It's terrible.

In his deep eyes, it seems that there is no escape for everything. In only one day, he dug out everything.

Accurate insight, decisive action and calm judgment are totally different from Rong Zhi's elegant appearance, which also shows how mellow and sharp his means are, which is totally different from Huan yuan's astringency.

Because of this, Liu se is more and more afraid of falling into Rong Zhi's hands. He can't see through this man and can't guess what the consequences will be.

Chu Yu thinks of Rong Zhi's words about killing you LAN yesterday. Although he has changed his mind, his means are cruel and cruel. This is the truth. He will shake his head now. Even if Liu se should be punished, don't be too cruel.

Although Chu Yu didn't speak, Rong Zhi seemed to guess her meaning and said, "princess, please don't worry. I won't treat Liu se innocently. It's just a pity to see that he has amazing talent and is buried. If you teach him, you can help Huan yuan."

When Rong Zhi mentions Huan yuan, Chu Yu thinks about it. Huan yuan has been in charge of the affairs of the mansion for some time, and he has done his best. However, he has not been effective and has no courage to command other people in the mansion. When she learns that Rong Zhi is not the enemy, she plans to transfer the power back to him. This also reduces Huan yuan's burden. However, Huan yuan has other plans.

Chu Yucai thought so. He saw Rong Zhi shaking his head slightly. His dark and warm eyes showed a little disapproval. He was about to ask, but he said, "princess, let's talk about it."

When they got to the courtyard, Rong Zhi stood still and said, "the princess can't do it."

Chu Yu counter way: "how can not?" Did he know what she was going to do before she said it?

His dark eyes were almost as dark as the night. He said in a soft voice, "the princess treats me differently. How can I not know what the princess thinks, but I can't. Princess. Although it's convenient for me to take charge of affairs again, have you ever thought about Huan yuan? What would he think? "

Chu Yu suddenly sober, also understand the intention of Rongzhi, if she will just handed over to Huan yuan, will be in charge of the affairs soon return to Rongzhi, this is naturally the best way to maintain normal operation, and Huan yuan can also get away from it, but the problem is, do so. Almost equal to give Huan yuan a slap in the face, is to tell him, because he is too incompetent, just had to let Rong Zhi to take charge of affairs again.

Rong Zhi's objection to this was to protect Huan yuan's self-esteem.

Looking at Chu Yu, Rong Zhi said in a soft voice, "princess, if you give Huan yuan trust, but suddenly take it back at this time, he will not be able to bear it."

This is different from his attack on Huan yuan. He and Huan yuan usually do not match, from his blow. As if a kind of hostile sharpening, but Chu Yu to Huan yuan, but is entrusted with the important task first. Huan yuanchu was exhausted when he started his business. Anyone could see that he was haggard. If Chu Yu took back Huan yuan's power at this time, it would be a total denial of his previous efforts. It was like they were in the same camp, but Chu Yu was in the same camp when Huan yuan was not fortified. Stabbed him in the back.

Chu Yu was eager to seize the power in Rong Zhi's hands, and the transfer of power between them was too rough, which made Huan yuan tired. Now Huan yuan needs the confidence and trust from others. If he doesn't, he may be crushed because of his heavy pressure.

Want to understand before and after, Chu Yu burst out in a cold sweat. If Rong Zhi didn't remind her, she might have said something wrong and done something wrong. Action shows attitude, even if she tried to explain to Huan yuan afterwards, but the broken trust can never be pulled back.

Fortunately, there is room.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu raised her hand to bow. But then I suddenly remembered that I was wearing women's clothes, and this posture was neither fish nor fowl. And halfway down a hand, think of clapping Rongzhi shoulder to express thanks, but in the twinkling of an eye, her face changed, hand forced in the air to turn a bend, to cover up to touch his chin.

Suddenly strange, because Chu Yu thought of something.

Just now Rong Zhi said that Huan yuan's self-esteem would be hurt. What about Rong Zhi? Yuejiefei, who was called by her, broke the bone. During the healing period, he was taken advantage of the opportunity to be deprived of power, calculated, ignored and treated lightly... What's his mood?

Chu Yu thought stiffly.

Could it be that she has made some irreparable mistakes?

Chu Yu looked at Rong Zhi. The distance between them was very close, but it seemed that they could never be touched. It seemed that there was an invisible wall between them, which could not be broken.

On Rong Zhi's smiling eyes, Chu Yu suddenly doesn't know what to do, and can't speak in silence. Even if Rong Zhi's original position is on her side, can he help him without resentment and mustard after being treated like that?

She is too careful. Has she pushed a friend to a hostile position?

Chu Yu wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to open her mouth.

Seeing Chu Yu's face changing, Rong Zhi said with a smile, "what is the princess thinking?"

Chu Yu's heart was in a mess, and she said casually, "you should know what I'm thinking, right?" Now she had no doubt about Rong Zhi's ability to understand people's heart, and she did not think that Rong Zhi could not see what she was thinking.

Rong Zhi chuckled and said, "if the princess doesn't say it, how can I know what the princess is thinking?"

Chu Yu curled her lips and asked subconsciously, "don't you know what I'm thinking if I don't say it?"

Rong Zhi said, "do you think I know what the princess is thinking if she doesn't say it?"

This time, Chu Yu didn't go on. It's a waste of time for her to ask questions in this way. But... Their eyes were right on each other, as if they were glued together. Then they staggered their eyes slightly and laughed at each other.

Just now that invisible wall, instantly melt away.

A few words of knowing but asking each other sound boring, but Chu Yu's heart is so stable, and she also knows that Rong Zhi just quarrels with her, and the purpose is for this.

He's quietly sending the message: don't worry, I'll stay out of the way and won't cause resistance to you.

You do not say, I do not say, covered with a layer of yarn to see flowers in the fog, but each other are clear. Such vagueness is the most subtle.

Chu Yucai felt at ease. He thought of another thing and asked, "so what do you need?"

Rong Zhi SA ran a smile, looking at her eyes and turned mild: "I just need to stay here, princess or go to see Huan yuan, here can be left to me to do." Family affairs are not new to him. He has lost the challenge of taking over alone by repeating the same tedious work. There is another reason why he does not want to recover his power, which is this.

However, it must be very interesting to teach Liu se.

After hearing Rong Zhi's words, Chu Yu rushes to Xiuyuan house. As soon as she pushes the door in, she sees Huan Yuanyuan sitting a few days before the case, concentrating on sorting out the account books. The books are stacked neatly on both sides, and in the middle is a square tray with a layer of brocade cloth on it, holding the seal of the director of Princess mansion.

Hearing the sound of pushing the door, Huan yuan raised his head. He was not surprised at Chu Yu's arrival. He only said calmly, "princess, I've finished sorting out the books. When will I give them to Rong Zhi?" His slender hands are on the book. His beautiful face has no expression, but his eyes seem to be on the verge of breaking.

Chu Yu sighed in her heart, and secretly said that Rong Zhi really expected things like God. She came forward and sat opposite him, and said in a positive way: "who told you that I will give these things to Rong Zhi again? Who made such rumors? If it comes out, I'll punish that guy heavily. How dare I talk nonsense behind my back? "

Huan yuan's dead and silent expression finally produced a crack, revealing a little surprise: "isn't it?"

Subtle casual behavior will reflect people's tendency. Today, Chu Yu goes with Rong Zhi to see the captured Liu se, but doesn't inform Huan yuan, because at that time, she has put down the fear of rejecting Rong Zhi and is ready to trust his decision and judgment. If it is before today, under such circumstances, Chu Yu will ask Shang Huan yuan to accompany her.

Seeing a leaf fall and knowing the autumn of the world, Rong Zhi has the ability to see the whole situation. Although Huan yuan is inferior to him in this aspect, he also has a keen and sensitive thinking. When someone tells him that Chu Yu and Rong Zhi are going to see the captured Liu se together, he knows that he is afraid to be given up.

For this ending, he is very calm, no anger, just quietly prepare, waiting for the moment.

He is not as tolerant as he is.

This cognition once again into Huan yuan's heart, hit on his already crumbling confidence and self-esteem, just wait for Chu Yu to come to clean up the mess, give him the last blow.

Chu Yu smile, hands covered Huan yuan's hands, eyes clear, unswervingly watching him: "I believe you." She did not explain, nor did she say any unnecessary words of encouragement, but said gently and firmly:

I trust you.