"Who broke in at night?"

A sharp burst of shouts came from the tower.

The people in the cloak suddenly looked back, and before they could get close to them, they fell down one by one.

The sound of footsteps came from afar.

There were more people coming this time. They were all in a hurry after hearing the yell.

However, the shadow standing on the top of the city turned into a dark light and rushed to the magic soldiers. That speed is extremely fast, the most important thing is, without a trace of power fluctuations, everything is so quietly happened.

Where the dark light passed, the magic soldiers fell without exception, and they didn't even have the power to fight back.

It should be said that they fell down and died before they could even see who the attacker was. And the dark light did not stop, directly across the wall, toward the mountains behind.

After dark light ran away for a while, Yuanfeng rushed to with his assistant general and magic soldiers.

However, he did not see the enemy, only saw the body of a ground!

"What's going on? Who did it The original seal was suddenly cracked.

"General, a few people in front of me were killed by a blow in the head. And these people... " The Magic general quickly examined the body and reported to the original seal.

However, before he finished, the corpses of those magic soldiers on the ground, except for those who were blown out of their heads, suddenly changed.

Their skin quickly cracked and shriveled, as if the water had evaporated in an instant.

This change, so that the living demon soldiers can not help but back a few steps.

And the original seal is protected by the pro back.

Under the night, this scene becomes particularly strange. Even if they were demons, they were still held their breath by this strange trick.

However, this is just the beginning, the change is not over!

Those changed corpses of demon soldiers started to move.

Their feet hobbled up from the ground, their shriveled skin gradually turned green, their backs bent, and their hair constantly dropped from their helmets.

What's more shocking is that the hair falling on the ground seems to be alive. It turns into a slender green insect like hair, and spreads rapidly in the city tower.

"Back The eyes of the original seal suddenly shrunk and ordered everyone to step back to avoid the weird.

However, the corpses of these deviant demons raised their heads at right angles, and a strange hoarse voice came out from the throat.

In an instant, those insects crawling all over the ground, like lightning, attack them.

The mutated corpses also attacked them.

Such a change made the original seal and other demon soldiers unable to defend themselves. Fortunately, they were also alert before, so they were not successfully attacked.

However, the worms that the hair turns into are extremely fast and numerous, and their attack angle is very tricky, which makes it impossible to defend them. In addition, there are those corpses of the devil soldiers interference, so that the wall of the devil soldiers into a trapped battle.

At this time, a bug penetrated into the demon soldier's skin, and the demon soldier cried out in pain, which attracted the attention of the original seal.

When he looked sideways, he saw that the devil soldier who had been penetrated by the insect began to tremble all over his body. His skin began to shrivel and blue, and his hair fell off. On the ground, he turned into that kind of strange and terrible insect.

"Be careful of those evil things! Don't let them get close to you Unfortunately, his reminder was late. When he spoke, he was accompanied by several screams, and many demon soldiers were eroded by insects.

On the tower, the scene fell into extreme chaos. The insects were cut off, but they could be divided into two parts. They could not be killed at all. The magic soldiers, who turned into green corpses, also lost their rationality and began to attack their fellow soldiers crazily. The magic power in their hands was constantly wielded.

The chaos on the tower attracted more attention from the demon soldiers. The sound of footsteps and armor came from the lower part of the tower and gradually approached here.

When he heard the news, he was very anxious.

The strangeness was beyond his control. He didn't know why, where the enemy was and what the purpose was.

At the moment, if there are continuous magic soldiers to join, it will only increase more casualties.

These attacks are so strange that they are obviously not the means on the land of gods and demons.

At the thought of this possibility, the original seal immediately said to the deputy general: "report immediately, there is a change in the alien race, there is a big army coming!"

The deputy general responded immediately and quickly sent the message to the Taihuang ancient palace.

"Step back The original seal at this time to those who rushed to rescue the magic soldiers quickly cried. However, even if the demon soldiers who rushed up heard that they wanted to turn around and leave, they couldn't avoid the speed of those insects.

All of a sudden, the screams continued to ring.

On the Bank of Menglan River, on the wall of demons, there has been chaos. What they didn't know was that outside the turbulent flow of space on the other side of the river, there was an army of foreigners waiting in silence.

They are waiting for the final command to be issued, because under the strong pressure, they can not enter there. Only when the pressure is lifted can they attack and kill wantonly!……

Under the night, the killing is on the move.

The seven gods and emperors of shenlu have been brought to the foot of a mountain. He turned to the leader and said, "that one is in the mountains. I don't know where it is."

"Well done." The head of the people, chest negative hand, a few can not check the nod.

However, the next moment, he waved, let that should be turned into a piece of ashes.

"Well, kill it. To avoid trouble. " One of them snorted without accident.

Another person also secluded way: "this sneak attack assassinate, always dishonorable, natural is the less people know better."

"Let's go." The leader, walking forward, plundered toward the mountain.

When he moved, the others naturally followed.

In an instant, they went up the mountain.

"It's not difficult to find a closed cave in the direction of pressure. The difficulty lies in how to trap him, so that he will not be aware of the enemy and flee. Here, but his territory, he is more familiar than us. As long as he shouts, we will be passive. " One of them is humanity.

The leader seemed to have been prepared. He took out some magic tools that he had prepared in advance, and said to several people, "what's the difficulty? Outside the mountain, you can arrange a big array of Tianluo seven kill stars. With seven of us as the eyes of the array, as long as we don't die, the formation will not break, reinforcements can't come in and he can't go out. Moreover, this array will continue to consume his strength and divine consciousness to support us. He will be weaker and weaker, and we will be stronger and stronger. Will it be hard to predict the outcome? "

"Wonderful! Wonderful Purple eyes flash, praise.

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