
The place that overlaps with the land of the Fu nationality and allows them to invade is Linchuan!

Mu Qingge stands on the highest mountain in the nine heavy sky, overlooking the clouds rolling and overlooking all living beings. The beauty of the face of men and women, facial features tight into a line, clear eyes bottom, calm and terrible.

Whether she is willing or not, the meeting just concluded has decided to send the vanguard troops to Linchuan to look for the entrance. Try to find it before the Fu clan. When the time comes, will they go in and slaughter, or seal the entrance completely Again!

"Little song." Simao stands behind mu Qingge, frowning and looking at her with some worry.

Linchuan for mu Qingge, is how different, he knows better than anyone.

Don't say mu Qingge, even he is different for Linchuan. Because, there, he met mu Qingge and found his lifelong love.

There, is he and his little song, start everything.

"I thought that although Linchuan's interface is low, it is at least safe." Mu Qingge opens his mouth slowly.

She really thought so, otherwise, she would not always put her family there, never thought of taking them to her side. Because, she feels, with the strength of her family, Linchuan is safer than her side.

Si Mo walked in to her, stood behind her, blocked the ice cold wind for her, let her be blown to hunt for the sound of clothes, gradually subsided.

"Xiao Ge'er, there is no perfect way to deal with the affairs in the world." Si Mo comforts way.

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, "I understand." It was because she understood that she did not stop the gods and demons from sending people to Linchuan.

"If you're really worried, why don't you bring them here?" Si Mo proposed.

Mu light song but slowly shake his head, the corner of the mouth pan a trace of bitter smile. "If we can successfully prevent the invasion of the runes, it will be safe here. If not, the war will spread to every inch of the land here. I want my family well, not to say, to keep them in one place, but to let them go where they want to go

She stopped and gently tugged at the corners of her mouth. "What's more, as the emperor, if the war has not started, I want to protect my relatives. This is also a blow to the morale of other people."

Her calm, her reason, make Si Mo heartache.

However, he had to admit that all these were the right choices.

"Things are not at their worst." Si Mo Dao.

With a faint smile, mu Qingge turned to look at him: "yes, so, I don't want Linchuan to become a place of war. I have to be faster than the FUZU to find the hole."

"Are you sure you want to go down in person?" Si Mo asked.

Mu Qingge lightly nods the head of the jaw, "Linchuan has a state limit. If people who are not in the lower interface enter into it, their strength will be suppressed at the critical point. It is not clear whether the Fu clan will be suppressed by the realm. When the Protoss and demons have gone, they will all become purple. If they really encounter the runes, they will die or die. "

"Therefore, you propose to organize people from all regions to fly up from the lower bound and go in order." Si Mo said the idea of Mu light song.

She acknowledged with a nod. "However, although Linchuan is not as vast as the land of gods and demons, it is not small. Where is the entrance? It takes a lot of manpower to find it. Maybe, we need to rely on the local forces in Linchuan. "

Si Mo laughs: "you are in Linchuan, already have no crown king, as long as you open your mouth, who dares not follow?"

Mu light song's mood, by Si Mo's joking words, make it not as dull as before, she said with a smile: "this also thanks to your Majesty the holy king."

The sound of the king's majesty aroused the memories of their first acquaintance.

Linchuan, the barren land in the eyes of many people, carries too many memories of them.


During the three-day rectification, the land of gods and Demons was cleaning up the spies of the Fu clan at a very fast speed.

At the same time, a team composed of two clans of gods and Demons appeared in the world of jiuzhong.

The vast tens of thousands of people are composed of practitioners who have risen from the lower world and reached the level of spiritual cave. Among them, the demons are led by huangfuhuan and Shen Bicheng.

To go to Linchuan, no one is more suitable than the two of them.

On the protoss side, it doesn't matter who leads the team.

Because, have mu light song!

She alone, enough to command the gods and demons.

What's more, she took away her five hundred dragon teeth, Youhe, Huayue, Yinchen and Baiji.

Who dares to disobey her?

These people went to Linchuan to look for the entrance of the Fu clan. After finding it, they determined its function, and then went on to the next step.

On the side of the land of gods and demons, there are also cracks connecting the runes. No matter whether the protoss or the demons are left behind, we should always be vigilant. The Fu family will invade from these places again.

Nine heavy heaven, god palace, Mu light song has been dressed in war clothes, majestic.

She said to Si Mo: "I go to Linchuan, you stay, I don't worry.""Do what you want to do and leave everything to me." Si Mo for her brush open the forehead of the broken hair, his voice, make Mu light song heart rise a kind of inexplicable peace of mind.

Mu Qingge smile, suddenly put out his hand, hook Simao's neck, feet on tiptoe, pull down his head, kiss up.

The initiative of a kiss, so that Si Mo Mou in the eyes of the color, he is not polite to deepen this kiss.

"Sir, the people are ready." Outside the door, the voice of Moyang appeared, interrupted the lingering in the room.

Mu light song loose hand, backward a step, to Si Mo way: "wait for me to come back."

Si Mo nods slowly, raises the hand, slender good-looking finger, the ring is very obvious.

His action, make Mu light song subconsciously looked at his finger set with the same ring.

"When you need me, I'll be there in a second." Si Mo deep voice admonishes.

Mu Qingge smiles, turns and strides to the door.

Taking these people to Linchuan, she used the same method as her relatives. She directly loaded them in an empty boat. Then she crossed the space, went to Linchuan, and released them.

An empty boat appeared in jiuchongtian.

Tens of thousands of people, who had been waiting for a long time, looked up and jumped toward the empty boat.

In a flash, the empty boat has been full of people, quickly becoming smaller and falling in the palm of Mu Qingge's hand.

She turned around and looked at the gods standing behind her. She nodded slightly, raised her hand to tear the space. Her figure flashed and jumped in.


When she disappeared, a thunderbolt exploded from the sky, shaking all the people on the land to look up.

Linchuan, this barren land, cloudless clear sky.

All of a sudden, a ferocious crack appeared. A ship of unique shape sailed out of the crack , the fastest update of the webnovel!