Magic fruit, is mountain charm?!

Shanmei is the magic fruit?!

Mu Qingge was shocked and widened his eyes, and so did he.

Yin Yue and Yan Jue looked at them, and there was a kind of emotion in their eyes. It was like the biggest secret of Shanmei clan, which was unexpectedly spread out in front of them.

Beside the old trees, it suddenly becomes very quiet.

After a long time, mu Qingge took a deep breath and calmed down the shock.

Yan's eyes, however, could not hide their surprise. The light of their eyes moved from Yin Yue to Yin Jue!

"You Is it the fruit that becomes? " He lost his voice.

What he said was a little too straightforward, but the meaning was right. According to Yin Jue, Meizu is the fruit of meiguo. Isn't it all the fruit of this ancient tree?

Yan Yue's face suddenly became strange, and his eyes were complex and hard to understand.

Yan Jue looked at him and said, "strictly speaking, Shanmei is the first fruit on this tree."

Mu Qingge said: "it seems that this is a very long story."

Yin Jue nodded, "yes! It's a long time. As long as the demon forest does not exist, the beasts have not yet appeared. "

"You are not deceiving us, are you?" She frowned, doubted.

Yin Jue looked at him and did not speak.

But Yan Yue said in a hurry: "brother Kong, don't you believe me?"

This sentence of her, make the facial expression of you change a few. But, because one third of his face has been tattooed, his expression is more difficult to understand.

"The reason why my uncle told you this secret is that when you are friends, I don't want to cheat you, let alone fight with you." Yin Yue said again.

"Uncle?" Mu Qingge raised her eyebrows and eyes in surprise and looked at Yin Jue.

He also blinked in amazement. "Are you an uncle and nephew?"

My uncle was born several years earlier than my uncle

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, drop eyes come.

This Viviparous and tree born blood relationship, really very different ah!

Thinking of this, mu Qingge looks at him with some sympathy. She thought it was spring, but she didn't expect that the queen of mountain charm was fruiting. She was with her

Mu Qingge quickly shakes his head, convergence of the mood. At this time, it's not the gossip that matters! She reminded herself.

"Your Majesty, I am because of you." At this time, Yin Jue spoke.

His words seem to be in Mu Qingge and explanation, "since he has saved your life, we should be honest with each other." What he meant was that he didn't want Yan Yue to be embarrassed.

Yan Yue pursed his lips and was silent, but he couldn't help looking at him secretly.

However, at the moment, all his attention was focused on the ancient trees and the enchanting fruits, and he did not notice Yan Yue's eyes at all.

"Since we want to be frank, please tell us the story about the mountain spirit." Mu Qingge said.

Yin Jue looked up at the old tree and said slowly, "the mountain charm is born from this tree. This legend is true. Most of the mountain charms you see today are the first fruits of this tree. The result of the tree is to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. When mature, it falls to the ground and touches the essence of the earth. We are tree species and human beings. We are like human beings, like trees but not trees. "

Mu light song and song, quietly listening, no interruption.

Yin Jue closed her eyes, looked at Xiangmu Qingge and Yan, and then continued: "the first batch of fruit, almost all turned into charm, forming a family of mountain charm. However, every millennium, there are new fruits of enchantment, but less and less magic. Even, the last time the fruit was ripe and dropped, there was only one magic fruit. And on this tree, the fruit is less and less. The first time, there will be thousands more. Now, there are only a few, a dozen. "

"It is said that this tree bears fruit once every thousand years, with ten fruits at a time." Mu light song light road.

Yin Jue nodded, "this is to avoid the outside world to know the truth of the magic fruit, deliberately spread out. In recent years, I have also said to the public that ancient trees no longer bear fruit. Gradually, the world will forget the existence of the magic fruit, is this not good? "

"If the mountain charm is the fruit of enchantment, why will there be a thousand years of results and ten thousand years of cultivation?" Mu Qingge asked again.

But Yin Jue said, "this is true."

His answer, make Mu light song's eyes suddenly shrink, eyes slowly narrowed up.

Yin Jue said: "as I said before, today's magic fruit is less and less, and those fruits that have not turned into mountain charm after landing are still fruits. Although it can not be turned into a mountain charm, it contains thousands of years of heaven and earth essence. Eating it can really increase the capability of thousands of years. It's just Even if it is the fruit that can not be turned into charm, in our eyes, it is still our blood compatriots. How can we take it to outsiders to eat? "Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said in his heart, "if this statement is true, then the fruit of enchantment is the stillbirth of Mei."

"What does the magic fruit really mean? If it is spread out, what will it cause? Do you know?" Yin Jue looked at Xiangmu light song seriously, as well as Yu.

His face was cold and stern, and he was silent.

Mu Qingge said slowly and expressionless: "if once the truth comes out, the outside world will guess that an enchanting fruit that can't be transformed into charm can increase ten thousand years of skill, so what if you eat the enchanting fruit?"

Her words made Yan's breath stagnate, and Yan Yue and Yan Jue's faces became extremely ugly.

Shaoqing, Yin Jue just nodded and said, "good. Greed makes the heart lose. Even if we explain to the public that Shanmei has no effect on enchanting fruit, they still won't believe it, they will only believe the greedy imagination in their hearts. "

He opened his mouth and closed it silently.

Because, he had to admit that Yin Jue was telling the truth. Even when he heard the truth, he couldn't help thinking about whether it would be more powerful to swallow the mountain charm than the magic fruit.

Fortunately, he is also a fierce beast at the beginning of the world, and does not need the magic fruit. The thought just flashed through his mind, not deep.

Yin Jue's words let mu Qingge understand the helpless of Shanmei.

Looking at Yan Yue, Yin Jue said to Mu Qingge and Yu: "Your Majesty, the tallest one among the third batch of fruits. It was also the first group in that group to fall into charm. So she's the third emperor. "

Mu Qingge looked at Yin Jue, "so you are the second group?"

Yin Jue nodded, "now there are not many of the first batch of mountain charms. The whole Shanmei clan has only had less than a thousand people after so many years of reproduction. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!