"This is the world of the Fu clan?" Mu Qingge looks around in surprise.

She was not sure whether daqianzhou's first flight was really successful. Whether they really came to the world of the existence of the Fu clan.

If not Si Mo said, he sensed the spirit of the spirit of the flag more clearly, she really can't believe.

"Let's get out of here first." Si Mo says, the hand already had two black cloaks.

He put one of them on muqingge and pulled up a big hat to cover her. Pull down the brim of the hat, the broad hat, will be mu Qingge's appearance hidden in the slightest, even the chin, is also covered by the shadow of the brim, can not really see.

Satisfied after nodding, Si Mo just put on the same cloak for himself, also covered his appearance with a hat.

"Let's go." Si Mo Dao.

Mu Qingge joked, "we dress like this, will it attract more attention?"

"Those who appear in front of us are very special, except that the master of Fu clan is not different from us in appearance. If we go out like this, at least they won't tell us that we are not from here Si Mo Dao.

However, he stopped for a moment and then said, "but the language..."

"It's not a problem." Mu light Song said, the hand took out two pills of pills, took one in the heart of Si Mo palm.

Si Mo curiously looked at, "what pill is this?"

"Jieyu pill." Mu Qingge explained, swallowing the pill. "As the name suggests, it is able to interpret all kinds of languages and automatically translate what we say into what others can understand when we export."

"Is there such a magic pill?" Si Mo smiles and takes the pills in his hand.

There is no big difference in taking pills.

They looked at each other and walked out of the valley.

The valley is very large, surrounded by forests and quiet, and even the wild animals are hard to see.

Si Mo is sensing the direction of the demon spirit flag, with Mu light song, walking towards the outside. Fortunately, their cultivation didn't fail here. After the initial exploration, they found that there was no FUZU, and then they used the art of resisting the wind to pass through the forest.

"How big the forest is! We walked so long and flew so far that we couldn't see the outline of the city. " Mu light song exclaimed.

"It is also possible that the population of the Fu nationality is not large." Si Mo speculated.

Small monsters are differentiated from big monsters. And those big monsters seem to be different from other runes they have seen.

The world What a surprise!


All of a sudden, a roar came from not far away and passed into their ears.

Si Mo one hand grasps Mu light song's wrist, two people suddenly stop in mid air, vigilant look to the voice to come.

"It seems to be the sound of an animal." Mu Qingge looks over there and guesses.

Si Mo Mou light changed several times, way: "we go to have a look."

Mu Qingge nods, two people adjust direction, toward the roar in the forest to chase past.

Before they got close, a pile of broken branches and rocks flew out all around. One of the anti, is toward the Mu light song and Si Mo front ushered in, in a flash, came to the two people near.

Si Mo wave, shoot over the branches, rocks, instant into powder.

Between the sleeves, the powder will be blown away, but also split the road to continue to move forward.

The two men rushed in and saw a new arrest scene.

There was no outcrop. After they approached, they chose a big tree to cover up their body shape and reduce their breath so that the people below would not notice themselves.

Under the ground, a huge green net, covered by a giant. The Colossus was similar in appearance to human beings, but it was as strong as a mountain. If he stood up from the ground, he would be as tall as the trees around him.

The muscles on his body are very developed, and each muscle bulges on his back like a hill.

"It's ugly." The giant in the net, in the struggle, reveals the appearance. Mu Qingge gave a very pertinent evaluation.

"Come on! Hold it

"This guy is good. I must take it back and domesticate it!"

Outside the huge net, there are many people struggling to pull.

They were dressed in black clothes and could not see clearly, but their words could be understood under the action of Jieyu pills.

Mu light song and Si Mo looked at each other, some surprise in the eyes.

They have judged that this hunting is to catch and domesticate, which seems to be similar to the profession of Tiantong master in their world.

Mu Qingge preached, "this giant appeared on the battlefield of the demon kingdom in those years." She refers to the time when Simao disappeared, when she entered the devil kingdom to preside over the overall situation and fight with other races.

At that time, in addition to the size of the monster she was familiar with, there were several such monsters, with rough skin, thick flesh and infinite strength."The hunting nets they used seemed very special." Simao noticed that the green net that shrouded the giant seemed to have runes, and the giant with infinite strength was covered by the net, and the giant couldn't get rid of it.

"Ang --!"

All of a sudden, the shrouded giant uttered a cry of pain, and his eyes began to dull.

"Come on! Now

The man in the ground called out.

Immediately, a man jumped out and rushed at the giant's head.

This scene, make Mu light song eyebrow a pick.

Then, they saw a magical scene. The man who rushed forward knelt on the giant's body, and his eyebrows seemed to shine a light into the giant's eyes.

Next, the giant completely lost the resistance, obediently obeyed the command, stood up, and did not struggle at all.

The man who rushed out, sitting on the giant's shoulder, was like giving advice to other people: "today's harvest is not small, let's go back to the city!"

Mu light song and Si Mo a look exchange, tacit understanding followed up.

As long as they come into contact with the people of the Fu nationality, they can figure out what kind of race they are, their attack means and what their weaknesses are!

The two men followed in secret and did not attract the attention of the front team.

After a long time, they finally walked out of the forest and into a grassland.

Here, there is no shelter, but fortunately, the giant is big enough, with its body shape, they can still not be found.

Only when it was dark did they see the outline of the city.

Do not continue to follow, Mu light song and Si Mo around the front, ready to enter the city.

However, when they got to the bottom of the city, they found that the gate was heavily guarded.

"Why? What about your two symbols? " All of a sudden, a childish voice sounded around them.

Mu Qingge and Si Mo look at the same time, only to find that when, a three or four year old child, actually appeared in front of two people, head up, from the bottom just saw the appearance of two people.


Mu light song and Si Mo's line of sight, fell on the red Rune on the child's forehead.

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