In jiuzhong world, Xu Xiu's words were heard by tens of thousands of people.

They looked at each other, whether it was true or false, they all nodded at the same time.

Xu Xiu smiles and nods. "Well, everyone knows. Of course, some people don't know, so I'll say it again. They are going to the place where the alien invaders come and stop them, so that the foreign army will not have a chance to go forward and hurt the people on the land of God. "

Tens of thousands of people gradually became silent.

"But..." Xu Xiu turned his voice and said, "the land of gods and demons is not only their land of gods and demons, but also mine. It belongs to you and belongs to all living creatures living in this land! Now, when the enemy invades, they have gone ahead of us to meet them. However, this is a long-standing conspiracy. If we fight in a hurry, it will only increase the casualties. Do you have the heart to see them hurt and die in order to protect this land? Can you wait for others to protect you? We are practitioners. We are stronger than ordinary people, which means that we will shoulder the responsibility of protecting this land. On weekdays, we have fights and frictions with each other. It's all family brawls. Now when foreign enemies come, what we have to do is to put aside all our bad feelings and calculations and work together to fight the enemy together! "

Xu Xiu's words inspired many people's lofty aspirations.

"Yes! We can't sit like cowards

"Foreigners are killed at home, what are we waiting for?"

"His grandmother's bear! Isn't it a foreign race? It's enough to kill one, and make money if you kill two! "

"This is the land of God, not the devil kingdom. There is no reason for the demons to fight in front of us. Are we hiding in the back? If so, even I look down on myself

The public mood has been mobilized, Xu Xiu raised his hand and said, "yes! Whether it is the protoss or the demons, at this moment, in the face of foreign enemies, we are allies and comrades in arms

He took a deep breath and said, "gentlemen, I know that you are here to congratulate me on the marriage of the emperor jiuzhong. However, the marriage is now blocked by alien conspiracy. In jiuchongtian, our God Emperor has led the public to fight against the high-level alien people who sneak into jiuchongtian. However, we do not forget the safety of all of you and the safety of the surrounding people. "

When he said this, he seemed to confirm what he said. In the Jiuchong sky, there was a fierce fight, and the picture was stirred by the power of laws, which disturbed the changes of the wind and cloud.

"Ah! There are even high-level foreigners sneaking into the wedding

"There is a big war on the top, and the emperor Mu has not forgotten to send people to stop the invaders!"

"The emperor of God is indeed a man who cherishes the world and has great righteousness in his heart!"

"Gentlemen, I am not forcing you. Now, I have explained what happened. Those who are willing to fight with me and kill the enemy will come forward. If you don't want to, I won't force you. Just wait here. I swear by my life that if a foreign race rushes into here, it must have stepped on my body! " Xu Xiu's voice was like a bell and his words were like a sword. His voice and voice pierced into the hearts of these guests.

As soon as his voice dropped, countless people came forward.

"Tianlu, we are not cowards! We are the people of cultivation, we don't need to be protected by others! "

"Yes! Let's go with you and kill him back and forth in the alien race! "

The crowd is excited, and there is no one back, no one is timid!

Xu xiumou in the pan glowing light, silently nodded. He held up his Scepter in his hand, raised his arms and called out, "those who practice in the spiritual void state above three levels, follow me!" The cultivation below the third level of spiritual emptiness state is basically ineffective for the attack of other clans. So you don't have to die.

Then he turned and swept forward.

Most of the tens of thousands of people who came to attend the wedding banquet were more than three levels of spiritual emptiness. They drew out their weapons and pursued Xu Xiu.

For a moment, the sound of killing the sky, that straight into the sky momentum, shaking away the sky wedding was blocked and the haze.


In the Ninth Heaven, there are four scuffles.

MuQing singer clenched the marriage letter and put it into his new small world.

Then, she leaped all her life and rose into the air in her wedding dress, overlooking the nine sky surrounded by battlefields.

Alien, actually hit her territory!

Mu Qingge's eyes are full of golden light, which is more and more dazzling and thicker. All of a sudden, her eyes shot two golden lights, directly covering a small green monster.

Those small monsters, who were shrouded, were stunned and stiff. MuQing singer in the Linglong gun swept past, the powerful force erupted from the tip of the gun, instantly killed those small monsters that were fixed into powder.

This move, stunned people.

All the people who had lost their opponents, as well as those in the battle, all looked up and looked at her in the air.

Beautiful, still so beautiful!

However, the original clear eyes are covered with gold, as if sacred and inviolable!"You are indeed our enemy!" At this time, a sharp and cold voice came from the back of MuQing song.

Mu Qingge looked back and saw that the alien who broke away from Simao's killing move stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed him. The big brim of his hat blocked his face and expression. Judging from his voice, his expression must be extremely ferocious at the moment.

This alien is extremely fast!

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, quickly back away, will be the distance.

The man of the alien race, after him, suddenly felt his shoulders heavy.

He raised his head and revealed half of his white chin and red lips. He saw that he stepped on his shoulders and looked at him indifferently.


He angrily toward Si Mo's feet to grab, but, was Si Mo carried, into the high altitude, trapped him in his side, do not let him hand to deal with mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and a sneer appeared between his eyes. The golden light reappeared in his eyes, which once again shrouded those green skin monsters.

This time, people learned to be smart.

When the green skin monsters are fixed, they will kill the more and more small monsters, so that they can't be further divided.

"There is this little monster in the land of gods and demons!" Xi Qianxue in the battle, surprised way.

"What?" Yao Xinghai looked back and asked.

Xi Qianxue came back to God and shook his head: "nothing."

"Then concentrate on killing the enemy. This is our first battle in the land of gods and demons! It's going to be beautiful for the light song Yaoxing Haidao.

"Well." Xi Qianxue convergence mind, two people cooperate to kill the enemy.

Simao took away the mysterious alien. Mu Qingge controlled the small alien with the power of magic, so that everyone had a chance to kill them. In an instant, she took control of the war , the fastest update of the webnovel!