West God land, nine heaven.

The broken pumice, as in the past ten thousand years, still floats in the air and does not disperse. As if, like the will of the Mu people, even if it is destroyed, it will never dissipate.

In the clear sky, suddenly appeared a crack, three figures, came out of it, and slowly fell on a pumice stone.

These three people are mu Qingge, Yinchen and Baibi.

All around them are floating pumice stones. Standing in the pumice and gazing around, a light feeling of vicissitudes comes to their faces and envelops people.

"Are you waiting for something when these pumice stones gather but don't disperse?" Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

She this sudden question, white and silver dust are asked a Leng, do not know how to answer.

They looked at Xiangmu Qingge, but found her brow locked, eyes deep, as if thinking about something important. It was rare for her to look so dignified, but Bai and Yinchen knew that it was not appropriate to disturb her at the moment.

As soon as they appeared in the Jiuchong sky, many figures appeared on the ground outside the pumice stone. They sneaked in and drove the outsiders out of the sky quietly, so that they could not get close to it.

These people, who have been wandering around the periphery of jiuchongtian for many days, are waiting for the emergence of muqingge.

Now, mu Qingge appeared, they are no longer hiding, but full of excitement close to this piece of homeland.

"Is jiuchongtian finally going to be rebuilt?"

This sentence, almost at the same time, resounded through the hearts of all people.

All the people who came here are the adherents of the Mu nationality. Some left the land of gods and demons, and some stayed in the land. Long Ya Wei and long Yu Wei, scattered in the land of four seas and gods, also came one after another.

Those who didn't come were song Tianji and his gang.

However, it's not that they don't come, but that they have the heavy responsibility of Mu Qingge.

These people, gathered in the world of nine, there are tens of thousands of people!

Naturally, this number of people, compared with the divine realm, are insignificant. However, it is the last strength of the Mu nationality.

They gathered together, raised their heads, and looked at the red back standing on the pumice stone of jiuchongtian.

That figure is tall and straight, charming and matchless!

Xu Xiu and the high priest stood side by side, and looked at the back of Xiangmu Qingge.

Behind them, there are Moyang, Youhe, Huayue, xuanya, Fuya, Mufeng, Muchen, mupeng, etc.

At the moment, they are nervous and full of expectation.

Many of them came to jiuchongtian for the first time. Seeing these floating pumice stones in the air, they could hardly imagine the glory of jiuchongtian!

Therefore, they are looking forward to, looking forward to Mu Qingge's re creation of glory, so that they can see with their own eyes, what the real jiuchongtian looks like!

But the problem is How to rebuild?

Jiuchongtian was destroyed like this. Thousands of pumice stones, some large and some very small, how to put them together to restore the former scenery?

While excited, all mu people on the ground are thinking about this issue.

Xuxiu and the high priest looked at each other. They rose from the sky and went to the pumice where muqingge was.

This pumice is not the biggest, but it is definitely not small.

It's not crowded. Besides, they are only five people in my heart.

Xu Xiu and the high priest fell on the pumice stone and saw the defeat of jiuchongtian, the ruins and the abandoned houses. A trace of heartache flashed at the bottom of their eyes.

However, this silk heartache did not stay too long, they convergence mood, walked to the Mu light song behind.

At this time, mu Qingge's back to them, I don't know what to think.

The high priest exchanged an eye with Xu Xiu, and the former said, "little Lord, how can we restore the Ninth Heaven to its original state? Is there any plan in the mind of the little Lord?"

"What do you think?" Mu Qingge asked quietly.

Her eyes always fall on those pumice stones, without looking at anyone. If at this time, someone around her, see the luster of her eyes, you can guess that she is carrying out a precise calculation, calculating the position of these pumice stones, there are traces of the idea of coincidence.

The high priest looked at Xu Xiu.

Xu Xiu took a step forward and said to Mu Qingsong, "jiuchongtian is said to be a supreme instrument left by the ancestor god. For a long time, the spirit of the supreme instrument has been sleeping, making jiuchongtian a rock suspended in the air. On one day, the ancestors of the Mu nationality inadvertently awakened the spirits and became the master of this place. On this basis, they created the glory of the Mu nationality. However, ten thousand years ago, jiuchongtian suffered great changes. The patriarch destroyed jiuchongtian with his own hands, and the spirit was also wiped away by the powerful enemy. At this point, jiuchongtian has become like this. "

In Xu Xiu's narration, mu Qingge seems to be able to feel the tragedy of the great war ten thousand years ago.

Xu Xiu told her the origin of jiuchongtian, which seemed to remind her how to start if she wanted to restore jiuchongtian.Inexplicably, when Xu Xiu said the origin of this paragraph, what flashed through mu Qingge's mind was an irrelevant sentence - "stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade.".

The original meaning of this sentence is that stones on other mountains can be polished and carved jade.

Mu light song at the moment but suddenly think of this sentence, her heart suddenly clear. If she wants to rebuild jiuchongtian, can she use foreign forces?

Jiuchongtian is a supreme instrument!

Now, the spirit of the instrument is destroyed, and the supreme instrument is destroyed, which makes it look so miserable.

To rebuild jiuchongtian, that is to refine it and find a new spirit. However, where to find the spirit that can support jiuchongtian, even more powerful than the previous jiuchongtian?

"Meng Meng..." Mu Qingge heart, called out the name.

Almost at the first moment of her realization, she thought of it.

"Little Lord, before the fall of Muzu, he did not explain how to rebuild jiuchongtian. Now, we have come to this stage. What's the plan of Shaozhu?" Xu Xiu asked.

The high priest said, "I'm afraid it will not take a day and a night to repair the Ninth Heaven."

"It's not that hard." Mu light song suddenly said.

Her words, so that the white and silver dust side of the eye, also let the high priest and Xu Xiu two Tianlu surprised raised the eyes.

"If you don't have something, you can find a new one." Mu light song indifferent way.

This principle is simple and popular.

But the question is --

"where can we find it, little Lord?" Xu Xiu asked.

Mu Qingge suddenly turns around and faces four people. With her clear eyes, she swept around the four people and said, "I will come when I go. You will wait for me here."

After that, she disappeared in place and did not give the four people a chance to inquire.

There are four people to block, but did not let the people on the ground, found that mu Qingge has left the fact.

"Where is the little Lord going?" Xu Xiu asked.

"Just wait." Bai Bi said a word with his mouth curled.

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