After that, they looked at each other and talked.

That kind of tacit agreement between life and death rises from the heart.

"Qingge, will you regret the contract of life and death with me?" Chu Nian suddenly asked.

Mu light song a Leng, slowly shake his head, "why can suddenly so ask?"

First read lips silent, seems to be some self blame. In her opinion, it is her selfishness to make a life and death contract with muqingge and to connect life with each other. She was worried that moqingge would reject the relationship.

Seeing her silence, mu Qingge said with a smile, "the Phoenix family, also known as the undead bird, has endless longevity. Each Nirvana represents a rebirth, which can live from eternity to eternity. I share my life with you, but I have taken a great advantage of it. Moreover, the Phoenix emperor must have prepared a magic weapon for you to resist Nirvana fire. In fact, it doesn't matter if I help you, but you still do it. I benefited from it, jumped into the realm of saints, and had a deeper understanding of the morality of life and death. How can I regret it if I get all the benefits? "

First read by her words said in the heart suddenly relaxed.

She looked at mu Qingge and said with a smile, "you don't blame me, I'll be happy."

"Silly girl, don't think so much." Mu Qingge said with a smile. Chuniang already knew that she was a woman, and mu Qingge was less worried about her words.

First read chuckled and looked at her playfully. "I'm so much older than you, but you call me a silly girl?"

Mu light song but calm way: "age is nothing, to see the heart."

"Well, do you call me childish?" The first time I read, I became coquettish and angry.

"No, absolutely not!" Muqingge quickly put aside.

They were talking and laughing when a voice came in. "I can't imagine that the little God Emperor of Yueyu is also a romantic person. Last time we met, we had a lovely wife and a beautiful elder martial sister. This time, I fought with the princess of Wuhua again

This voice, with a strong disdain and sharp words, is obviously to pick up trouble.

The smile on mu Qingge's face and Chu Nian's face are both restrained and look at the comer at the same time.

A few light and shadow, fall in front of them, light and shadow scattered, out of a few people.

The leader is the old opponent of Mu Qingge, the little God Emperor of Zhuo Yu region, Yan lie.

And the three people following him have never seen mu Qingge.

First read Xiangmu light song to lean on, the voice said: "the first is Yan lie, you have dealt with him, you should know. Following him are the little God Emperor of the South God Lu Jin Guang region, the North God Lu Shi Fang domain, and the thousand bird domain. In addition to the purple light region, Phoenix heaven region, burning sea area and sea sky region, there are small God emperors

Mu Qingge squints. She remembers that when she left from the purple light field, she once met a person, who should be a small God Emperor in the Western God land.

In that encounter, she recorded his voice and some details of his movements. If he knows his identity this time, he will not know for sure.

This time, I want her to collect interest and solve all the resentments that should be solved.

What's more, there is a message implied in Chu Nian's words, that is, out of the 16 God regions, there are 12 God realms with small gods. That is to say, there are twelve people coming here.

Today, there are six people standing here, accounting for half.

There are still six people, no trace.

"It turns out to be the little emperor Yanlie. You're all right. It's said that something happened to Zhuoyu recently, and the emperor of Zhuoyu has unfortunately fallen down. Please feel sorry for brother Yanlie. " Mu Qingge said.

Yan lie's eyes light a sink, the bottom of the eyes dark surge floating, sharp suddenly appear.

The three people who followed him exchanged a wink with each other. They are not Yan lie's subordinates, but because of the present Zhuoyu region, the emperor has fallen, and Yan lie is likely to be the first among them to become the emperor of God, so they will compliment him.

Of course, Yan lie, who was once the most powerful little emperor, is also quite influential.

"It is said that there have been a lot of contradictions in the Zhuoyu region recently because of the position of God Emperor. It's an unexpected moment for Yan to come. "

The person who said this is not a light song.

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at the two people who are falling down, with a pick on the eyebrows.

One of them had ice blue eyes, which she had seen only in one person. That's the emperor of Zhongshan! It is said that this kind of eye is caused by the special skill of Zhongshan area. So, the person who talks is Beiyan, the little god of Zhongshan region.

So, since he is Beiyan, who are the people around him?

Is it Qiu Li, the little God Emperor of Wei Yi region?

"This time, he suddenly gave up the busy affairs, just like this, he had to listen to the North emperor song, so that he could not help but give up the busy affairs of the north area, so he could not help but think of his brother's busy affairs, so he could not help but give up the busy affairs of the north, so he could not help but listen to their busy home

"It turns out that the man is not a hill." Mu light song in the heart. At the same time, she thought to herself, "isn't Qiu Li missing another person? Now there are eight people here, only three of them have not appeared. " Among them, including the one she met in the West God land."North Yan, I said how you don't look at me more and more. It turns out that you went to hold the dark pupil." Yan lie has a gloomy face.

"Ha ha..." North Yan laughed, not because of Yan lie's words, but angry. "I've always been in contact with brother Mingtong. How can I be praised?"

"Is this the dark pupil?" Mu Qingge secretly looks at the silent dark pupil.

He stood behind the North Yan, very quiet, the appearance is also very delicate, looks no lethality. Actually, he is a master of the sage realm.

When mu Qingge looks at him in the dark, he also suddenly raises his eyes and looks at mu Qingge.

"Hum, among the little gods, only me and Mingtong are saints. You and I have always been against each other. You are afraid of my revenge, so you can go to the dark pupil. " Yan lie laughed jokingly.

That look, more arrogant than before. It seems that a saint's realm has made him float.

"Who says there are only two sages among us?" The first thought suddenly opened his mouth.

As soon as her words came out, other people were surprised.

Especially Yan lie, his face is very ugly. He said in a deep voice: "as we all know, we are the only ones who enter the saint's realm now."

"Don't get excited, brother Yan lie." The North Yan light open mouth, his eyes light ponder, to the first read way: "the beginning reads the princess, has not seen for a long time, can return well? What does the princess mean by this

First read the corners of the mouth light, eyes light with light irony to Yan lie. "As far as I know, the little God Emperor who was close to me had already entered the realm of saints more than two years ago."


Everyone's eyes shrunk and their faces changed slightly. Even North Yan is so, Yan lie's face is even more ugly. It was only a year ago that he entered the realm of saints.

Silent dark pupil also looked at Mu light song.

And the first time I read it, it's more than that. She laughed and continued, "and I, too, have entered the realm of saints."

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