Li Xiuyuan follows mu Qingge and goes to the study directly.

Passing by the living room on the first floor, he subconsciously looks at Sima and his son, who are "kind to their father and filial piety to their children." he tears out a very ugly smile from the corner of his mouth.

Simao knew that mu Qingge needed to talk to Li Xiuyuan alone, so he didn't make trouble again. In the face of Li Xiuyuan's slightly embarrassed smile, he only used a smile as elegant as spring breeze to dissolve.

"Sit down." Entering the study, mu Qingge points to the sofa in the room for meeting guests, and points to Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuan walked by and sat on the sofa referred to by mu Qingge. The latter, after pouring a glass of water for him, sat opposite.

Soft sofa, very comfortable. Mu Qingge's whole back is trapped in the sofa. She adjusted her sitting posture to make herself more comfortable. Then she said to Li Xiuyuan, "ask what you want to ask."


Li Xiuyuan coughed awkwardly.

Before he came, he really had a lot of questions to ask.

However, really saw Mu light song, in her so calm expression, he suddenly did not know what to ask.

"Don't know what to ask?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, ponder the way.

Li Xiuyuan was stunned, staring at the innocent big eyes and nodding.

Mu Qingge smiles, her red lips open slightly, revealing her crystal white teeth. "I'll tell you." She restrained the smile on her face, and her eyes sank, as if She was also recalling the scene.

“…… A year ago, I received a special mission to steal the latest scientific research in a country. I thought it was an ordinary task, but I didn't realize that there was a conspiracy against me behind this task. " Think of that explosion, Mu light song's eyes suddenly cold.

"Conspiracy! Someone wants to hurt you? " Li Xiuyuan stood up as if she had been trampled on her painful feet. Her voice was shocked.

He looked up at him with anger, but with a false expression. Such friendship, let her heart slightly warm. She laughed. "It's all old. Don't be so shocked."

"How can we not be shocked? Who is going to hurt you? And And... " Li Xiuyuan's angry tone suddenly stuttered.

His eyes became complicated when he looked at the song.

All kinds of emotions are intertwined, so that he can not say the following words, just feel choked in his throat.

"Besides, I did die in this conspiracy, didn't I?" Mu Qingge sighed in his heart and said what he wanted to say but didn't want to say.

Li Xiuyuan's whole body was shocked, and the whole person seemed to have been drained of energy and spirit, and fell down on the sofa.

His handsome facial features were slightly twisted. He lowered his head, put his elbows on his thighs, buried his head between his palms, and inserted his long fingers into his hair.

The knuckles of his fingers turn white, which makes mu Qingge feel that his mood at the moment is a little run down.

"I can accept the fact that you have sacrificed for your country. After all, you are a soldier, and this is your bounden duty. However, I can not accept that your death is a conspiracy. I can't forgive this conspiracy, whether it comes from the country or from an individual! " Li Xiuyuan with a low tone, slow way.

When he finished and lifted his face from his hands, his face was covered with tears.

Mu light song a Leng, stupefied.

She has never seen Li Xiuyuan shed tears. Even when he was kidnapped, she could talk and laugh, and she would not shed tears because of fear and the threat of death.

But now

Mu light song's eyes, such as the changing situation.

She can feel that Li Xiuyuan's tears are for her injustice, anger, and worthless for her.

Think of once, the man said many times half jokingly, let her retire, tell her, her work is too dangerous, always hidden in the eyes of worry.

"Maybe, after knowing me, this man has spent a lot of worrying days and nights." Suddenly, mu Qingge's heart rises a layer of enlightenment.

She reached out her hand, pulled out a piece of paper from the drawer on the table, leaned over and handed it to Li Xiuyuan. "A big man, what is there to cry about?"

Li Xiuyuan gave her a white eye, took the paper towel from her hand and wiped it on his face. His uncontrollable mood returned to normal.

"It's a personal plot against me, it's not about the country. What's more, the people who designed to frame me were not flattered. When I died, they also pulled him into hell Mu light song understatement of the explanation, that pair of clear eyes, quickly across a cold ruthless.

"Who is it?" Li Xiuyuan clenched his teeth.

Mu Qingge is smiling and shaking his head, "people are dead, why mention him again?"

"Tell me, I'll go and dig all the graves of his family's 18 generations!" Li Xiuyuan's indignant way.

"Pooh Mu Qingge was amused by his appearance. Li Xiuyuan is so indignant for her that she really looks like Shao Pang.Mu Qingge is a little distracted. In front of her friends and memories, Qin Guoluo accompanied her to the brothel, and the round figure of the dandy gradually overlapped.

Of course, Li Xiuyuan and Shao pangzi are not alone, but they have the same sincerity towards her.

"His ancestral grave I'm afraid he doesn't even know. " Mu Qingge's funny way.

Li Xiuyuan was frustrated and muttered, "I know you are afraid of me, so you won't tell me."

Mu Qingge shook his head and chuckled, "I'm not afraid you'll do anything out of the ordinary. It's just that it's been a hundred years for me. There's no need to keep it in my mind. " What's more, if it wasn't for the plot, how could she come back from the dead, start her new life in a strange land, and meet everyone who is most important in her life?

"A hundred years?" Li Xiuyuan looks at mu Qingge in amazement.

Nod your head softly. "For you, maybe it's just a year of sacrifice, but for me, it's been a hundred years."

Then, mu Qingge briefly tells Li Xiuyuan about his inexplicable capture of his house and his replacement as a scrap baron.

It's a long story. Even though mu Qingge was deliberately reduced, many of the processes were mentioned. When she finished, it was noon.

After more than four hours of narration, mu Qingge has a dry mouth.

Take the cooling water on the table and drink it to ease the taste.

Li Xiuyuan's expression, in the narration of muqingge, has become unable to describe. Are you shocked by the story of muqingge? Again, I was forced by this illusory experience, I don't know.

Mu Qingge looks up at him without disturbing Li Xiuyuan, who is trapped in fossilization, waiting for his self recovery.

After a long time, Li Xiuyuan closed his mouth which had been open for too long.

If you have been stiff for too long, your jaw will be dislocated. He raised his hand and kneaded on his chin, and after swallowing hard, he asked carefully, "are you sure it's not a dream?"

After that, he frowned, fell into meditation, and said to himself, "maybe you are not dead, but have been saved. But, after all, the explosion was so traumatic that you fell into a coma for a long time. Yes, you've been in a coma for a whole year, and only recently did you wake up, and in this year, you had such a fantastic dream

"Li Xiuyuan, when did you learn to deceive yourself?" Mu Qingge interrupts his self talk. She knew what she said, it was hard to believe, but that was the truth.

If she had not experienced it personally, she would have been told that there were different worlds outside the earth, and she would have sniffed at him and thought that he was a psychopath.

Li Xiuyuan was awakened by her and stopped talking to himself. But on his face, he showed a bitter smile.

Yeah! deceive oneself and others.

If it's really just a dream, too many things can't be explained. It even includes The father and son downstairs.

He just

It's just

It's just that all of a sudden, it's just that I can't accept this story. What's more, he couldn't stay by her side when mu Qingge experienced so many things.

"Is this world really different?" He leaned back on the sofa and asked.

Because of Mu Qingge's words, his whole world outlook has been subverted.

Mu Qingge pursed her lips, and then replied, "at first, it was hard for me to believe it. But in the end, I had to believe it. In that world, what I know, the confirmed universe, is like a tree. The trunk of a tree is the main world and the origin of all worlds. And the branches and leaves that grow out of the trunk are all different, big and small worlds, small thousand worlds, and hundreds of millions of worlds. "

"So Are you a God now Li Xiuyuan looked at her and asked in a deep voice.


Mu Qingge raises eyebrows.

She smiles, the meaning of the smile, so many people can not see, countless. She said, "God, it's just relativity. For the weak, anyone with extraordinary ability can be called God. In my opinion, there is no God in the world. The world is not the same, the rules of the game are the same, that is, the weak eat the fittest. The only difference is that some worlds are more obvious and others are very reserved. "

Li Xiuyuan was completely stunned by this remark.

He has already recognized the identity of moqingge in his heart. She is Mu Song. Now, however, he feels that this mu song is different from the one he is familiar with. In her words, some hidden meanings seem to contain some Truth.

After carefully understanding this, Li Xiuyuan had to admit that it was a fact.

Just like today's earth, this seemingly civilized era, behind civilization, there are rules of the game that have remained unchanged for hundreds of millions of years.

Limited resources, want to live better, can only desperately earn!The difference is just different means.

Li Xiuyuan vomited out his turbid breath and said with a smile, "if I have a chance, I really want to go to another world."

It's hard to tell the truth from the false.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "it's not so fun to cross the world. If one day, you really have a chance to go, with your ability, I believe you will live a wonderful life

It's not so fun to travel through the world.

In such a simple sentence, how many lives and deaths does muqingge experience? But once, her willpower is not so firm, not so hard to live, she has been turned into a pile of white bones, and there is no chance to sit here and have a good time talking with Li Xiuyuan.

"That's it The words of Mu light song made Li Xiuyuan dance. Mu Qingge's friends have never lacked the same pride as her.

Shao Pang is, Jiang Li is, Li Xiuyuan is, and there are people, are Tianjiao, also have their own pride!

"Did you come back to see me on purpose?" Li Xiuyuan looked at her expectantly.

Mu Qingge actually shakes his head truthfully under his full face expectation.

When he was disappointed, she explained --

"before I came, I didn't know the coordinates of the earth, and I didn't know the time points of each world were different. I wanted to find someone in the world of stars, but I happened to pass by the earth, so I decided to take a look at it temporarily

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for Although disappointed, Li Xiuyuan asked curiously.

This problem, make Mu light song's expression slightly heavy, mood also dignified a bit. Seeing her expression, Li Xiuyuan also restrained her frolic appearance.

"Find someone who, to me, is vital. Even if I travel all over the world, I must find her and take her home Mu light song deep voice of the road.

"It seems to be a less pleasant story." Li Xiuyuan looked at her expression and muttered.

He knew Mu Ge and knew that she was not very good at emotion. The cold military training made her accustomed to the rational life full of instructions, but weakened her perceptual world.

At the beginning, how much experience did he spend to enter her world and become her recognized friend?

That's why he knew it clearly. Moogue is a person who is not easy to move, but once you recognize a person, you will put it in your heart and never give up.

"You will find it." Li Xiuyuan's comforting way.

Mu light song eyes in the haze swept away, smile: "of course! I believe she will wait for me, and I believe I can find her

"How long do you expect to stay?" Li Xiuyuan asked in his heart.

His selfish hope is that mu Qingge will stay longer this time. Because he knows that after this separation, I'm afraid he will never see this again in his lifetime Friends.

This question makes mu Qingge frown. "The flow of time varies from world to world, and now I'm not sure what the flow of time is in her world," she said. I can't wait too long, at most a week, and I'm leaving. "

"A week?" Li Xiuyuan's eyes are full of loneliness.

A week's time is too short for him to make good use of the planning and how to spend it.

But even so, Li Xiuyuan immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket and called his secretary after learning about the timing of muqingge.

Is lunch break, lunch secretary, a call to remind, scared to chew the food, one swallow.

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Xiuyuan did not respond to the other party. He immediately said, "cancel all the arrangements for the coming week for me immediately. Even if the company goes bankrupt, don't look for me!"

"Boss! Today's appointment has been pushed once, and then? " Secretary bitter voice, from the mobile phone.

"I don't care. If you can't solve it, just pack up and get out of here!" Li Xiuyuan roared and hung up.

Mu Qingge looks at his series of actions in silence and knows that he is angry. It should be said that he is venting his emotions, he does not want to leave so soon.

However -

mu Qingge sighed. In fact, if it hadn't been for Li Xiuyuan, tomorrow would be the day for the three of them to leave.

"Li Xiuyuan, I am already a dead man in this world." Mu Qingge advised.

Li Xiuyuan laughed bitterly, "I spent a year, but I couldn't recover from the news of your death. Now, it's a good opportunity. At least I know you're still alive, but in a world far away from me. This week, let me live here, good accompany you We are a family of three, and we will do our best to serve as hosts. "

No sooner had he finished speaking than the door of his study was opened.

The sound of opening the door makes mu Qingge and Li Xiuyuan turn their eyes at the same time. They can see a small head sticking out from the tiny opening of the door.

"Mommy, I'm hungry. When shall we eat?" Small Si Mu pitifully open big eyes.Mu light Song mouth corner mercilessly a smoke, although Si Mu is still small, but with his cultivation, which has so easy hunger? It must be the Simao guy. After calculating the time, he should have talked about it. He didn't want her to be alone with Li Xiuyuan any more, so he sent a little demon to destroy him.

"Ah! It's so late. Children can't be hungry. Let's take them out to dinner Li Xiuyuan did not know these, heard the little guy cry hungry, and quickly stood up.

The tone is a little bit

"Thank you very much, Mr. Li. Since Mr. Li is so sincere in entertaining three of us, we have to refuse to do so. "

However, as soon as Li Xiuyuan's voice fell, Simao's figure appeared and stood behind Xiao simu, with a polite smile on his beautiful face.

“……” Li Xiuyuan gave a sharp blow at the corner of his mouth.

Fortunately, he is also a big boss who manages an enterprise with tens of thousands of people. In the face of this embarrassment, he quickly recovered. "Where, I should have been a host."

Just as the four were ready to leave the villa, Li Xiuyuan's phone rang suddenly.

The sudden bell, let his eyes flash a trace of irritability. Think it's the company's business, or the secretary came to find himself. However, he picked up the phone and looked at it, but it was a strange call.

This is his personal phone, which is rarely known to outsiders.

Out of curiosity, Li Xiuyuan answers the phone. "Hello, who is it?"

He asked, but in the next second, his eyes were full of consternation, subconsciously raised his eyes and looked at the moqingge not far away from him , the fastest update of the webnovel!