Mu Qingge didn't lift the barrier outside shaotianyu. She called out shaotian emperor directly, as if she wanted to fight him directly.

Her voice, falling on the barrier, made a ripple on the barrier, continuously spread out, spread all over the little heaven.

The disciples of shaotianyu were silent and looked up at the muqingge hanging outside the barrier and holding the blood flag.

Her body is enchanting and blood red, and echoes with the blood flag. Countless heads hanging on the flagpole have become her background, just like a deadly ghost from hell, which is gloomy and terrifying.

At this time, the three gods on the land of Nanshen suddenly appeared on one side.

After the Emperor Wu Hua was killed by the emperor Feng, they came to see the West God land to see the excitement.

But I don't want to, as soon as they come out, they will be met by the bloody flag and the shocking head.

"This What happened? " Burning the Sea God Emperor's shocked way.

The golden emperor's eyes were dignified and said in a low voice: "it seems that the movement of the West God on the land is much greater than what we thought before."

The broken star emperor found three familiar faces in the mountains of his head.

It's not because he has good eyesight, but because the three heads are hanging on the top and the most conspicuous position, it's hard for him to pay attention to them!

"That's the emperor of purple light, the God of Gufeng, and the emperor of xuance." The broken star God said in a deep voice.

The king of golden light and the God of burning the sea were shocked. They recognized the identity of the three heads in person, and their eyes were all heavy.

In this turmoil, four gods of the four seas and sixteen gods have died. Plus the three who died in the devil's land before, they are half dead.

Now, there are only a few days left on the land of Sishen.

At the beginning, jiuchongtian's business was planned by him. The other three were killed. How could he escape?

The three looked at each other in silence. They didn't go out. They just hid and watched.

The appearance of these three people, of course, can't hide from him. I don't know why, he subconsciously wanted to remind mu Qingge, but in the turn of his eyes, saw her mouth if there is no smile.

As if, everything is in her grasp, that pair of clear eyes, insight into everything, without his reminder.

For him, the emperor quietly took back the words to his mouth, silent to wait.

Mu Qingge said, the little emperor, by him.

Where is shaotian

The sound of these four words finally dissipated.

It's provocation, and it's a post.

Finally, a shadow, a brilliance, rushed out of the seat of the god palace of shaotianyu and entered the air.

When he moved, the barrier that trapped shaotianyu became obvious, as if warning him not to rush in.

The little emperor stopped in mid air and stood in suspension.

In his hand, he held a long sword, the tip of which pointed to the ground. The sword is not a physical object, but is condensed by the force of law. His eyes are cold to see the light song to mu, two people's eyes in the air shock collision.

In fact, this is the first time they meet, but they have to decide whether to live or not.

Mu Qingge has a cold smile.

Shaotian waved the sword upward in his hand, and a sword light fell directly, and it was hard to chop on the mask.


With a loud noise, the barrier not only has no crack, but becomes more solid and thick.

"Mu nationality, good means." Shaotian sneered coldly.

Mu Qingge laughed calmly, "praise too much."

Muqingge's "impudent" made shaotian disdain a cold hum. His eye light moves to one side lightly, fell on to change Yue God Emperor body.

"Shaotian old thief, you had a contract with Gu Feng and others to calculate Laozi. Today your uncle came to settle accounts with you!" The way of crazy clamour.

Shaotian was calm and said, "the defeated general is not brave enough."

The irony is obvious.

His face changed, and his expression became ferocious.

At this time, his eyes immediately softened his anger. He snorted coldly and no longer spoke with shaotian.

Suddenly calm, so that shaotian eyes light is not obvious a dark. He originally wanted to enrage him and let him break the border from the outside under the impulse, so that he could take the opportunity to leave.

Green mountains do not change, green water flow, leaving green mountains in worry about firewood.

As long as he can leave today, he will get revenge in the future!

Unfortunately, Shen was obviously infuriated, but suddenly calmed down, which made shaotian's heart hate.

You can't count on this side, so shaotian has to aim at the God Emperor. If we say that among the people who appear here, there are people he is afraid of, it is no doubt that he is the emperor of God.

Originally, he didn't even see the change of the emperor, but he failed to assassinate him in the devil kingdom last time. However, within a short time, the army of demons came over the border, which made him unable to settle down in seclusion to heal his wounds, and the wound was not healed.Now, in the face of the emperor, there will be a headache.

"If he were to hold him in a positive way and other people would attack him, I would surely lose." Shaotian thinks in his mind. His fierce eyes unconsciously looked at the head above the blood flag.

In particular, when his eyes fell on the top three people's heads, it was suddenly tightened.

"Change him! You are a magnificent God. You appear in the land of Western gods and kill the emperor of the land of Western gods Shaotian asked aloud.

Subconsciously, he attributed the death of the three gods to the emperor.

In his opinion, if it was not for him, how could mu Qingge have killed three gods?

For him God Emperor Phoenix eyes languid, light way: "this emperor is to the West God land, but so far did not hand."

The implication is that his death has nothing to do with him.

It's not that he wants to get rid of the relationship, but he doesn't want to take the credit of moqingge.

"My opponent is you." The God Emperor of Yue added another sentence.

This made the little God Emperor, who had this premonition in his heart, couldn't help but sneer: "change Yue, this muqingge conceals his identity and sneaks into the area where you change Yue to practice. If you don't pay attention to it, now you have to help him to cause trouble to our western God land. What is the purpose of this

"Shaotian, don't worry about wearing a high hat for the emperor. You should know why I am here today. " Mu Qingge directly opens his mouth and stops shaotian's mind.

He wanted to instigate Lu Wanmin, the Western God who came with him, to help him turn over. If she could not see through this little trick, she would not be worthy to talk about the reconstruction of jiuchongtian.

Shaotian's face changed and he snapped, "you are a mere junior, qualified to speak?"

Mu light song cold hum, the sage state seven layers of momentum full open, chaoshaotian crush past. However, this momentum was blocked by the barrier, and did not fall on shaotian, but created a greater momentum.

Momentum impact, suddenly let the barrier rise a sky blue light.

"Seven levels of sage realm!" Shaotian was shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!