"I'm afraid these children don't know that the stronger the place, the colder the law of the jungle. The land of gods and demons is far less beautiful than they imagined. " If he could, he would rather stay in the middle ages all his life than come up again. Unfortunately, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

The dean of Dandao hospital sighed in his heart.

"There's light ahead." Yingze coagulates the sight extremely distant place, to several humanity.

"It looks like the exit is coming." Wei moling also said a word.

The smile on his face deepened and he said excitedly, "ha ha ha! The land of gods and demons, here I am

Whew! Whew!

The bodies of the four people turned into four rays of light and went towards the well head at a very fast speed.

Just as they were about to reach the well head, they could not see anything clearly by the white light in front of them.

"Close your eyes." The dean of Dandao academy reminded me.

As soon as his voice fell, Ji Yaoyao, Ying Ze and Wei Mo Chu all closed their eyes without hesitation and let the dazzling white light cover them.

Suddenly, a huge suction, pulling them out of the well.

When they are down-to-earth, they slowly open their eyes.

However, before they could recover their sight completely and see the scene around them, they heard a burst of taunt and teasing in their ears.

"Oh, four came along."

"And there's an old man."

"Four people, also need not rob, just we three God domain one person."

"What about the one left?"

"The rest Let him live and die in the sea of stars. "

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Rampant laughter spread, at this time, the four people's line of sight also gradually clear, faintly saw in front of six people.

The laughter and the conversation just now came from them.

"Don't hurry to be happy. Who knows if these new flying calves have the ability? If you don't have the ability, why take it back? Instead of letting them waste resources, it's better to let them live and die on their own. "

"Hehe, if all of them are of the same level, it's easy to say. If one of them has a good quality, I'm afraid there will be a lot of fighting. "

"There are so few people who have risen in recent days. We have been guarding the well platform all day, and we have no fun. Now there are four people coming. Let's have a good time and serve us. Let's talk about choosing people."

"Well, it's just a few lower bound ants that have been flying up. Let them serve us, which is to give them face."

"It's a pity that all the men come. If there are a few women, it will be interesting."

The six talked without fear. They didn't look at Ji Yaoyao and Yingze.

The four people clearly listened to their conversation, and their excited mood was instantly extinguished.

In particular, Ji Yaoyao was the young master of the Ji family in the middle ancient world, where he served others. He had just entered the land of gods and Demons and suffered such insults.

Fortunately, he was able to bear it, but his anger was suppressed and did not attack on the spot.

The sight of the four was finally restored.

The dean of Dandao academy silently swept the token on six people's bodies, and had already counted their identities. "The western shenlu valley wind region, the northern shenlu ten square domain, and the eastern shenlu Zhuoyu domain."

Ji Yaoji, Yingze, and Wei Mozi also saw clearly the appearance of the six. It's just that they don't understand what the identity token means, so they don't know the identities of several people.

The three of them frowned slightly, and the six in front of them all looked the same age, but their service was different. And now they are standing in a place that seems to be the top of the wellhead.

However, the well top is suspended in the starry sky. At the moment, they seemed to be in a sea of stars and could not see land at all.

What about the legendary land of gods and demons?

The scene in front of them surprised all of them.

"If a woman is attractive, it doesn't matter if she is pretty. Why don't you make him look like a woman and please us One of the disciples of shifangyu was staring at Ji Yaoyao with frivolous words in his mouth.

His eyes fell on Ji Yaoyao and made his face sink.

Not only that, the man also stretched out his finger to touch Ji Yaoyao's face.

Ji Yaoyao had never been insulted by this kind of insult. His anger, which was pressed in his heart, suddenly jumped up. Fortunately, Yingze caught him in time and stopped his impulse with his eyes.

Ji Yao's eyes were burning like fire, and the bony joints on his clenched fist turned white.

He turned his head and avoided the teasing of the disciples of the ten fields.

Suddenly, others jokingly laughed at the ten field disciples of the sky. After being ridiculed by the crowd, the disciples of shifangyu immediately covered their faces with a layer of haze. They waved their hands and played a magic power, which directly fell on Ji Yaoyao's chest.If Ji Yaoyao is hit, he will be killed or injured.

And the cultivation of the three of them was the most powerful in the medieval world, but what was it in the land of gods and demons?

Just when Ji Yaoyao was about to be hit, the dean of the Dandao academy made a move. He didn't go to knock down the attack, but he quickly pulled Ji Yaoyao to the side and avoided it.

This time, the six disciples of the divine realm restrained their banter and looked at the four of them with gloomy eyes.

At the same time, Ying Ze and Wei Mo Chu pulled out their weapons, and Ji Yaoyao also took out his fan. The six men laughed at their readiness.

"What do you want to do with your weak chickens in such a situation?"

"Oh, are all ants so brave now? How dare you do it with us. "

"It doesn't matter. Let them come and we'll play with them."

"Play? Can they afford it? Just a few shrimps, I can do it in one move. "

"Come on, come on, fight for grandfather!" A disciple of Gu Fengyu raised his hand and patted his chest. His eyes were full of sarcasm.

Ji Yao was so angry that she wanted to wave the fan in her hand.

That's what he thinks and does. His fan is a saint level weapon made by mu Qingge himself. When he wields it, the eyes of the six people are immediately brightened.

"It's a good weapon!" Tao, a disciple of Zhuo Yuyu.

"It's a pity the master can't The disciples of shifangyu.

The disciples of Gufeng domain also followed, "this master is not good, we will give it another master. What do you think of me? " After that, he reached for Ji Yaoyao's fan.

This change changed Ji Yaoyao's face. He wanted to recall the fan, but he didn't want the fan, but he didn't listen to him and flew to the hands of those disciples in the divine realm.

Ji Yaoyao rushed up to grab the fan back. However, he was snorted by the disciples of Shenyu, and a magic power rushed directly to the four of them.

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