Bai was stunned, but silver dust bit his teeth and got up from the ground.

He stood in front of Bai Yu and stretched out his hand to her and said, "if you can continue, get up. Let's kill him three hundred rounds together."

White eye bottom brilliance repeatedly, show a smile to him, put the hand into his palm.

The silver dust pulled Bai Yan up from the ground. They turned their eyes and looked at the one saved by Bai Xuan. At the moment, he was fighting furiously in the pile of Fu clan.

Bai Yan frowned, but Yinchen said: "whatever he is, maybe we will die here today. Before I die, I'll kill a good enough one. "

His words are light, but they are very heavy.

Bai took a deep breath and nodded: "good! Then we'll have a good fight. "

They looked at each other with a smile and rushed into the battlefield together.

The battlefield here is bigger than that at the bottom of the sea of delusion, and there is no boundary. The races of the two worlds, here, are all fighting to see who can win the final victory.

On the battlefield, there are people familiar with mu Qingge, such as Zhuangshan, Qianshui, Yao Xinghai, Xi Qianxue, Ji yaoxun, Yingze, Wei moling, Tongteng, etc There are others she doesn't know.

As he said, Tong Teng wants to be the vanguard General of muqingge and kill the enemy for her in the battlefield. Now, one of jiuchongtian's teams, led by him, is inserted into the ranks of the Fu nationality like a knife point.

The battlefield here is fighting, and in Linchuan, the refining of Zhentian stone is also the last step.

Mu light song's back has been wet, skin has no blood color, pale appears haggard. She wanted to protect the budding spirit as much as possible from being integrated into the Zhentian stone. She hoped that she would be free from the confinement of Zhentian stone one day, so she spent a lot of divine consciousness.

"Boss..." Yuan Yuan looks at her with worry.

All of a sudden, the sky blocking the gap burst out colorful light and fused with the gap.


After a loud noise, Linchuan's blood rain listened and everything was still.

Broken sky, restored flat, broken mountains and rivers, cracked earth, are also restored.

The colorful light scattered, in the clouds, it seems that there is an ethereal mountain, which is the nine fold sky of the Mu nationality, is Mengmeng, and is also the Zhentian stone of Linchuan!

"Meng Meng..." Yuan Yuan sobbed and took a step forward. He said in his heart, "I promise you that I will come here to accompany you when I accompany the elder brother to kill those damned Fu clan."

Is it over?

Is it over?

It's over!

At the moment when the land of Linchuan was restored to peace, the people in Linchuan, who were repressed in despair, finally burst into joy.

In the cheers, Mu Xiong opens his eyes and wakes up. Beside him is Qin Jinchen who also wakes up. He turned his eyes and saw the jubilant crowd, but not his son, his daughter-in-law, his grandchildren, and Mu Jiajun.

With a pain in his heart, Mu Xiong looks up to the blue sky. He is smiling, but he is crying.

Finally, the old sand scene will not escape.

"Ge'er, my grandfather has lost your father, mother and brother. You can't lose anyone. You must be good! Grandfather is waiting for you to come back. " Mu Xiong said in his heart.

At last, mu Qingge takes a look at Meng Meng and looks back at the direction of Qin. She knew that her grandfather needed her now, but she couldn't because her task was not finished. If she can't get back in time, everything will be in vain!

"Let's go." Mu Qingge said to Yuan Yuan that they left Linchuan and headed for the land of gods and demons.

What is the situation in the land of gods and demons?

As she shuttles through the space, she has already felt the disorder in the space.

"Soon! We'll get to the land soon. " Mu light song in the heart.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking in front of her.

Mu light song suddenly stopped, eyes light a shrink, staring at the person who stopped her. "It's you!"

The one who stood in front of her was no one else but the queen of the Fu clan. At this time, her clothes were seriously damaged and her hair was in disorder. Even the runes between her forehead seemed to have cracks, which was extremely embarrassing.

"How could she be here?" Mu Qingge's heart is tight. Yuan yuan turned into a Linglong gun, which she held in her hand. "Is there something wrong with the land of gods and demons?"

This idea makes mu Qingge's eyes flash a little flustered.

The queen of the Fu nationality said with a ferocious smile, "ha ha ha ha! I'm finally waiting for you! Kill you and it's over

"What do you mean?" Mu light song frowns.

"You have killed my brother, and now you have destroyed my Fu clan! I have nothing, but if you don't get there in time, your world will be destroyed with us, right? " The queen of the Fu nationality suddenly laughs wildly. "In that case, let's destroy it together."

As soon as the voice fell, the broken golden Rune between her forehead attacked mu Qingge.Mu Qingge has a pair of eyes. She doesn't want to fight with the queen of the Fu nationality here. It's not that she doesn't want to kill her, but she wants to drive back to the land of gods and demons, but to stabilize the foundation of the land of gods and demons.


The Queen's words immediately associate with Mu Fu.

It must be that the Fu clan lost. The queen was beaten to death. She did not know how to escape. She also knew the key of muqingge.

Therefore, she thought of pulling the attention of the destruction of the land of gods and demons.

As long as you kill mu Qingge and stop her from rushing past, everything will disappear together.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" In the eyes of the queen of the Fu nationality, the murders are more and more crazy.

Mu Qingge evades this attack, and her backhand is a blow. The morality she has learned all her life is transformed into one and rushes towards the queen of the Fu nationality.

The two forces collided in the air, and the huge afterwave shocked mu Qingge's Qi and blood.

She stepped back and tried to make a detour.

However, the queen of the Fu nationality clung to her and locked her every way.

Mu Qingge's eyes glared, and she rushed up to fight with the queen of the Fu nationality. The latter must drag her, it seems, not to kill her, is unable to leave.

Heart a horizontal, Mu light song gun pointed to the front of the queen of the rune and left.

The queen of the Fu nationality was shocked and turned her head back.

However, mu Qingge's speed is faster than her. She went straight to the side of the queen of the runes. When she was shocked, she grabbed her hair with one hand and yanked back.

"Ah The pain of tearing her scalp made the queen of the rune cry out.

Mu Qingge pressed her head with one hand and hit her knee violently. This is completely out of line with the rules of the play, all of a sudden, the queen of the Fu nationality was confused.

Suddenly, a deafening sound came from all around.

Mu Qingge suddenly raised his head and his eyes were full of panic , the fastest update of the webnovel!