Put feel the pulse?

The emperor of the dragon was stunned. It seemed that he didn't understand the meaning of Mu light song.

No! He understood, just

"You say you are a miracle doctor?" The Dragon Emperor finally grasped the key of the words.

Mu Qingge, with a smile on his lips, said to him, "by the way, I seem to have forgotten to introduce him. My master is the God of Dan. And I Now, all the alchemists in the land of gods and Demons call me Danshen


As soon as the name came out, there was a sound of pumping around.




Mu Qingge is actually the disciple of Dan God, and has been regarded as Dan God? That is to say, she has been able to refine the supreme Dan king?!

“……” Dragon Emperor.

“……” Dragons.

She, what kind of monster is she?!

The Dragon Emperor was shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge and recalled all the information about her in his mind. Suddenly I felt that she was just like a monster born in the sky, like a star blooming in the dark.

"Are you sure that you can change the problem of the difficulty in the succession of the longzu?" After feeling a little calmed down, the Dragon Emperor asked nervously. There was a tremor in his voice.

"I dare not say that I am fully sure of everything. I have to understand the reasons why it is difficult for the descendants of the dragon clan to continue their life before I can make a conclusion." Mu Qingge didn't boast about it.

"Xiaoge'er, the blood of the Dragon nationality and the Phoenix emperor are all ancient blood lines. The more dignified they are, the more difficult it is to inherit them." Si Mo carries the sound to Mu light song way.

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, look to the Dragon Emperor.

Dragon Emperor Mou appears in a few minutes struggle, after a while, he just gnaws a tooth way: "good! How do you know? "

He narrowed his eyes and looked at mu Qingge and said, "the blood of the dragon people is noble, so it's difficult for the offspring to continue. It's not for you to take a pill to solve the problem."

"If you want to see it." Mu light song road.

Said, she goes forward, to the Dragon Emperor way: "can pulse?"

The Dragon Emperor looked at her warily. Under her clear eyes, he slowly stretched out his hand. Mu Qingge also put his finger on his pulse.

"Dragon Emperor just said that a new born dragon died?" Mu light song side pulse, side way.

Mentioning this matter, mu Qingge obviously felt the pulse of the emperor of the dragon.

He held back his anger. "He was fine before he was born, but he died in the process of life. This is the first little guy of our family in the past 100 years. He died like this. I can't help but be angry. "

"Therefore, the Dragon Emperor took people to find trouble, and wanted to vent his anger." Mu Qingge tells the reason why the Dragon Emperor went to find him.

The Dragon Emperor snorted and did not deny it.

Mu Qingge took back his hand and looked at the Dragon Emperor and said, "in order to find out the real reason, I also need to check other people's bodies." She made a request.

The Dragon Emperor looked at her for two seconds and finally nodded.

Soon, many dragon people were called by the Dragon Emperor. All of them were young, male and female.

They were in two lines, blank.

Muqingge and the Dragon Emperor didn't explain, they just told them to do as muqingge said.

Since learning how to make pills, mu Qingge has encountered a lot of problems, and even the dead can be revived. However, it is the first time to treat infertility.

After the physical examination of the Dragon nationality, she frowned and fell into deep thought.

"What's the matter The Dragon Emperor can't wait to ask.

Mu light song droops the eyes to ponder, does not pay attention to. Si Mo but the look in the eyes is not happy to sweep over, said a sentence, "do not disturb."

The Dragon Emperor's face sank and he was silent.

"What's the reason? Is it really because of blood? There is no problem with their bodies. " Mu Qingge asks himself in his heart.

The infertility of the Dragon nationality really baffled her for a time.

For a long time, she raised her eyes and looked at the Dragon Emperor: "Dragon Emperor, is your body still there?"

"How? Are you going to waste nothing and dig the heart of the dragon? " Before the Dragon Emperor opened his mouth, there was an old dragon dissatisfied road.

Mu light Song mouth a pull, not with him, just to see the Dragon Emperor.

The Dragon Emperor raised his hand to stop the indignation of other dragons. "What do you want to do?" he asked

If it was normal, mu Qingge would have said ironically, "is it not that the Dragon Emperor thinks I want to dig the heart of the dragon?" But this time, she really did not have time to do these, so she said directly, "maybe you can find some problems from him."

The Dragon Emperor was silent for a moment and nodded his head.

Immediately someone went down to get the Dragon corpse. When the Dragon corpse was held, mu Qingge saw a dim egg. In the egg, there seemed to be a dim little dragon shadow, lifeless and lifeless.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, took the dragon egg from the other side's hand, and explored it carefully with divine power.

For a long time, she returned the eggs to each other. She looked at the Dragon Emperor and asked, "the Dragon Emperor knows that there are some families in the Terran family who have difficulties in continuing their offspring. There are many stillbirths, or most of the children are defective?"The Dragon Emperor was puzzled and didn't know what she meant.

Mu Qingge also said: "in the end, their family, the number of people is less and less, gradually perishing. Do you know why? "

At this time, not only the Dragon Emperor was curious, but also Simao.

All eyes are focused on mu Qingge's body. She said slowly: "these families think that their bloodline is noble and does not allow the blood of other families to be defiled. Therefore, they only allowed people in the family to intermarry and give birth to the offspring they thought were the purest. However, this is the reason why they failed to continue their offspring and destroyed their families. "

The same problem will happen to the offspring of similar blood, and the divine beast is no exception!

The dragons in the Dragon kingdom are all closed, not so good at the beginning, but as each generation continues, their bloodlines become more and more intimate, which will naturally lead to difficulties in the continuation of future generations.

What lineage is noble and difficult to reproduce?

The birth of a child is related to bloodline!

After examining Bruce Lee, mu Qingge figured out the problem.

"What are you talking about?" The Dragon Emperor is not stupid, naturally heard the meaning hidden in the words of muqingge.

Si Mo Mou light shining, just like a broken star, look at the eyes of Xiangmu light song is full of surprise.

"In a month, I will send a batch of pills. These pills can enhance the chances of reproduction, and isolate some close blood exclusion phenomenon. Whether it can work or not will be known by taking it Mu light song to Dragon Emperor finish saying, turn eyes to see to Si Mo way: "let's go."

"Well, I will wait for you for a month!" Dragon King Road.

Mu Qingge smiles and leaves with Si mo.

Out of the Dragon realm, she found that Si Mo has been looking at her smile.

"What are you laughing at?" It's so lewd.

Simao hugged mu Qingge into his arms and said with a smile, "xiaoge'er has leisure to solve the problem of inheritance of others. When will we have time to solve the succession of our two children? I promise, we won't be like the dragon people. "

Mu Qingge looks embarrassed.

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