"In fact, I don't know where my destination is. I just follow the instructions given by the voice in my heart." After stepping into the boundary of the demon forest, Chu read some helpless song to Mu light.

Mu Qingge said, "do you think that sound will hurt you?"

Chu Nian thought seriously and shook his head firmly, "No. I feel very kind and don't think it will hurt me

"That's all right. Go with it." Mu Qingge smiles and comforts.

Her words made Chu Nian relax and smile.

Two people enter the demon forest, did not see the beast guard. After walking for a while, he said strangely, "why don't you see the orcs?"

"It is said that in the demon forest, territory is divided according to ethnic groups. Perhaps the place where we are standing now belongs to the no matter what area. " Mu Qingge speculated.

"But if that's the case, it's not easy to get in if there are foreign invaders?" First read frown way.

Mu Qingge smiles and walks leisurely in the mountain forest with his hands behind him. "The demon forest is located between the gods and demons, and it is difficult to pass through. Although there is no barrier on the protoss side, if we want to attack in a large scale, I'm afraid we can't hide the orc's power. Even... "

She reached out and vaguely pointed to the sky and looked around again. In fact, we don't feel the sound of people running in the water. As long as we have a little bit of misbehavior, I am afraid our hearts will be immediately reported to the territory of the major ethnic groups. "

Chu Nian opened her mouth in shock and said with a frightened smile, "although I have no malice, I have some self-protection ability. However, when you say so, I'm afraid. "

"No, we are not here to fight against the orcs. The heart is not afraid of the shadow slanting, just walk magnanimously. " Mu light song smile way.

First read with a smile nodded, feel that there is mu light song around, really feel at ease a lot.

However, when she continues to walk in, she will be attracted by the frequent visits of Chu Nian. Her curious appearance is really not like the calm, wise and kind-hearted princess in the no China world.

"You are not young, and have never been to the demon forest?" Mu Qingge's funny way.

First read a Leng, nodded lost way: "my father did not let me come to the demon forest, said that the demon forest is too chaotic, far away from Wuhua domain. If I want to travel, I can travel in the four seas and gods, but I can't enter the demon forest. "

Mu Qingsong is silent.

The control of Wuhua emperor makes people feel that he is guilty and avoiding something deliberately.

"This time, I also told him that I wanted to travel in the land of four seas and gods before leaving. I didn't tell him directly that I was coming to demon forest. " Chu read Dao.

Mu Qingge nodded with a smile, "the first reading princess is warning me, don't talk nonsense, right?"

First read a listen, eyes a turn, immediately stare at a way: "yes! If you dare to reveal my whereabouts, I will definitely put you You are... "

"What about me?" Mu Qingge's funny way.

How about the light song?

This is really a dilemma for the first time. It's hard to give up killing nature. Fight? It seems hard to win. It is said that mu Qingge had a hand with Yan lie and forced Yan lie back.

After thinking about it for a long time, he said helplessly, "I can't do anything about you either."

Her helpless appearance made mu Qingge look up and laugh. She had a natural and natural smile, not coy, with a bit of frivolous overbearing.

For a while, I was so crazy about my first reading.

Wait for mu light song to laugh to give up, just see her to look at oneself trance appearance.

"First time." Mu light song convergence smile, called out.

First read back to God, see Mu light song asked eyes light, two groups of rosy cheeks rose, look also become shy.

Fortunately, just a moment, she returned to normal, mu Qingge did not continue to ask.

At this time, the way in Chu Nian's heart has been guiding her to the voice of the demon forest, and ring up. She froze in place, her eyes become a little empty.

"My child, my child, come back soon Come back to your real home I'm waiting for you... " The voice was calling again and again.

First read the appearance of loss of mind, let Mu light song uneasily shout a, "first read, are you ok?"

This sound, like the evening drum and morning bell, takes the first reading out of that sound. She blinked, looked at Xiangmu light song, "that sound appears again."

"What does it say?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and asked.

"He said," let me go home, to my real home. " The first time read the words, some helplessly look to Mu light song.

These feelings, she subconsciously did not tell the emperor, just a person to bear. Now met Mu light song, as if finally found a rely on the general, said everything without reservation.

"Don't be afraid. Since it won't hurt you, let's go and have a look." Mu light song comfort way.First read pursed lips and nodded.

"Do you know where we're going next?" Mu Qingge asked.

First read frown, think carefully, a coordinate appeared in the mind. She is not sure of the way: "I want to know the location, but I do not know, where to go."

"Let's go on and ask when we get to the orc market." Mu light song road.

"Well." First read nodded.

The two continued to go deep into the demon forest, and the forest, big trees, streams, rivers, mountains, hills, plains and grasslands were also in the eye.

It seems that it is no different from the mountains and rivers outside, but there are a small number of extremely strong races hidden here.

"If it wasn't for the orcs, which were dominated by ethnic groups and operated by their own way, and if they were not much less than the two tribes, I'm afraid that the land of gods and demons would not be dominated by the two races, but by the tripartite confrontation." Mu Qingge sighed in his heart.

After they entered the demon forest, they walked for a day and a night, and finally saw the place where the smoke was cooking again.

"Baixiang collection" Chu Nian stood in front of a polished stone and read out the words engraved on it.

She turned her eyes to Mu Qingge and said to her, "it is said that among the orcs, there will be such markets among different ethnic groups to exchange daily needs. It seems that this is the place."

"Let's go in and have a look and find out what the coordinates in your mind are pointing to." Mu light song road.

First read to nod, and Mu light song together to walk towards the hundred incense.

Entering Baixiang collection, they were curious about all the scenes presented in front of them.

Before he looked at it carefully, Chu Nian was attracted by a map hanging at the entrance and carved on the stone slab. Her hand, pointing to one of the positions, said to Mu Qingsong, "here it is!"

Mu Qingge looks at the place she refers to and says in her heart, "Phoenix territory"!

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