Who the hell is he?

In the hearts of the public doubts, speculation, mu Qingge finally gave the answer.

"Oh, it's just a stranger. You are very good at sneaking things. You don't have to remember them. You can guess exactly Mu Qingge satirizes and sneers.




The one who destroys the wedding is a stranger?

This How could that be possible!

Shocked! accident! Don't believe it! Surprise!

All kinds of emotions appear in different people's hearts in Jiuchong heaven.

Even those gods and emperors were surprised at the moment. It seems that they can't figure out why there are foreigners sneaking into jiuchongtian. What's more, he sneaks in to prevent mu Qingge from marrying the demon king?

Only with mu Qingge deep talk about the God of Yue, at the moment look calm, that pair of Phoenix eyes, I don't know what to think.

"How can a stranger be here?"

"Yes! What do they want to do when they sneak in

"Not what he wants to do, but what can he do alone?"

Several deities, in surprise, were filled with disdain for the sudden appearance of alien people.

At this time, Zhongshan shenhuang said faintly: "do you forget that mu shenhuang once said that people of different nationalities have ulterior motives and plot against our land of gods and demons?"

His words surprised the other gods and silenced their lips.

Of course, they remember it.

However, at that time, they were more worried about muqingge. Even now, they still think

The golden emperor frowned and looked at the emperor of Zhongshan and asked, "do you believe it?"

Zhong Shan God Emperor light smile, "originally I don't believe. But now, I think I can seriously consider the words of the emperor

After saying that, he looked to change him God Emperor again, "God Emperor thinks?"

Asked to change the emperor, in the eyes of the gods, finally opened his mouth: "alien to the gods and demons for food, this is the enemy of heaven."

This sentence of his, immediately make the face of the gods and emperors sink down, full of killing intention.

They looked at the alien people standing on the altar, and the king of thousand birds sneered coldly: "they eat gods and demons. Since they come this time, they will stay here forever."

"This time, are you still a part of the body? Can my magic spirit flag work well? " Si Mo also cold voice mouth.

Suddenly, the identity of the black robed man is obvious.

No, it should be said that this person's identity, in the first appear, mu Qingge and Si Mo two people already know.

"The flag is a good flag. Thank you for your generosity." Under the brim of the black robed man's lips rose slightly, but his tone was very calm.

Simao light smile, Po color eyes deep, full of cold and sarcasm.

"Last time I was able to destroy a part of you, so can this time." Mu light song cold voice.

At this time, among the demons, the eye of the spirit dove was bright, pointing to the black robed man and shouting: "so you are the alien thief who sneaked into the demon kingdom that day and wanted to assassinate our king! How dare you! On that day, you ran away in confusion with your split body, but today, you dare to appear here? I don't know what to do

As soon as lingjiu's words came out, all the people in Jiuchong heaven immediately understood what kind of relationship this alien had with mu Qingge and Simao.

However, this sentence also reminds the emperor of the gods.

The master of the alien race wants to assassinate the demon lord?

Why are they doing this?

What's good for them to assassinate the demon king?

"Good. As soon as the demon king dies, they will have no scruples. " The emperor's eyes shrank and his voice sank.

"It's also about the devil kingdom." The way of burning the sea god.

The broken star emperor frowned and said in a deep voice, "why don't you understand? The land of gods and demons is a whole. If the devil kingdom is occupied, can the land of four seas and gods still be able to get it? "

"But isn't there a barrier between us?" The God of burning the sea has never turned the corner.

The emperor then said, "the alien race can even break in the barrier of time and space. How can this block the barrier of the two gods and demons, and stop them? Since they want to attack the demon king, it shows that they are not only planning a demon kingdom. "

After listening for a long time, the emperor finally couldn't help but say, "since the alien race feeds on the gods and demons, the land of gods and demons is a place for them to feed. If the gods and Demons fall, our orcs will also become slaves, driven by these alien monsters. No way! We must stop the alien conspiracy

"Mu shenhuang once said a word to me..." For him God Emperor slowly way: "she said, cover the nest under the eggs."

There are no eggs under the nest!

This sentence, like an alarm bell, rings in the hearts of all.

Almost in an instant, their eyes towards the alien were full of killing intention."Newspaper --!"

When the atmosphere was tense, suddenly someone came to report.

He came in a hurry, kneeling directly in front of muqingge and said in a loud voice, "report to the emperor, there are signs that a large number of troops are approaching jiuchongtian in front of him!"

What! There's an army coming!


The armies of other nations can actually sneak into the hinterland of the four seas and gods, but they still don't know what's going on!

This time, without anyone to remind, the people in Jiuchong heaven were staring at the natural black robed people standing on the altar.

As soon as Xu Xiu's face changed, he quickly approached mu Qingge's side and said in a low voice: "God Emperor, jiuchongtian, there are many guests to celebrate, and the people in the attached City!"

Mu light Song Mou Guang a cold, immediately ordered: "send troops down to support, must stop those alien close to nine heavy days."

"Yes Xu Xiu was ordered to retreat.

Simao also called for the lonely cliff night, let them with the magic guard to follow the army of the nine heavy days, together to resist alien attacks.

Jiuchongtian's army has just been recruited, but its combat effectiveness has not been fully reflected. With the help of magic guards, it will relieve a lot of pressure.

Long Ya Wei, long Yu Wei, they don't have the experience to deal with the alien race, so it's useless.

"For the emperor of Yue, the emperor of thousands of birds, the God of ten directions, and the emperor of burning the sea god, there is an alien army coming in front of you. Please give me some command." Mu Qingge said again.

The situation is urgent, several deities ordered by muqingge, without a trace of hesitation, immediately disappeared in the sky of Jiuchong.

And all this, the foreign people standing on the altar, looked calmly, as if they didn't care about the outcome of the war that was about to begin.

"It seems that you have come here prepared." Mu Qingge asked in a cold voice.

The alien said calmly: "I admire the emperor's ability to arrange the array of troops. I'm impressed by him! What should I do? I appreciate you more and more. "

He said, slightly moved under the brim of his hat, as if looking at Si Mo: "demon Jun, I robbed your spirit flag last time. This time, how about taking your wife from your house? "

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