"What do you want? Do you dare to kill me? " With courage, Yan Lieqiang glared at mu Qingge. He wanted to go on retreating, but his back was against the mast.

He thought that he was the future emperor of the turbid Yuyu region. Mu Qingge did not dare to kill him. At most, he threatened him.

However, he ignored mu Qingge's words.

Mu light song lip Cape light hook, look at him jokingly in the eyes, light way: "are you stupid?"

Yan lie was stunned and didn't react.

And stand in the back of the first read, but by Mu light song tease almost laugh. She said, "we're all here. What do you think it's for?"

Her words remind Yan lie.

Suddenly, fear spread in the bottom of my heart!

It's no wonder that he can't turn his mind at the moment. The main reason is that mu Qingge has brought him too much impact, you know?

Before still on Loulan Island, was beaten by her to have no strength to fight back, also just. Yan lie thinks that mu Qingge, no matter how powerful, will be a little higher than him. As long as he works hard, he will smash all the resources in the domain on himself after he goes back. Sooner or later, he will surpass her. Then it will be time for him to revenge.

Anyway, now that Zhuoyu is dead, it should be him, the little God Emperor, and the resources in Zhuo Yu's domain are not all his?

Who expected that mu Qingge suddenly appeared in front of him, and then told him that he was a high-level saint!

What the hell!

How long has this moqingge entered the saint's realm?

How can it be a high level all of a sudden?!

Yan lie is forced.

Too many impossible things appear in Mu Qingge. The nickname of muqingge is miracle, isn't it?

"No, you can't kill me." Yan lie reacts and says immediately. You can't fight. Run? This is above the sea of stars. Where does he escape?

Then we can only ask for it!

Yan lie is also a decisive person. After making a decision in his heart, he kneels down in front of Mu Qingge with both legs.

He rolled his eyes and said in a deep voice, "what's the point of killing me? As long as you let me live, I will do whatever you want me to do! "

First read in the eyes, flash a trace of disdain.

And mu Qingge just stood in front of him and looked down at him. "If I had time, I would like to play with you. However, I have been too busy recently, I really don't have time. I look at your face. You are born to be anti bony. I'm afraid you will bite me when you are around. Therefore, I think about it and try to kill it

Yan lie Mou Guang a Li, gnash a tooth way: "you want to kill me in front of?"

Mu light song pick eyebrows, playfully asked, "otherwise?"

"Good! In that case, let's have a dead end! " Yan lie hated the voice. He jumped up and rushed to Mu Qingge. His body began to expand rapidly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Die with me Yan lie laughs wildly.

First read a startled, anxious cry: "light song, he will explode!"

Mu Qingge stood at the same place calmly, disdained to smile, stretched out his right index finger, and whispered a word: "destroy!"

Suddenly, a breath of destruction swept over and suppressed all the momentum of Yan lie's self explosion.

Yan lie is fixed in place, his expression is painful and ferocious staring at Mu light song. His eyes are full of hatred.

"A thought refers to a thought of life and a thought of death. Life and death are only in an instant." Murmured murmuring.


As soon as her voice fell, Yan lie's body exploded in situ. The force of the explosion also shattered the empty boat. In the sea of stars, a flower of flame burst out.


A Phoenix, in the light of the fire ring, the fire dispersed, only to find a nine color Phoenix wings in the sea of stars, her feathers are very beautiful, amazing.

The Phoenix slowly opened his folded wings, revealing the figure of moqingge.

Mu Qingge stands in the sky, standing in the sea of stars. In her hand, holding a spirit, it is Yan lie's.

The Phoenix turns into a human figure, and falls behind the Mu light song lightly. The beautiful eyes stare coldly at the soul in the Mu light singer.

"You..." Yan lie looks at Chu Nian in shock. It seems hard to believe what he saw just now.

First thought but just coldly looked at him, did not care what he saw.

Mu Qingge jokingly said: "want to give up the body to escape, and then to take away the body?"

The plan in the heart was guessed, Yan lie's face changed, and her eyes became more cruel.

Mu Qingge disdains to smile, and does not give Yan lie any chance. He pinches hard in his hand --

"ah --!" Yan lie's cry of pain came.

Mu Qingge's hands, raised a flame, Yan lie's spirit burned clean, erase all traces of his survival in the world.

Solve wanyanlie, mu Qingge clapped his hands, and looked self-contained."Where are we going next?" Chu Nian asked.

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, light way: "Turbid Yu domain has no threat, we now look for the other three people."

After that, she turned around, tore open the space and disappeared in the sea of stars with her first thought.


The pheasant slays three people. He wakes up at about the same time as Yan lie.

After waking up, they simply healed in Loulan island and then boarded the boat to leave.

Pheasant slay three people all return to the West God land, naturally also only uses an empty boat to go.

On the empty boat, the pheasant slays three people to sit together, the face still has the indignation feeling.

"It's too subdued!" Jipei cursed and sighed hard.

Wu Yu also nodded and said, "we have nothing to do with that mu Qingge. Why does he want to be so cruel to us? This time we came here for the sake of Daoguang. Now we return empty handed. When we go back, we don't know how to explain to the emperor. "

"Yes, the emperor broke his arm when he came back this time. Now he is in a bad mood and many of his disciples are suffering. Now I go back empty handed, I'm afraid..." Jipei's face appeared ferocious and worried about his future fate.

"Our emperor is not easy. After coming back, he is also seriously injured and closed." No forgiveness also said a word.

On their faces, there was a look of sympathy for each other.

The pheasant looks at them and has no courage to say that mu Qingge is aimed at them because he once intercepted him on the land of Western God.

Although mu Qingge didn't mention it, the pheasant must have recognized herself!

After complaining for a long time, the pheasant said: "well, since the matter has already been like this, we will put everything on the moqingge body after we go back."


"Not bad!"

Wuyou and Jipei nodded at the same time.

Suddenly, an unknown object fell from the air in front of the three people and rolled on the deck.

"What is that?" Said the pheasant, got up and went over to find out.

When he moved, Wuyou and Jipei followed him

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