In front of the palace of the gods, the nine layers of the sky have been covered with the dowry, piled up in layers.

As a result, people passing by have been speculating that their God Emperor really wants to spread the dowry all the way from jiuchongtian to Taihuang devil kingdom?

"Since ancient times, it has always been men who propose marriage, and women are waiting to be married. Even if it is the dowry, it is carried to her husband's house on the day of marriage. Why did it turn the other way when we got to the Ninth Heaven? " Mu Feng stood on the steps, frowning and puzzled.

In front of him, there is a graceful shadow, busy counting dowry, talking with Youhe, Huayue, Chuniang and xuanya.

Mu Feng's eyes light, inadvertently swept from her body, but also in a hurry to avoid.

"Our God Emperor is not a very human being?" Mu Chen's words, will Mu Feng some thoughts, to pull back.

Mu Feng agreed with the nod, "the woman personally to propose marriage, personally carry the dowry to the man's home, is also the first time since ancient times!"

Muchen said with a proud smile: "this is in line with the identity of our jiuchongtian! Ha ha ha ha ha After that, she raised her hand to pat Mu Feng's shoulder and strode down.

Today is the big day for mu Qingge to personally go to Taihuang devil kingdom to propose marriage to the prince. Jiuchong has been preparing for half a month, and finally comes to this day.

In the past half a month, the news that jiuchongtianmu was a woman and wanted to break the taboo and hold a big marriage with the demon king of Taihuang had already spread all over the land of the four seas.

But there is still a long way to go for engagement.

When the news came out, countless people were shocked!

However, thinking of Mu Qingge's killing God appearance, the bloody heads, and Xu Xiu's deliberate guidance, there was no big storm in the land of the four sea gods.

People are watching to see if this kind of action against the sky can go smoothly and be completed.

However, no matter what the outside world thinks, it is a piece of jubilation in Jiuchong sky.

Their God Emperor, finally have time to consider their own life, how can not be happy? How can we not be excited? No matter who his bridegroom is, as long as he hastens to get married as soon as possible with the God of his family and extend his descendants.

What's more, the demon king is the first person in the land of gods and demons. With such fine lineage, together with the emperor of their family, they can't restrain their inner expectation and ecstasy for the future young master!

In the front hall of the palace of God, the people under the throne argue endlessly, while muqingge sits on the throne, looking at the dowry piled up outside the door.

That pair of clear eyes, streamer overflow color, pan light smile.

Today, she is still wearing a seductive red dress, gold and silver soft armour, with the blood jade hairpin on her head. Yingqi, with a woman's enchanting amorous feelings, exquisite and beautiful facial features, people can't bear to move away.

She didn't take part in the discussion. She didn't even listen carefully to the chatter. Now, in her mind, it is her every meeting with Si mo.

Old monster!

Old cattle eat tender grass!

Mu light Song mouth raised a smile, sweet and spoiled. Now, it is she who wants to go to the devil's land and take back the "old cow" with her own hands. When she thinks about their first meeting, she still has a great sense of accomplishment.

"Emperor, give me an idea! This matter, after all, still needs your nod An old man of the Mu nationality told mu Qingge directly, and the loud voice brought it back to reality.

Mu Qingge blinked his eyes, and his eyes returned to his seat. His eyes swept through a group of people and asked, "what's the matter?"

People on the cheek of the flesh, mercilessly smoked.

Dare you, mu Qingge doesn't know what they are arguing about.

"Shenhuang, everyone is talking about the issue of heirs." The way of the smile of the high priest's jaw. In a word, make it clear what they are fighting for.

"Offspring?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, the expression becomes strange.

"Yes! God Emperor, we can't do without the little Lord of jiuchongtian. After you marry the demon king, can you discuss with him that this first son is left to jiuchongtian as the little master? " An old man said directly.

Another said, "no, no! The God Emperor and the demon king still don't know how many children there are. If we have determined the first one to be the young master of our nine fold heaven, what if there is a more suitable one? "

"That's not true. The throne of the prince has always been the leader of the throne. If jiuchongtian takes this name, we will be a master in front of the devil kingdom in the future."

"Do you all think the devil is stupid? How could he let us pick and choose? "

"It depends on the emperor."

Speaking of this, the discussion is finally over. However, all the people under the seat raised their eyes and looked at the muqingge sitting on the throne of God and Emperor.

Mu light song a Leng, just understand come over. It turns out that these guys are worrying about it!

She hasn't been on the throne for a few days! These old people are thinking about the problem of inheritors? What's more, who said that marriage is about to have children?"Shenhuang, this question has been raised before in the setting Star City. But at that time, it was too early to say more. But now, since the wedding is around the corner, it's time to make a decision. " The high priest sang to mu.

Mu light song looks strange in the public expectation, said a: "who said I want to have a child?"

After that, regardless of the old people who were in the same place, she appeared outside the palace of God, stood in the pile of dowry, waved her hand, and said in a loud voice, "open up!"


However, jiuchongtian is the farthest place from the Western God land.

Mu Qingge's courtship team to reach the devil Kingdom means to cross the entire Western God land. This vast group of courtship is escorted by the Dragon tooth guard of Mu Qingge. It meanders in the West God land like a long dragon.

What we have done has shocked the world. Both gods and mortals are crowded together to discuss.

"Look, this is jiuchongtian's courtship team."

"It's really strange that the emperor mu of jiuchongtian, as a woman, actually goes to ask for marriage in person. Is he not afraid to lose face?"

"Yes! It's a little too self effacing for a woman to ask for marriage in person. "

"What do you know? What a bully! It's too much of a mother's domineering spirit for our God Emperor to ask for marriage with the devil's king

"That's also true. We admire the emperor, who is not the Phoenix emperor. We all know that we are a beautiful old woman with an ugly heart! We admire the emperor for his great achievements and remarkable deeds. Such a woman is absolutely unique! "

"I'm really curious. What does mu shenhuang think of her courtship?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!