"Boy, you are back at last! Dad finally waited for you to come back! "

As soon as the voice came out, the shock was not only the first reading, but also the Luan bird guards. And Mu light song and silver dust, but just a quiet look at each other.

However, in their eyes, there is still a layer of surprise.

This way, you found dad?

I can't help but sigh at the strong sense of the orc blood!

"Dad? What Dad? My father is the emperor of Wu Hua domain First read a murmur, quickly back away, standing in Mu light song side, eyes a little flustered looking at him.

At this time, Yinchen sent a faint voice to Mu Qingge, "look, how much she depends on you? She was not like that when she was in Wuhua. "

Mu Qingge's mouth twitched, and he also said, "anyone who meets this kind of thing will panic."

Silver dust is silent, because he has to admit mu Qingge's words.

Chu Niang always thought that he was a human race and a Protoss. Having been the daughter of Wu Hua emperor for more than 5000 years, how could he accept the fact that he was an orc?

"Who is talking nonsense?" Chu read a loud cry. There was anger and urgency in the voice.

She did not know the identity of the speaker, but Luan Niao Wei did. However, the sentence that just came from the sky made them not dare to make a mistake for the first time.

At this time, a sound of Feng Ming rose.

Luan bird guard one after another kneels down, long spear pestle on the ground, respectfully bow his head, "greet emperor Feng!"

"Welcome to his Majesty the emperor Feng!"

"Emperor Feng?" Chuniang murmured in his mouth. His eyes were wide and his eyes were full of shock.

It's the Phoenix emperor!

The emperor of Phoenix!

Mu Qingge looked at Chu Nian's side face and thought, "it seems that Chu Nian is the life of a princess, whether it's a God or a beast."

The courteous voice of Luan Niao Wei falls, and a colorful glow falls from the sky. Between Luan Niao Wei and Chu Nian, a human figure appears.

This person, tall and tall, tall and straight, the proportion of the body is very good.

Waiting for Guanghua to disperse, gradually revealed his appearance.

His face, very angular, can not be described as handsome, should be resolute and handsome. His nose tip, slightly with a little hook, like a beak, lips are very thin, but the color is very good.

He was wearing a colorful Royal robe, which seemed to be woven with feather feathers, or transformed from his own feathers, emitting a faint halo, which was very beautiful.

On his head, there is a crown, which shows his unique identity.

As soon as the Phoenix emperor appeared, he did not pay attention to anyone, but looked directly at the first reading. All the missing, loving and complex feelings in his eyes poured in.

"Child!" Feng Huang opened his mouth and stretched out his hand to feel his hair.

However, two people are separated by a certain distance, even if the Phoenix emperor will stretch out his arms, also can not reach the first reading.

First read a pretty face tight, lips tight looking at the Phoenix emperor.

When he spoke again, she had recognized the voice, which was the voice that had been bewitching herself and came to the demon forest.

Suddenly, a feeling of being cheated rose from her heart.

"Since you are a magnificent man, why do you want to bewitch me to come here from Wu Hua domain?" Chu Nian asked.

"Wu Hua Yu! You are in Wu Hua domain The emperor lost his voice. "I've been looking for you in the demon forest for many years, and I've been sending my men to the regions of the two tribes of gods and demons to inquire about your information. I didn't expect that you were in Wuhua domain. When I stole your mother and the thief you stole, I tried my best to hide your breath from the sky and the sea. I couldn't feel it. But for your recent nirvana, I would not have sensed you

Feng Huang's words, let the first read to hear a face inexplicable, in the heart is very repulsive, do not want to think deeply.

However, after listening to Mu Qingge, he made up for some of the past and later in his mind. "It seems that at that time, Wu Hua God Emperor might have accidentally passed through the Phoenix territory and took Chu Nian's mother away when she woke up from nirvana. At that time, I am afraid that the mother of the first reading already had her. The Phoenix people are all egg laying, and it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to hatch their offspring. Therefore, it is very difficult for them to extend their offspring. The Wuhua God Emperor did not know what means to cover Chu Nian and the blood breath of the women in the Xiaoye Pavilion, so that Chu Nian lived like a human race, but the emperor Feng couldn't find it. But now, Chu Nian's innate Nirvana power has to wake up and break through that kind of covering method, so that the emperor Feng can feel her and summon her here. "

Everything seems to have come to light.

However, this answer, for the first year, is too sudden and too difficult to accept.

"What are you talking about? I am a human race, the daughter of the emperor of Wuhua Kingdom, and the princess of Wuhua domain! " First read out loud denial.

A trace of pain appeared on the Phoenix emperor's face, and he said to the first time: "son, you are the princess of our Phoenix family, you are the little Phoenix, not the daughter of the no China emperor, he is just a shameful thief! I'm your father, and tell me, where is your mother? Why can't I feel her breath for thousands of years? ""No! It's impossible! " First thought shook his head, constantly denied, but not to believe.

She didn't want to believe that the father, who loved him dearly, was just an impostor. It's just a lie that you don't believe your identity.

"Child, I will not lie to you. Even if you don't believe me, the nirvana power in your body will soon wake up, and then you will remember everything and know whether you are a person or a Phoenix. " Fenghuang heartache way.

"No No No way It's all fake It's a conspiracy It's a conspiracy against Wu Hua Yu... " First read while shaking his head and murmuring, while retreating.

Her helplessness and unwillingness to believe hurt the Phoenix emperor's eyes and hurt his heart.

First read at the foot of a step falter, Mu light song busy hand to hold her shoulders.

Feeling the warmth of Mu Qingge's palm, the first thought seemed to find a way to rely on, and poured it into her arms. "Light song, take me away."

She begged.

However, this intimate scene, but let Feng Huang's eyes almost spew fire. He can be humble about his first thought, but he doesn't have to be quiet to others.

He looked at the light song of Xiangmu, and the fierce color burst out from some kind. "Who are you? Let go of my daughter! Can you defile my princess of Phoenix clan

Then he said, "come on! Take down these human beings who dare to intrude into our Phoenix territory! "

He was stunned by the heavy news. The Luan bird guard, who was stunned for a long time, immediately responded and rushed out with a long gun in his hand, and surrounded mu Qingge and silver dust

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