Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, the expression is strange calm.

Her this kind of calm, make him change the divine emperor side of the eye, good-looking eyebrow light frown. "Don't you believe it?"

"Why should I believe it?" Mu light song calm way. "The gods and demons are both human beings. The reason for this division is just because of the differences in the concept of Gongfa in the early stage of cultivation. It's not cross racial. What's nemesis? "

"I don't understand the so-called punishment. I just know that you are not the first pair of gods and demons who want to combine in these long years. However, your former, the final outcome, are not very good For the light way of the emperor.

"How bad?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Change the luster of the Phoenix eyes of the God Emperor of Yue was slightly heavy for a while, and said, "no good end."

No good end

Mu Qingge's good mood has been affected.

The emperor continued: "these four words contain a lot of them. Those who seem to have crossed all obstacles and finally been able to stay together will not end up together forever, but will end up miserable and full of calamities. "

He looked at Xiangmu Qingge and said seriously: "I tell you this, not to stop you, but to hope you have a psychological preparation, carefully consider whether it is worth it."

Mu light song purses the lip silence, the eye color slightly coagulates.

Is it a bad ending? She doesn't believe it, and even if it does, she won't quit. What about the scourge? Even if she has to go against the sky, how can she care about the punishment?

"Yu Ya is said to be very good." Mu Qingge retorts.

But he said, "that's because they left here and entered the lower boundary. Will you? The land of gods and demons is the most close place to the source of Tao, which means that there will be more stringent rules in it. If they continue to stay in the land of gods and demons, all kinds of cause and effect intersect, and in the end, they will not get good. Therefore, we have to leave and go to the lower boundary far away from the source of Tao and live the life of ordinary people. "

Mu Qingge understood. In other words, it means that if you want to go against the weather, you can only be a low-key person, try to reduce your sense of existence, do not participate in any dangerous things, so as to avoid being cheated by the curse of heaven under the cause and effect.

"Both of you are not ordinary people, and you absolutely disdain to adopt Yu Ya's means to avoid everything. Then, there must be a sufficient psychological preparation. " Change Yue way.

Mu light Song Silent down, the brain in the rapid rotation.

I don't know why, after he said this, the first reaction in her mind is the picture she saw in the spring of the future.

That picture is the future that she can't accept, so she has to change!

"If that's the so-called causal cycle, it's a curse from heaven. Now that I've grasped the opportunity, I can effectively avoid and change it!" Mu light song in the heart.

"Why is there retribution?" Mu light song raises Mou to ask a way.

She couldn't understand why the gods and demons were human beings, why they would be punished by heaven after they were combined.

He looked at the emperor's eyes. "It is said that after the separation of the two clans, the ruler of the two clans made a poisonous oath with his own blood."

"Poison oath!" Mu Qingge frowned.

"The content of that poisonous oath is roughly that since then, the two clans of gods and demons have no contact with each other, leaving only deep hatred and incompatibility. If someone violates it, he will die in a bad way. This poisonous oath, gradually, with the passage of time, is gradually forgotten by people. In addition, after years of wars between the gods and demons, countless deaths and injuries were caused, and the deep hatred between them became more and more intense, which made people form a sense that gods and demons are antagonistic and can not be together. " Change Yue way.

"A poisoned oath has implicated many people." Mu Qingge sneered coldly.

He looked at Xiangmu light song, light way: "words have come to this point, how to do, you consider yourself. It's easy for you two to be together, but it's hard to break that oath. Most of the time, you will find that what you have already avoided will happen as scheduled

After he finished, the figure gradually faded away and disappeared in front of Mu light song.

In the main hall, the emperor suddenly opened his eyes and started to move.

When he moved, the emperor of Zhongshan immediately stood up.

But he did not say a word, directly tore up the space, jumped in, Zhongshan God also followed the departure.

Mu Qingge stood in place, thinking about the words of Yue.

She understood that the meaning of the emperor was not to stop her, but that she did not want her to be impulsive and regret in the future. And this regret is not regret with Simao, but whether they will regret when they are punished by heaven and when one of them is separated forever. As long as they can live, it is of little significance to persist in not being together.

Alive, there is a glimmer of hope. When you die, there's only despair left.

If Mu Qingge thinks clearly about the consequences, or to do it without hesitation, then even in the face of any hardships in the future, at least will not regret.This is the true meaning of these words that the emperor told mu Qingge. And Mu light song also live up to, seriously to understand, want to understand.

It's just, heard it, thought about it, so what?

No matter what she saw in the spring of the future, or the so-called heavenly punishment that he told her, she would not compromise!

An ethereal future, can hinder the feelings between her and Si Mo, the feelings between them are too fragile. "Ah Mo and I are not easy to compromise. When I came here, I didn't go against the trend? Now, all that is hard to get is to give up because of a possibility? no Never! " Mu light song in the heart.

Her eyes became firm and brave.

She believes that no matter what will happen or encounter in the future, she and Simao can overcome and solve them. They will be so strong that even Dao can't do anything about them. They will completely control their own future in their own heart!

"The so-called combination of gods and demons will be punished by heaven. I think amo will not be unaware of it. However, he never said or mentioned that when I was practicing, he gave up the Protoss and chose the demon clan to reduce the trouble behind it, which showed that he didn't care about the so-called punishment! He has the courage and the confidence to change. Why can't I? " The way of murmuring to oneself.

She is always able to see the essence thoroughly when she meets anything, and is not confused by the appearance.

This is her strength as well as her weakness.

If you look too clearly, you can avoid many mistakes. But some things, see too clearly, will let oneself hurt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!