Or give millions of flesh and blood loyal soul, voluntarily sacrifice themselves, repair Linchuan. Or die together! It's a cruel but cost-effective choice.

Mu Qingge said this sentence, her temples on both sides of the blue veins have burst up.

The pain in her heart is no less than that of anyone!

"Mu Ge, who are you not born here. However, when you become a moqingge, you and this land, have been closely linked. Here, it's your home, it's up to you to protect it! " Mu light song raised his head and looked at the sky, let the tears flow back.

Millions of flesh and blood sacrifice Linchuan

Mu light song of this sentence out, the whole Linchuan are into a very quiet.

They trust mu Qingge and know that she would never have said such a thing if she had no way.

"Every country has an array. Those who are willing to sacrifice Linchuan with flesh and blood and repair Linchuan can join the battle voluntarily. The number of people that can enter each array is the same. If the number of people exceeds the number, it will be ejected by the array. " The soft voice of the muse.

One for each country, the same number.

In other words, mu Qingge distributes the number of millions of people equally to each country, and limits the array.

How many countries are there in Linchuan?

First class, second class, third class In this way, the number of people who need to join the array voluntarily in each country will be reduced to about 100000.

This number seems to be much less than one million. However, it is still heartbreaking!

"We have limited time. At most, we only have one incense stick to consider. If we continue to delay, we will only need more people to sacrifice themselves. " Mu light song eyes light to see very far, the voice recovered to be flat.

She has said the most difficult words. Heart, on the contrary, calm down.

A stick of incense?

The choice of life and death, only a stick of incense time to consider.

Muqingge brings hope to them, but it also brings pain.

At the foot of the palace, Huangfu Haotian suddenly stood up and patted the dust on his Dragon Robe.

"Your majesty! What are you going to do? "

He moved, immediately let the people around him, nervous.

Huangfu Haotian said with a smile, "didn't you hear what the young Lord said? I am the only first-class emperor in Linchuan. Now, Linchuan needs me. "

After that, he pushed away the unexpected people and directly rushed into the array.

"Your majesty!"

"Your majesty!"

They are shocked and look at Huangfu Haotian standing in the array.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Huangfu Haotian looked up and laughed. He stood in the array and was wrapped up by the golden light. He looked around and said in a relaxed tone: "Sir, it's very comfortable to use the array!"

As soon as his voice fell, several royal worshippers looked at each other and saw a resolution in their eyes. At the same time, they rushed into the array.

"You Huangfu Haotian suddenly lost his smile.

The great offering said with a smile, "Your Majesty, it is our responsibility to protect the Shengyuan Empire, Huangfu's family and Linchuan."

Then, huangfuhuan's army, as well as the four families, all jumped into the array. There are more and more people in the battle. There are people, officials, soldiers, men and women

Seeing this, Huangfu Haotian couldn't laugh any more. There was only a hot blood burning on his chest.

Luo Du palace, Qin Jinchen goes outside the palace.

"Your Majesty." But mu Xiong pulled him back and blocked him in front of him.

Qin Jinchen looked at him and said, "my husband, please get out of the way."

Mu Xiong shook his head and said, "the state of Qin still needs you. You must live. The sacrifice to Linchuan should be done by the old minister. "

After that, he directly cut Qin Jinchen's neck with a hand knife and let him faint.

"Your majesty!"

Qin Jinchen behind the people, will catch him.

Mu Xiong looked at them and said, "take good care of your majesty."

However, when he just said this sentence, he suddenly felt a pain in his neck, and he lost consciousness and fell back.

"Grandfather, it's not your turn to go." Mu Yichen catches Mu Xiong's fallen body and says in a cunning tone: "don't blame me when you wake up. I'm a good example."

He put Mu Xiong beside Qin Jinchen and looked up at his father.

Murian city showed a gratifying smile, "the battle is not separated from the father and son soldiers, I have died once, no one is more suitable to sacrifice than me."

"I am a small general of the Mujia army of the state of Qin, and there is no reason to retreat at this time." Mu Yichen also said with a smile.

"Today, we, father and son, will join hands in the final battle." Mu Liancheng reaches out and clasps Mu Yichen's hands.

"Do you want to leave me again?" Sang Lan Ruo comes out and grabs the hands of her husband and son. She looked at them with a smile: "this time, we'll go with three of us, we won't be alone."Having said that, the three men walked towards the golden array.

When they moved, the old ministers of the state of Qin came out one by one and kowtowed in front of Qin Jinchen, "Your Majesty, take care."

"Your Majesty, take care of yourself!"

"Your Majesty, take care of yourself!"

They are the ministers of Qin, for the country, for the people, for the world!

They are respected by the people, and now it is their turn to do something for them.

A group of old ministers have gray hair and grey temples. At the moment, however, like a strong man in the war, he walked to the golden array with his head held high.

However, when they followed the three men of Mulian city and went to the front of the golden array, they found that Shao Pang Zi, who was guarding the entrance of the palace, had already stood among them.

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the Shao family. He saw his wife, who was crying bitterly with his lips covered, and the sensible or unreasonable children. He did not say anything, but showed a smile as always.

They were stunned, but did not say anything, but stepped into the golden array.

After them, the mujiajun came out, one by one, and entered the golden array. They are soldiers of the state of Qin, and it is their duty to defend the country.

Now, Linchuan is in trouble, and the people are in trouble. It is time for them to give everything.

Die with generosity!

The shocking scenes were staged in silence in various countries.

Everyone who goes into the golden array, their appearance is deeply engraved in the hearts of the people outside the golden array. They should always remember these heroes!

"I'll come too!"

The infected people couldn't help but feel the surging blood in their hearts. They also left what they had snatched from their collapsed homes and strode into the golden array.

Linchuan, move up.

The silent crowd, broke out their biggest blood, one by one rushed towards the gold array.

They crowd and pull at each other to stop others from moving faster than themselves.

This kind of struggle is not because there are gold and silver treasures in the gold array, but because they are willing to die!

The competition staged by various countries is hard to see. The only thing she saw was the golden array under the imperial palace.

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