Linchuan earth, suddenly came a tearing the earth's huge sound. The whole Linchuan, along with the tremor, shaking a few times, like the general earthquake.

Muqingge's furnishings in the room were directly shaken off the shelf, and from everywhere in Mu's house, exclamations were heard.

Mu Qingge holds sang lanruo, who is almost shaken down, and looks slightly coagulant.

A bad premonition rose abruptly in her heart!

"What's the matter?" Mulberry blue if stand firm, look nervous way.

She brought the little girl, up from the ground, is also a face of panic, eyes full of panic.

Outside, the sound of armor rings.

When the word Sang Lan ruo's voice fell, muliancheng broke in with his bodyguard. "I don't know what happened, but something must have happened." His eyes, easily to Mu light song body.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly and finally said, "yes, something happened."

There was a flash of light in her eyes, and she quickly said to her father, "father, enter the palace immediately and let Qin Jinchen issue the imperial edict of national transfer. The whole country is under martial law and is in a state of preparation for war. No one is allowed to walk outside without permission. "

"Is it the Fu family?" Muriancheng's heart trembled.

Mu Qingge's lips are tight and her eyes are dark and hard to see.

"My Lord!"

Outside the door, the Dragon teeth guard ran in in in a hurry, with a stern look: "Fu nationality..."

Before he finished speaking, Mulian city immediately turned around and left with the bodyguard. As soon as he got out of the house, he yelled: "all generals, go out of the house, keep order in the city, prepare horses, I want to enter the palace!"

"The people near Wuwei sea, before they arrived, heard the news coming from there. When they arrived quickly, they saw the sign that there was a space forced to open. It seemed that the runes had already moved. According to their conjecture, I'm afraid there will be less than three hours before the Fu clan can come in. "

Three hours!

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and he ordered: "quickly inform all countries of the news, summon all gods and demons to rush to the Wuwang sea, and be sure to snipe the invading runes within the Wuwang sea. In addition, the armed forces of all countries around Wuwei sea should be informed to evacuate the nearby people as soon as possible. "

Dragon teeth guard is ordered to retreat, come and go like a gust of wind!

As soon as he left, Moyang came in quickly, his eyes were quiet, and his facial features were tense, standing in front of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge said, "leave a hundred people under the command of Youhe, Huayue and Baibi, and the rest will go with me to the Wuwu sea." In her heart, always can't put down that family affection.

So, no matter what time, she should protect her relatives.

Mo Yang jaw head, he said: "little Lord, do you want to inform the land of gods and demons?"

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "I'll go and have a look first." If you can successfully block, beat back the runes, seal the entrance, then everything is under control.

If it was not a last resort, she was not willing to set fire to Linchuan and make Linchuan a battlefield.

"If you go on, even if you are dead, you must control the battle within the scope of Wuwei sea! We must not allow the Fu people to set foot on the land alone. " Mu light song a boxing on the table top, the eye appears ruthless Jue color.

"Yes Mo Yang is ordered to retreat.

Mu Qingge walked to the door. When she stepped out of the threshold, a layer of flame had been lit on her body. After the flame died down, a gorgeous heroic armor appeared on her body.

Beside her, there was a flash of gold and silver, and Yuan Yuan also appeared in front of her.

"Follow me to the sea of nothing." Mu Qingge opens his mouth.

Then, she and Yuan Yuan's figure flash, disappeared in the Mu Fu.

Wuwang sea, Wuwang sea!

This is a vast and formidable inland sea for Linchuan people. Between the Qin State and the Shengyuan Empire, it is more or less connected with many countries.

However, from the ground distance, the closest is Qin!

Once mu Qingge could not control the attack of the Fu nationality within the scope of the Wuwei sea and was landed by them, the Qin state would bear the brunt of the attack and abuse.

The state of Qin, for muqingge, is an irreplaceable existence. Because her home is here. Her ancestors, in order to protect every inch of the country's territory, shed countless blood, dedicated their lives.

Therefore, in the public and private, she will not let Qin be half hurt!

Even if it's life lost!

At this moment, she was looking forward to the possibility. That is, Linchuan's interface suppression is also effective for the runes! In that case, they will be much more relaxed in the battle and have a little more chance of winning.

With the speed of muqingge and Yuanyuan, they arrived at Wuwei sea almost in an instant.

Before they got close, they saw the change of wind and cloud over the Wuwang sea!

Here, it doesn't seem like Linchuan!

Sea sky, overcast, heavy, dark, clouds rolling, lightning and thunder. In the middle of this cumulus cloud, the column that exists like a whirlwind is directly inserted into the Wuwei sea, sucking the sea water crazily and drawing the sea water into the sky.The level of the sea of vanity is falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And in that terrible cloud, it seems that you can see a face struggling out.

Ferocious faces, roaring, want to break through the division of space, from another world, into here.


Mu Qingge falls from the sky and falls on the shore of Wuwang sea. The huge impact force, on the ground, raised a layer of dust, spread around.

Behind her, there are already many gods and Demons coming from all over the country. At the moment, seeing her appear, they all gathered behind her, as if to see the backbone.

"Shenhuang, this strange cloud has been extracting the sea water from the Wuwang sea. If you go down at this speed, I'm afraid it will take three hours to drain the whole sea water from the Wuwang sea. Their subordinates believe that the FUZU will never draw sea water for no reason. Maybe when the sea water is drained, it is the time for them to break the boundary. "

Whew! Whew!

In the back, there are gods and Demons coming.

Five hundred dragon teeth guards, in addition to the one hundred people left by mu Qingge, all rushed to Mu Qingge and stood beside him with a cold look.

Mo Yang stood with his back to Mu Qingsong, facing a crowd of gods and demons. His quiet eyes swept over their faces one by one, and looked at the uneasiness and uneasiness in their eyes.

"Try interrupting it." Mu Qingge condenses the whirlwind channel that continuously draws the sea water.

As soon as her voice fell, five dragon guards jumped forward and rushed to the sea!


The state of Qin, Luodu.

The whole city is in a state of tense martial law.

Outside the city, however, muxiong put on his armour and gathered all the Mujia troops stationed outside the city with Mu Liancheng and Mu Yichen.

The old general came out to wake up the blood of the mujiajun.

Ten thousand mu family soldiers stood in silence on the school yard, waiting for their old general to speak.

"Children, there are foreign invaders. We are not rivals. But we can't go back because We are mujiajun , the fastest update of the webnovel!