"The army of our demon clan has also been assembled. If God and Lu make trouble, I don't mind grabbing my princess back in person!" Simao overbearing way.

He is a naked threat. What can you do to me!?

"If anyone dares to blame me for this, don't blame me for being cold-blooded and merciless! I'm a very protective person. Since I've washed the West God land once, I don't mind going to the South God land and the North God land. "

"Muqingge! You are too arrogant

The emperor of the ten sides said in a sharp voice.

These two people, naked threat, even if the devil king, but mu light song?

"Muqingge, don't you forget that you also rely on us to wash the land of Western gods with blood?" The golden emperor also said.

"Do I depend on you?" Mu Qingge's playful way.

At this time, Yin Jue and the Phoenix emperor stood up at the same time, and that attitude had already indicated everything.

They are the orcs of the demon forest, not the human race. The gratitude and resentment of the gods and demons have nothing to do with them. They have a friendship with mu Qingge and naturally stand on her side!

Mu light song banter questions, so that several people stop.

Yeah! Mu Qingge's battle seems to be to join hands with them, but what have they done?

Beishen land, shifangyu and qianniaoyu only stabilized beishenlu and did not participate in this matter. The South God land, who killed Wu Hua emperor, is the Phoenix emperor, not the three gods.

Even mu Qingge originally wanted to be the base card for him, but in the end, there was no chance to make a move.

"Hum, can you still be so powerful today without us to help you suppress other gods?" The king of thousands of birds snorted coldly.

However, mu Qingge's eyes become more and more banter. "Ten thousand years ago, jiuchongtian was set up by the other four gods. If you would just stand by and watch, would you do something today? You ask yourself, if I don't look for you, will you do it? And the sea and sky, the God Emperor is dead, what fear? I'm looking for you just because I don't want any trouble in the future. I want to tell you that jiuchongtian is back, and my Mu clan is back! "

Mu Qingge's eyes fell on Liyuan and sarcastically said: "as for Phoenix heaven I didn't pay attention to it from the beginning to the end

"You Liyuan is stimulated by mu Qingge's words, and her fingers are tightly clenched and neatly trimmed. She carefully depicts the broken nails of kuodan.

"That's what I said today. If you have another 10000 objections in your mind, you can hold them back! I have already said that if you sincerely congratulate the wedding after March, we should treat it with courtesy. If you don't want to come, I don't want to! But if anyone dares to make trouble out of it, I will not tolerate it! " Mu light song eyes light a Li, swept five people who oppose.

As for Liyuan, she ignored it.

"Taihuang devil Kingdom, Ben Jun, and hundreds of millions of demons are the backing of xiaoge'er. If anyone dares to provoke her displeasure, I will kill him! I always do things by cutting off the roots and killing mercilessly! " Si Mo also strong mouth.


Mu light song and Si Mo's common defense, make several people shocked, even angry.

They are angry that these two people dare to go against the world's great repudiation. The two ethnic groups have never been antagonistic. Even if there is such a situation that gods and Demons love each other occasionally, which pair is not furtive and difficult to have a good ending?

But what about these two people?

One is the West God, the only God on the land.

One is the king of the devil kingdom.

Their identity is so frightening to the world, but they have to go together, and go so justifiably, and tell the whole land of gods and demons!

In the end, who gave them the courage?

Do they really dare to be together so recklessly?

Thousands of birds, burning the sea, golden light, broken star, ten sides of five people, is unable to understand mu Qingge and Si Mo's insistence. In their view, love is just a passing thing, only practice is eternal.

But these two gifted characters resist everything for the sake of love, which is beyond the comprehension of these old bachelors.

These five people do not understand, the remaining one, but by Mu light song and Si Mo's words angry to shiver all over.

"Why! Why? Why? "

Liyuan roars in his heart. She couldn't think of it. She couldn't understand why she had so wronged herself and put down her figure. She only wanted to be with Si Mo, but he had no pity. She was so heartless that she was trampled on by him and abandoned as my shoes!

What's in front of you?

Besides being younger than her, what is better than her?

The jealousy in her heart made her eyes more and more dark. In the dark eyes, a storm gradually formed and swept everything in her heart.

At this time, she did not notice that on her arm, covered by the sleeve robe, the original delicate skin was slowly showing the appearance of withering and aging.

"Adore the emperor!"

Suddenly, the golden emperor yelled.

Mu Qingge looks up at him, but the rest of the light from the corner of his eyes inadvertently sweeps over Liyuan's twisted face.In addition to Simao beside her, no one noticed the flickering light in her eyes when she looked at Liyuan.

"What's your advice?" Mu light song hook lips smile, smile full of confidence and indifference.

Jin Guang took a deep breath and looked at mu Qingge and Si Mo and asked, "do you really want to go against the sky?"

"Against the sky?" Mu Qingge's eyes are amused, and her smile is full of publicity. "If I am with the one I love, it's against the sky. What's the matter if I go against the day?"

She said this sentence, sonorous and forceful, words such as thunder, without a trace of hesitation.

All the people in the hall were shocked at the same place. For a moment, they even forgot their words. They just felt that the woman in red armor standing on the throne of the God's throne was so dazzling and powerful that it seemed to be shining.

Don't say others, is standing beside mu Qingge Si Mo, in hearing her answer, the heart seems to be hit by a fist.

His little song

His little song!

"Back then..." The emperor suddenly opened his mouth and broke the silence. "When Yu Ya left, I asked him if she would treat you sincerely? Yu Ya said to me that my disciple never knew what it was, but when I met her, I knew that I would not hurt her at all or look at her sad

His words made everyone in the hall frown, even mu Qingge was puzzled and didn't understand what he meant.

After Yu Ya left, I thought for a long time, but I didn't understand what love is. To this day... "

His eyes light lift, fall on Mu light song body. "We admire the emperor and the demon king. They have deep feelings for each other. They have no control over them. Why should we intervene?"

"But after all, the gods and Demons..." The golden emperor couldn't help saying.

"All right." The emperor of Zhongshan raised his hand and interrupted, "this has not started yet."

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