"Ah! Robbery

A sharp woman's voice came from behind muqingge.

Originally, she heard the sound of the motorcycle engine, subconsciously wanted to avoid. However, when she heard the woman's cry for help, she had intended to step back, but she stepped forward -


There was a loud noise in the street.

The deafening sound of the impact, shocked the roadside pedestrians, as well as vehicles, can not help but stop, a shock expression, appear in each other's eyes.

However, the originator of all this, as if nothing happened, took back the legs and continued to walk in the direction of home.

After mu Qingge left, this area is still in a strange quiet.

I don't know what happened before. I just saw the cars in front of me. I couldn't help slowing down and honking the horn.

The harsh sound of the trumpet sounded in the street, and awakened the people.

After a while, the siren of the police car also came from far to near, as if someone had called the police and told the police what had happened here.

When the police car stopped by the woman who was robbed, she woke up completely from the shock.

When she saw the robber who had fallen down with the motorcycle, she stepped on her high-heeled shoes and rushed to pick up the bag that had fallen beside the robber and hold it tightly in her arms.

"Miss, are you the one? What happened just now? How did this traffic accident happen? Did you see the process? "

The robber was carried away by the police in a daze.

The woman who was robbed became the object of police investigation.

After all, when they arrived, they found only motorcycles that had fallen on the side of the road, as well as robbery suspects who appeared to have been hit hard on the head. Around him, there was no vehicle and no one. The only one in a daze was the owner who had been robbed of his bag.

The police question, let the woman come to her senses.

She said excitedly: "police comrade, someone robbed my bag!" Finish saying that, also subconsciously grasped own hand's bag.

The policeman who came to record the record took a look at the bag in her arms and did not say anything more. He silently recorded the contents of the woman's oral statement. When she calmed down a little, she asked again, "how did the man who robbed you fall down? Did someone hit him? "

According to experience, such an unimpeded Road, the motorcycle will not fall down for no reason.

The only possibility is a collision.

"If there is a vehicle involved, the nature of the case will be complicated. In addition to the criminal cases of robbery, there are also suspects of hit and run. " The policeman who recorded the record frowned at the thought of this.

"Hit him?" The woman who was robbed was stunned and shook her head subconsciously: "no! No one hit him. "

"No?" The policeman frowned more. That look, obviously does not believe the woman's words. He warned: "although you are the victim, you may be in sympathy with those who help you and deliberately cover up. However, even if it's a good Samaritan, you can't drive into a person. This is a traffic accident, to pay legal responsibility! If you fail to report the situation, you will also be involved in the crime of obstructing the judicial service! "

The police's stern tone made the woman look flustered and aggrieved: "no one really hit him with a car." Suddenly, her eyes in a bright, before some pictures, into her mind.

She even said: "police comrade, I really did not interfere with judicial affairs. I only remember that there was a very beautiful woman in front of me. She kicked a foot in the motorcycle, and he even fell down with the car and people. "

"You're kidding me." Police a Leng, sneer way.

High speed running motorcycle, was kicked to the ground, and the person kicked over or a woman? When he's a fool? Such a dangerous action can't be done. Even if you kick your foot on the motorcycle, I'm afraid it's not the motorcycle that turns over, but your own foot will be discarded.

"No! I'm not lying! " The woman quickly explained.

"Well, if you say it out, you should take legal responsibility. You'd better think it over before you say it." The police said sternly.

The woman wanted to cry without tears, anxious to explain: "I really did not lie, I see this is the case. I don't know how she did it. "

The woman's insistence made the policeman's face cold.

At this time, the police who went to take statements from other witnesses also came over with a face of inexplicable.

They went to the man squatting beside the fallen motorcycle. It seems that it should be their head.

Seeing that all the colleagues were walking towards the man, the policeman who recorded the confession for the robbed woman thought about it. He also looked up at the woman and put the woman's expression of fear into his eyes, and then he walked towards the other side.

Four or five policemen gathered around the man and spoke.

"Head, I asked several people. They all said that the car was kicked over by a passing young woman."

"It's the same with me. That's why they stop on the road and get off to watch. But the woman left immediately"The same is true of my statement."

"Mine, too."

Hearing what colleagues said, the policeman who had recorded the confession to the robbed woman looked down at what he had recorded and said in an awkward tone: "head, I asked the woman who was robbed. She also saw a woman. She kicked a foot like a motorcycle, and then even the one with the car fell to the ground." After that, he could not help but add: "but, is this possible? Can it be that they unite to justify the perpetrator who acted bravely for justice? "

His hypothesis won the approval of other colleagues.

However, their captain looked dignified and said, "I'm afraid what they said is true."

Several policemen were stunned.

He reached out and pointed to the motorcycle somewhere. Several people along with him to point the direction to see, in that motorcycle part, actually has a very obvious dent.

The dent is a shoe print. What's more, it's the size of that shoe print. It can't belong to a man!

Several people were shocked to see this scene, and the same voice sounded in their hearts --

"can a woman really kick over a motorcycle that is escaping at a high speed? And then, he left calmly? "


These follow-up events, mu Qingge do not know.

I'm afraid, even if she knows, she won't care.

She took the clothes she bought for her father and son and walked back to the community leisurely and entered the villa.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt that the room was quiet.

No, it should be said that silence means no one is talking, but the sound of TV is ringing in the living room.

She clearly remembered that she had not turned on the TV when she left.

With doubt, mu Qingge enters the living room.

In the living room, two figures, one big and one small, looked up at her because she came back. Mu light song a Leng, some surprised.

The little monster is sitting cross legged on the ground, watching TV. On TV, there are cartoon programs on children's channel.

As for Simao

He sat on the sofa with a long leg up. On his knee, a thick book was opened. His good-looking fingers were turning.

On the sofa beside Si Mo, there are many books.

There are books about science and technology.

“……” Mu Qingge doesn't remember when he had these books at home.

At the beginning, she didn't care about the decoration of the suite. It was just a bag. I'm afraid that guy copied all kinds of books directly from the bookstore during the decoration.

The corner of the mouth slightly a smoke, Mu light song carrying the bag to the father and son.

"Mother..." Seeing mu Qingge's return, sinazha cried out with joy.

However, he just opened his mouth, there were two chilly eyes fell on him, making him hit a thrill. "Mom," the little monster said

As soon as this address comes out, those two chilly eyes disappear instantly, and mu Qingge is also stunned.

"Who called you? And this TV... " Mu Qingge suddenly felt that he had only been out of the door for less than an hour. How could the father and son fully adapt to the life of the earth?

Si Nezha turned his eyes to Si Mo with a look of bitterness in his eyes.

Mu light song also followed to look at the past, and Si Mo that double Po color eyes on.

"Wife, come here." Si Mo will be in the hands of the book light close. Hands up, to Mu light song move. The movement, like flowing clouds and flowing water, is extremely pleasing to the eyes.

It's just that the word "wife" comes out of Simao's mouth, which makes mu Qingge's heart tremble, showing a completely unadapted expression.

"What's wrong with you?" she said in surprise As she asked, she still walked towards the man.

Si Mo light a smile, "do as the Romans do. When xiaoge'er left this period of time, I had nothing to do. I also learned about the rules of this small world from other places. "

“……” Mu Qingge was surprised to scan the books around him again. He couldn't help but ask, "have you finished reading these books in such a short time?"

Si Mo eyebrow tip a lift, with an innocent expression to see her: "you and I so strong God consciousness, read a few books and how difficult?"

Ha ha

Mu Qingge is speechless.

Back to the earth, when modern things re-enter her brain, she has forgotten the divine sense, and forgotten that she is now. In the eyes of earth people, she may be the omnipotent God.

Did not continue to tangle on this issue, mu Qingge took the clothes he bought, put them in front of Si Mo, and said with a smile: "since you are so powerful, you must also wear earth clothes, so I don't care about you."

After that, she looked at him with a pair of pitiful big eyes on one side and laughed very brightly. "Nezha, come with me. I'll help you dress."

With a light in his eyes, sinazha immediately jumped up from the ground and ran to muqingge.However, he had just run half way, and before he fell into the arms of Mu Qingge, his body was fixed and suspended in the air.

"Devil, let me go!" Sinazha's hoarse grin called out to Simao.

Mu light song Temple slightly a draw, speechless look to Si mo.

However, Simao looked indifferent and said with a straight face: "xiaoge'er, Nezha has grown up. He can dress such a small thing himself."

After that, with a wave of his hand, snzha and the children's clothes carried by MuQing singer disappeared in the living room together.

Mu Qingge shook his head helplessly, "what are you doing?" Is it fun to bully her son all day? no It should be said that their father and son get along with each other like this every day, which is really a headache.

Si Mo figure a flash, an instant appears in front of the Mu light song, the wind, blowing her hair disorderly.

Mu light song subconsciously wants to go back, but before she has any action, she is hugged by a big hand around her waist and pulls her into the man's arms.

"The only man Xiao Ge'er can see is me. I'm really unfamiliar with the clothes of the earth. Why don't you help me with them? " Si Mo whispered in her ear.

Exhaled heat, continuous spray in Mu Qingge's face, let her white skin rise a thin layer of dense color.

"Nezha is your son and mine." Mu light song grinding teeth road.

"That won't work either." Simao's declaration of sovereignty. "If he has the ability, he can find a woman who belongs to him."

“……” Mu light song speechless looking at him, the corner of the mouth light smoke way: "you just shut him in the room like this?"

As soon as her divine consciousness was swept, she knew that sinazha was locked in one of the bedrooms by Si mo. The little guy is losing his temper in the room, but he is imprisoned by Simao power. The little monster can't break through.

Seeing the appearance of the little monster in the room, mu Qingge still loves his son.

However, Si Mo is not satisfied with the way: "he is a man, small Song son don't spoil him." With that, he lowered his forehead and suddenly narrowed the distance between them. Voice through a hoarse asked: "xiaoge'er, you'd better concentrate on how to dress."


Mu Qingge did not have time to answer, her lips were captured, she has not yet had time to export words, blocked in the mouth.

"Dressing? What's the purpose of this man to learn how to dress? "

Mu light song in the heart indignant thought way.


In this city, there is a cemetery, very special.

Because although this is a cemetery, not everyone is qualified to be buried here. Those who can be buried here are heroes who die for their country and die for their duty.

They may not be all soldiers, but they must have made outstanding contributions.

Today, mu Qingge changed his black clothes and came here alone. Her affair, already told Si Mo completely, but she does not want to let Si Nezha know too much.

So, Si Mo was ordered by her, with the child, waiting for her in the car.

She promised the little monster that after a while, she would take him to the playground that appeared on TV.

No matter how strong Si Nezha is compared with children of the same age, a childlike innocence will not change in any way. He is only a child of three or four years old.

Si Mo original intention is to accompany Mu light song to come together, but she stopped.

There are some things mu Qingge wants to do alone.

Today, she came here just to remember her.

In the cemetery, it's very quiet.

Now it's not a tomb sweeping day. Few people come to visit the tomb during the Spring Festival. The whole cemetery, only the people buried here, and the occasional wind.

Mu Qingge walked through a row of tombstones, her divine consciousness covered the whole cemetery, looking for her in the previous life.

Soon, she was locked in.

In her previous life, she died on duty. Even if she was blown to pieces by a bomb, according to the rules, the army would set up a tomb for her.

Mu Qingge goes to her tombstone, and she can feel that in addition to her, there is a strong divine consciousness locked here.

You don't have to think about it, you know who it is.

She knew that the man was worried about her, so even if people didn't follow, the divine sense kept following.

Come to his tombstone, mu Qingge's eyes light, fell on the tombstone that photo, and words.

There is no epitaph except the year of birth and death. This is her. Although she is a sharp knife, she has made countless military achievements, but those glories can not be engraved on the epitaph. Because, in front of her is the secret existence, after the death also will all vanish.

That photo is a half length picture of her in military uniform. She is valiant, with a confident smile on her face and a bit of frantic in her eyes.

She is crazy because she is strong!

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

She noticed that in front of the tombstone, there were also withered white chrysanthemums.Obviously, a few days ago, someone had come to worship her.

But who would it be?

"Comrades in arms? It's impossible. They have strict training tasks every day, or they are performing tasks. They can't come out at will. Where will they have time to worship? " Mu Qingge is guessing in my heart.

The enemy?

That's even more impossible!

If her enemies knew her identity, they would not worship her, but bombard her grave with a shell.


Her friends are just a few The past life is different from this life. She is in the army all year round, or is in the execution of the mission, where has the time to make friends with the outside world?

Mu Qingge racked his brains, and it was difficult to judge who it was.

"Xiaoge'er, someone is coming." In the Mu light song entangled is who worships her, Si Mo suddenly through the God consciousness reminds her.

Mu Qingge takes back his thoughts, and the divine consciousness also sweeps through the past.

Sure enough, a car drove by and stopped outside the cemetery. Inside the car, a man came down, tall and noble. He got out of the car, turned around and went to the other side, opened the door, picked up the white chrysanthemum on the passenger seat, and then closed the door again.

"It's him!" When he saw the white chrysanthemum and saw the man's face, mu Qingge's eyes shrank suddenly, showing a color of shock.

Because, in her judgment, this person should not know the news of his death.

Otherwise, how to explain everything in that house?


Li Xiuyuan, holding a white chrysanthemum in his hand, walked towards the cemetery. In the trunk of his car, there was luggage. As a matter of fact, he just came back from a business trip abroad. The first thing he did was to come here.

He seems to have developed a new habit since he learned the news that he didn't want to accept. That is, no matter where he goes, as long as he leaves the city, he will come here to see her before he leaves and after he comes back.

The route to visit her had been engraved in his mind. Soon, he came to the tombstone where mu Qingge stood

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