"Light song, we'll wait here?"

In the room of mountain charm, she is unwilling to ask for the light song of mu.

In the room, only they two people, silver dust was mu Qingge took back the space, let him refine the real dragon blood.

At the moment, mu Qingge is standing by the window, overlooking the scenery outside, and she is a little grumpy standing by her side, pulling his hair from time to time.

"Didn't they say it and leave it to them?" Mu light song calm way.

"But But... " It took me a long time, but I didn't have it, but I came out of it.

All of a sudden, his eyes in a bright, his face suddenly excited. "I see. Do you want to steal the fruit after Shanmei goes out?"

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at him with a trace of surprise in his eyes.

However, without waiting for her to speak, she said excitedly: "wonderful! This is a great opportunity! Now that Shanmei has gone to deal with those stinky loach, we are just going to steal the fruit. It's just as if we didn't know it! "

Mu light song's mouth a smoke, had to pour him a head of cold water. "Do you know where meiguo exists?"


The color of excitement on his face suddenly stopped.

"If I know, what am I doing here?" Murmured.

Mu light song hook lips and smile, eyes full of banter. "We've been given some advice, but you don't know it."

"What kind of conspiracy?" She raised her eyes and looked at Xiangmu light song blankly.

Mu Qingge said: "Yan Jue told us the secret of Shanmei so happily, is it right that you still have some benevolence in your heart, so that we can retreat in the face of difficulties? People have taken out their hearts and lungs to us. Now they are still fighting against the dragon clan for us. How can we have the good intention to make the idea of magic fruit again? Not only that, after leaving, but also to help Shanmei keep the secret. It's clearly due to you, but now it's our debt to Shanmei. "

Under the interpretation of Mu Qingge, she gradually understood the hidden meaning.

His eyes began to glare, "Wow! How dare he? How cunning

Mu light song is calm to shake his head, "also can't say that others are cunning, this is a clear and plain conspiracy, just see how to take the move."

"What now? How can we get the magic fruit if he succeeds? " It's an emergency road. All of a sudden, he stared at Mu Qingsong and said, "we're going out now. We don't need them to deal with the dragon clan. Let's fight by ourselves! If you don't accept their love, you won't be fooled by them! "

After that, he was going to rush out.

"Come back." However, as soon as he moved, he was stopped by mu Qingge.

She was helpless to return and said to her, "it is said that mountain charm is pure and good in nature, and is regarded as an immortal in the forest. I didn't expect it. It's just cunning like a fox. "

Mu light song laughingly shook his head, "they have lived so long, if there is no point in mind, that is not normal."

He calmed down and nodded: "you are right."

Two people are talking, in the heart of fire want to ask Mu light song the next response. But suddenly I heard footsteps outside.

Silver dust is not in the room, if it is known, I am afraid it will expose the secret of moqingge space.

Therefore, mu Qingge and Shen looked at each other, then they walked out of the door together and stood on the terrace outside the door to see the people.

"Your Majesty." Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, to come person hook lip and way.

The person who came was Yan Yue. There were two mountain girls behind her. It was rare to put them outside.

Yan Yue politely raised his jaw to Mu Qingge, then looked at him, smiling: "brother Kong."

"Hum." Because he was still angry with Yin Jue, he gave an awkward hum to Yan le.

Yan Yue's smile, stiff in his face, asked: "brother Kong, what's the matter with you? But angry with me? "

Chen's gloomy face did not want to answer, but was looked over by mu Qingge, so that he had to respond bravely: "No."

"So you are..." Yan Yue still worried.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing here?" Mu Qingge broke in in time and solved his embarrassment.

Yan Yue reluctantly took back his eyes, looked at mu Qingge and nodded: "I know you must be anxious about the outside situation, so come here."

After that, she waved back, and the two girls came out with her. In their hands, they were holding a high mirror.

Just now, the mirror was blocked by Yan Yue, but it was not found by mu Qingge and Chen.

"This mirror, you can see what's going on outside." Yan Yue explained that he brushed his sleeves in front of the mirror, and suddenly, on the chaotic mirror, there was a scene beyond the holy mountain.

The first to enter the picture is the dragon people who cover the clouds and block the sun!

"This mirror is the same as wearing a mirror!" Mu light song in the heart of a dark praise, attention on the mirror in the picture.

The Dragon nationality is huge and slender, occupying the air, blocking the sky, the sun and the moon."More than 20 old dragons have been sent out!" His voice was very deep, squeezing this sentence out of his teeth.

"Brother Kong, don't worry." But Yan Yue looked at him calmly and said a word.

In the picture, in addition to the dragon family, it is the mountain charm led by Yin Jue. There are more than 300 people standing in the forest in order to confront the dragon people.

The dragon clan hovering in the air is led by the Dragon Emperor.

"The old loach of the Dragon Emperor has come in person When he finished, he gave a sarcastic sneer.

"Dragon King?" Mu Qingge eyebrows a pick, eyes fell on the mirror of the only golden dragon body.

"Dragon Emperor, are you not afraid to disturb the holy mountain when you come here with such a high profile today?" Yin Jue looked up and looked at the five clawed Golden Dragon Road in the air.

The Dragon Emperor looked down and looked at Yin Jue, and said in a deep voice, "it is not my intention to disturb the holy mountain and the people in the mountain. As long as the Shanmei clan hands over the GUI and his accomplices, the dragon clan will naturally retreat. "

Yin Jue's beautiful face, with a smile without temperature, "since you are in our Shanmei family, you are our guests. We don't care about other places, but here, no one can move him."

"So you Shanmei must get involved in this matter?" Dragon Emperor eyes light a Li, the voice is cold a few minutes.

He is afraid of mountain charm, but it does not mean that he is afraid.

The status of Shanmei is transcendent in the demon forest, but not invincible.

Yin Jue shook his head slowly, and his smile did not change. "The mountain charm family has been guarding the holy mountain for generations, ignoring the affairs of the world. It is a big taboo in the demon forest for the dragon people to invade without authorization. Dragon Emperor, if you don't want to go back, don't blame me. "

"What should you do?" the Dragon Emperor said

However, Yin Jue was smiling and speechless, but the three hundred mountain spirits behind him shot the arrows into the air. Suddenly, the wind and cloud changed color

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