"This is your childish idea. What your parents are looking forward to is the day when their children get married. The bigger the scene is, the more attractive the woman to be married will be." Sang Lan Ruo corrects mu Qingge's laziness.

"Life's major event is only once in a lifetime. Of course, it can't be careless." Murian city also road.

Muxiong and sangshun both nodded.

Mu Qingge had no choice but to compromise.

Nine heavy sky, Mu light song's big marriage is making the final preparation. In the devil Kingdom, Si Mo is also waiting.

Shanhai palace has been completely new, waiting for its hostess to move in. The magic palace and the devil's kingdom will enjoy a year's Carnival!

Mu Qingge and Simao have already discussed well. After marriage, jiuchongtian and Shanhai palace live together for half a year.

"It's still early, my Lord. Your dress is too early."

Looking at a big red robe of Si Mo, Gu Ya can not help but remind. There are still four or five hours to go to jiuchongtian. Do you want to stand and wait like this?

"Such peace of mind." Si Mo gave his answer.

Peace of mind, yes.

From the date of the wedding, he was full of anxiety. That kind of feeling, it seems that the more beautiful and full of expectations, the more afraid that there will be changes, the more worried that it will not be implemented in the end.

He had never experienced the feeling of uneasiness for tens of thousands of years, but during this time, he realized the essence.

Si Mo's reply makes Gu Ya speechless.

Not only are their masters waiting for the auspicious time to arrive, but also the demon guards who are carrying betrothal gifts are waiting outside the Zichen hall.

These people's waist, are symbolically tied on the red belt, looks very happy.

Si Mo stands in the main hall of Zichen hall, looking at the team outside the hall, counting the time in his heart. At this time, the sound of footsteps came, which attracted the attention of the lonely cliff.

He turned his eyes and found that he had been left behind in the ancient palace, so he could not go to jiuchongtian.

Gu Ya thought about it and retreated. In the hall, only Simao and Ji Fu were left.

"King." Halberd Fu goes to Si Mo behind, open a way.

Si Mo didn't turn around and didn't open his mouth.

The halberd Fu continued: "on the king, the halberd Rune can't go with you to jiuchongtian. You can only congratulate the king and the princess here first."

Si Mo slowly turned around and looked at him and said: "you stay in the devil's land, I can rest assured."

"Please rest assured, the halberd Rune will never make any mistakes in the demon kingdom." The halberd symbol guarantees.

"Well, you should watch more on the side of Menglan river." Si Mo reminds a way.

Halberd Fu eyes flash, pursed lips and nodded.

He was a great vassal master who fought with Simao all the way. He was the confidant of Simao. How could he not understand his monarch's worries? His king was worried that the foreign people would make trouble. Therefore, he must stabilize the devil Kingdom, guard against alien invasion, and let Wang Shangxin complete the wedding in peace of mind!

"King..." After a short while, halberd Fu hesitated for a moment and made up his mind to open his mouth. "The supreme Dan king, you have taken it, you have seen the magic strategy, and you have entered the highest level of Daoguang. Have these not recorded the secret of entering the first Zun state?"

Halberd Fu is very confused, and some for Si Mo unwilling.

His king is already invincible in the land of gods and demons. The target is naturally that step in the legend. Is it really necessary to stop here?

Si Mo faint smile, eyes light calm, looking at halberd Fu said: "before, is not. Now, I don't want to. "

Halberd Fu looked at him in shock.

The meaning of this sentence is not difficult to understand!

While waiting for the lonely cliff outside, also heard the words of Si Mo, he also understood, so he frowned.

In the hall, there was a long silence.

After a long time, halberd Fu said, "I understand." Then, to Si Mo line ceremony, bow down to retreat.



Tonight, the sky is full of lights.

The lights were as bright and dark as the stars in the sky.

From those secondary cities attached to jiuchongtian, we can't tell where the real starry sky is.

The day, however, is busy, as bright as the sky.

Although busy, we are still in their respective duties, there is no slack and confusion.

In the palace of God, it has already been covered in red.

The wedding ceremony, which was originally extremely simple to the point of being too numerous to be written, finally had a little scale and posture under the insistence of the mu Qingge's family members.

Otherwise, if according to her own way of thinking, the whole wedding will end up in other people's eyes, leaving only two words - poor!

In the palace of God, the maids, under the direction of Youhe, Huayue, Jieya and xuanya, went in and out, carrying everything for the wedding.And deep in the palace, Chu Nian and Mu Xue dance accompany mu Qingge and arrange her wedding dress.

Sang lanruo combs her hair in person.

"My whole life can be called happy, but I can't be called happy. I found the love of my life, but I feel sorry for my child. According to custom, I shouldn't have combed your hair. But you're so temperamental that I'll comb it. " Sang Lan Ruo holds a comb in her hand, and gently strokes on the hair of Mu Qingge, which falls like ink. The tone is complicated.

The most fortunate woman who comes to comb her own hair.

Mu Qingge sat in front of the dressing table and looked at the mirror in front of her. She saw the tangle in her mother's eyes and said with a smile: "I don't believe these. I only know that when my daughter gets married, she can let her mother comb her hair in person. Muqingge will be very happy."

The Mu light song she said was the original owner who had already passed away, and she was also herself.

It's just that SangLan will never understand the meaning.

"You child." Mulberry blue if helpless to shake her head, the heart is warm by her daughter's words, no longer entangled, wholeheartedly combs the hair for her daughter.

Even if it is marriage, mu Qingge still does not choose which kind of cumbersome and cumbersome wedding dress.

Her wedding dress, still continued her usual style, concise, generous, chic, wanton. However, this seemingly simple style of wedding dress, the material is really not simple!

It can be said that muqingge's wedding dress is the only one in the sky and the earth. The thread woven by

is the phoenix feather collected from the Indus woods. This star moon silkworm, however, is very precious. It absorbs the essence of the star moon and produces silk. It will vomit one or two every thousand years.

The decorations on the wedding dress are precious refining materials collected by the Sang nationality for tens of thousands of years. After repeated hammering, they form fine spirits, which are refined and integrated into the wedding dress by muxue dance.

Muqingge has already tied her bun and decorated it with headdress made by King sang Shun, and moved to the front of the wedding dress.

Looking at the wedding dress on the shelf, mu Qingge's mood surges to a kind of inexplicable feeling.


She didn't think about it in her last life. In my life, I never thought about it.

But now, she is still for the beloved man, put on the wedding dress

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