perfume box beside the dressing table, she couldn't help brightening up. She lifted her eyes and looked at Liyuan.

Liyuan, who is still talking about himself, doesn't pay attention to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song to her close, seems just because listen to her story infatuated, and unknowingly close to her. Liyuan notices mu Qingge's approach and puts a smile on her mouth. However, she doesn't notice that when mu Qingge passes through the dressing table, a white smoke comes out of her hand and goes through the gap of the perfume box.

This sachet contains the rouge and water powder used by Liyuan. I'm afraid it needs to be used every day for the beauty of Liyuan. This is what mu Qingge wants.

Quietly finish all this, mu Qingge goes to Liyuan, listening to her story.

"My good friend has a deep love for the man. He is willing to do anything for him, even if he betrays his people. He just wants to be good to him. However, I didn't expect that she had paid so much for the man, and in the end, the man was actually betrayed by her. " Liyuan suddenly turned around and looked at Xiangmu Qingge. Her eyes were full of ferocious questions: "do you think such a man should be killed? Is it damned? "

Her words, make Mu light song immediately associate with Si mo.

Is this the story between Simao and Liyuan? Mu Qingge's heart is filled with a kind of discomfort. Even though she knew that the way of narration was more because of Liyuan's imagination, she still felt uncomfortable.

"God, it's not sweet to twist a dog." Mu light Song said a light.

"It's not sweet to be forced to fight! If forced, why did he provoke her in the first place? " Li Yuan roared with resentment.

"Provoking?" Mu light song eyebrows a pick, eyes play up.

"Good! It's to provoke! " The way from the kite to hate. Previously, she used the stories of her best friends to cover up. But at the moment, the exposure of her real emotions has made people know who her best friend in the story is. "If he hadn't provoked her, how could she be so arrogant and holy for him

"What did he do?" Mu Qingge asked lightly.

She is not suspicious of Simao, but she is very curious about what Simao has done to make Liyuan misunderstand so.

"Well, what did you do?" Li Yuan sneered. She tried to search for the memory in her mind, but could not find a satisfactory answer. "What did you do? What did he do... " She put her hands on her face, and her expression became panic. She kept asking herself, "what did he do to me What did you do... "

Mu Qingge frowns and takes a step back.

"No Suddenly, Liyuan went crazy and waved his sleeve.

The momentum of the saint's state, such as a huge wave, mu Qingge's quick eye and quick hand, quickly retreated, avoiding the situation of being the first to bear the brunt and being caught in a mess.

"This crazy woman!" She said in her heart.

The movement in the room attracted the attention of the female officials outside the door.

They rushed in one after another, but they were stopped by Liyuan: "get out of here!"

The female officials did not dare to disobey, and quickly withdrew.

In the room, it is still Liyuan and muqingge. However, Liyuan's mood is still in a state of madness, while muqingge is secretly vigilant."Why doesn't he like me? How can there be a man who doesn't like me? So many people like me, love me, fall in love with me and hope to get me. I just want him, but he is so cruel and heartless Liyuan's hands were on the window lattice, and her steps were a little shaky. Her eyes, looking into the distance, are full of hate.

Mu Qingge shakes his head slowly and is ready to leave here.

However, as soon as her feet moved, she turned her eyes and looked at her closely. Being watched by her, mu Qingge also had to pause the movement of leaving.

"You're the only man I've ever met who can match his looks." Suddenly, Liyuan sings to Mu Qing.

Mu light song's eyes narrowed, heart abdominal Fei, "a Mo?"? No, no one can match him in my heart. "

Liyuan continued: "although your accomplishments are not as good as him, you are the little God Emperor of Yueyu domain. Sooner or later, you will also become the emperor.". I already know your story. In just a few years, you can make such a big move in the land of four sea gods. You are really extraordinary. "

"Thank you for your praise." Mu light song eyes light flash, silent way.

"As long as you promise me a condition, I can help you to become the most dazzling existence in the land of the four seas in the shortest time, ascend the throne of the God, and become the first person of the four seas God land!" Li Yuan sings to Mu Qing.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked at her suspiciously.

Seems to be asking, what kind of conditions, will get such a generous return.

Liyuan's crazy look converged, and then he reappeared with a noble smile. "I only want you to admit to everyone that you love me, love me, and want to marry me."

Mu Qingge smiles unconsciously. She looks at Li Yuan's light way: "God Emperor, I said just now, it's not sweet to twist a melon."

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