In a daze, he didn't understand what mu Qingge said.

He stood in silence, his eyes filled with doubts. For Mao, he felt that moqingge was a little strange?

Yan Yue also caught up with him, stood behind him, saw Mu Qingsong, and showed a sincere smile. "Qingge, you're out! I heard from my uncle that you saved me. I haven't had time to say thank you

Mu Qingge turns slowly and faces them.

Suddenly, she's eyes suddenly shrunk, shocked: "your cultivation!"

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, the expression is calm and self-confident way: "sage state six layers."


As soon as their faces changed, they both took a cold breath.

In particular, he saw mu Qingge step by step from the silver realm to today. A magic fruit can make her break through five levels in a row? So bad!

"Qingge, it took you only two years to refine the enchanting fruit, and you can improve so many levels of cultivation!" Yan Yue was shocked.

However, he knows that they have been waiting outside for two years, which does not mean that muqingge has only practiced for two years.

He also understood that the breakthrough of cultivation after entering the saint's realm was not only as simple as the accumulation of divine power, but also had a deep feeling for the Tao.

All of a sudden, she understood the meaning of the first sentence of Mu Qingge.

"Is it This girl, in this period of time, has a new understanding of the road? " He asked in his heart.

"Cough. That Yin Yue... " "Qingge has just passed the customs clearance, we have something to say..."

Yan Yue immediately understood what she meant, and she said intelligently, "well, I have some things to deal with, so I'll go first." Said, she still did not forget to Mu light song way: "light song, you have a rest, I will come tomorrow to thank you for your salvation."

"You don't have to thank me. I took the fruit." Mu light song road.

But Yan Yue didn't look bad because of this, just said with a smile: "one yard goes to one yard." With that, she would smile and turn away.

She watched Yan Le leave, and when he slowly turned back, he was startled by the Mu light song that appeared in front of him.

Mu Qingge raised a teasing smile, "it seems that I closed this period of time, you are not idle ah!"

, "I make complaints about my hairs," I said with a hum.

Then he said, "what do you mean by that? What? You've never done anything against heaven

With a faint smile, mu Qingge sat on one side at will and said to him, "it's nothing. It's just this closed door practice that I've got some insights. Before, I have been asking the outside world. This time, I asked myself, and I found that I had misunderstood some things before. But it doesn't stop me from moving forward. "

"What do you mean?" When I heard it, I was in a fog.

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said slowly: "before, I regarded heaven and earth as shackles. What I want to do is to pierce the sky, step on the ground, and break the shackles. But now I find that it is not. The vast expanse of heaven and earth is beyond our imagination. What I want to do is not to destroy heaven and earth like a monkey, but to take a road that belongs to me alone. How to walk this way, I am not in heaven and earth. One day, I want to be able to stand outside the day and see what the sky is like. All those who want to stop me from going up are my enemies. They are the shackles and tigers blocking me

Gradually some understand, but do not understand.

However, he could see that muqingge was more powerful than before. This power is not physical or spiritual.

The soul of war in her body is hotter and stronger than ever!

"How about silver dust?" He asked.

Mu light song light smile, "he is very good, these days also should come out. When he comes out, we'll leave here and get out of the demon forest. "

He nodded.

Mu Qingge joked to him: "I'm going to leave, but what's not to give up?"

"What will I not give up?" He murmured.

Mu light song speechless and smile, did not pierce his face a trace of guilty.


Mu Qingge's passing out of the pass has suddenly become a high-level strongman of the sage realm. Such strength, in the four seas God land, already equal to the God Emperor.

At least, the Liyuan has only five layers of Saint's realm.

Hearing the news, Yin Jue came to see it with her own eyes, but she was still surprised. Finally, he just exclaimed, "the magic fruit is so powerful!"

After three days, his strength has been scattered from his body.

Looking at him, mu Qingge has a deeper understanding of himself. Silver dust from a small snow fox king, follow himself. At that time, he was just a spirit animal with the blood of a god beast. Why is it not because of his own choice and hard work that he can achieve these things now?

If he didn't choose moqingge, or he didn't have the courage to choose challenges again and again, how could he look like today?The clearance of silver dust means that mu Qingge wants to leave here.

When he left, he didn't say goodbye, but Yan Le just told him to be careful. Yin Jue never said a word.

The three left the territory of the Meizu and went directly to the outside of the demon forest.

The dragon people's side

Mu Qingge doesn't worry at all. Even if the dragon emperor leads the dragon clan, they can't easily kill them.

And the Phoenix clan side, mu Qingge did not go to inquire whether Chu Nian left.

Anyway, as long as you get in touch with Lin, you will leave.

Walking out of the demon forest, Moqing Gordon has a kind of feeling as if separated from the world.

Since all the princesses of the Phoenix clan have signed a life and death contract with her, then she has such a mount as Xiaocai, and she is afraid that the Phoenix family will find trouble?

A demon forest, Mu light song on the release of small color, three people directly toward the dew and go.

She is going to see her fenglinyedu, her dragon tooth guards, her subordinates, and the Mu people who finally submit to her.

From the demon forest to the morning dew, it is not possible to arrive overnight, even if it is a small color.

Night falls, mu Qingge three people fall in a mortal City, ready to rest. However, when they walked into an inn, they heard a loud hiss -

"how can I refuse to pay? Old man, I know xiaoshenhuangmu Qingge in Yueyu. She shouts to me when she sees me! I'll depend on you? I just went out for a while and forgot to take the jade with me. Didn't I ask my granddaughter to pick it up? "

Mu Qingge stood by the door, and she and silver dust looked at her, with some funny in their eyes.

But mu light song looks strange, because she has already recognized who this swindles and swindles with her name! , the fastest update of the webnovel!