When mu Qingge returns to Linchuan, night falls.

She came and went, but for less than a day, but standing outside the gate of the mansion, she felt as if she had passed away.

It was quiet under the night.

Outside the gate of the Mu mansion, there are guards. Two lanterns hanging under the eaves are swaying in the night wind, making the reflection around them flickering.

She did not rush in, but stood in front of the stone stele, which was given by the emperor, and stood with her hands.

Under the high and majestic eaves, three plaques are still hanging there.

Mu Qingge looked at the three plaques and did not speak for a long time.

Her silence makes the two guards outside the mansion very confused. They want to shout, but they are afraid to disturb mu Qingge's meditation. They exchanged eyes and hesitated for a long time, but they didn't decide whether to open their mouth or not.

In the open door of the mansion, a tall figure gradually appeared.

The long shadow, drawn from the gate to the gate, startled the two guards outside. They turn around and see the master of the shadow.

The heart slightly breathes, two people immediately kneel down on one knee.

"Step back." Si Mo fingers virtual lift, two people were directly moved by him with the technique, disappeared in place.

The disappearance of the two bodyguards finally awakened mu Qingge. Her eyes light, move down from the plaque, on the Si Mo that pair of Po color eyes.

These eyes, heaven and earth, are unique.

Looking at him, the picture in the spring of the future reappears in front of Mu Qingge. The cover of the night covered up the painful emotion in her eyes, only let her clear eyes become dark.

Si Mo came to her, raised his hand, gently brushed the broken hair between her forehead for her, and asked, "what's wrong with you, little song er?"

Mu Qingge didn't reply, just stretched out his hand around his waist, and the whole person depended on him in his arms.

Si Mo tiny frown, such Mu light song, let him feel very wrong.

It's just that if she doesn't say it, he won't ask.

This is a tacit understanding between the two. Similarly, mu Qingge won't ask questions about things he doesn't say.

Dong Dong! Dong Dong! Dong Dong!

Mu light song closed eyes, leaning on Si Mo, feeling the temperature from his body, as well as listening to the sound of his heartbeat, dispelling the chill on her body.

"How nice! It's good to be alive! "

The last scene of the spring of the future is Si Mo's body cold, no breath in her arms. At the moment, she held Simao, feeling his breath, this happiness, let mu Qingge willing to give up everything to exchange.

"Since it's good to live, you can't die. No one can die! " Mu light song slowly opened his eyes, clear eye bottom, restored Qingming.

Feel the change of woman's breath in the arms, Si Mo also feels slightly surprised.

What on earth is it that makes his little song so emotional in such a short period of time? At last, however, he could feel that his little song was back.

"Let's go back." Mu Qingge raised his head from his arms and set his eyes like stars.

Si Mo jaw head, two people ten fingers hand in hand, walk toward Mu Fu.


The first World War of the sea of arrogance let the rulers of all countries know what kind of enemy they are facing this time.

Simao had spent many years in Linchuan in order to find the magic spirit flag, and created himself the identity of the holy king. When mu Qingge left, he came back in this capacity and directly took over the whole military of Linchuan.

That is to say, from now on, he is the supreme ruler of Linchuan.

"Although the entrance is sealed, it still exists in Linchuan, so I plan to reorganize Linchuan army tomorrow." The two men entered the Mu mansion. They were not talking about Fengyue, but about the platoon arrangement which was related to the safety of Linchuan.

"What are you going to do?" asked mu Qingge

Si Mo said: "it is impossible for people in the land of gods and demons to stay here all the time. I intend to set up a special service in the armed forces of all countries after they have been assembled. Their duty is to guard the sea of arrogance. In addition, on the periphery of the Wuwei sea, I will set up military fortresses in accordance with the besieged formation, guarded by the army, and seal this area. Even if one day the seal is broken, they will be trapped in the array and unable to break into the interior of Linchuan. The guards of Linchuan will have time to inform us in time. "

Mu light song to understand, Si Mo's method, and the original Dan God used to protect forsythia, has the same wonderful. At that time, the dandaoyuan built by Danshen was actually a big array to cover the breath, to protect the breath of forsythia, the supreme Dan king, from the people in the land of gods and demons.

And now, Simao takes the same approach, using the army and the construction of military fortresses to form a trap and isolate the sea of arrogance.

There has been a gap in Linchuan. In this arrangement, the defense is not only for the runes, but also for any foreign enemies who may break through the seal and enter Linchuan.

"Good idea." Mu Qingge nodded with approval.Linchuan, must learn to use their own strength to protect their homes, can not rely on other forces forever.

Otherwise, Linchuan people, in front of people in other interfaces, will always be weak!

If you want to be strong, you have to change yourself first.

"But, after all, this is not the method of indicators. The Fu clan is still a big problem. After solving the problems here, we have to find another way. Only by thoroughly eliminating the runes can the real dust settle down. " Si Mo Dao.

Mu Qingge looks at him, in the clear eyes, the smile turns into the broken star light, sets off the eyes very bright in the night.

"Unexpectedly, in the eyes of many people, the bloodthirsty and ruthless demon king has become worried about the country and the people."

Her joking, but let Si Mo affectionate confession. "Because of you."

The murmuring song stopped, and the night covered the crimson of her cheeks.

"I am the king of the devil kingdom. For me, in such a war, I just need to protect my people. For others, life and death don't matter at all. But because of you, my princess, everything you care about and protect is what I want to protect. This is your husband's responsibility. " In the eyes of Si Mo Po se, it says seriously.

Under the moon, two people look at each other speechless, thousands of words, melt in each other's heart.


The sun rises and a new day comes as promised.

Around the sea of Wu Wu, there are gods and demons who are brought down by mu Qingge. Today, there are only a few thousand left, but they are more calm than they were when they first came.

Before Simao's plan is completed, they are responsible for the safety here.

Today, they patrol around the Wuwei sea in the way they are accustomed to during this period of time. Everything is calm as usual, occasionally you can hear insects and birds.

Suddenly, a violent sound came from the air, breaking the silence

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