Wang Yizhi smell speech, surprised of looked at Chu Yu one eye, way: "I think, you will ask me first and the old man's previous private talk."

Chu Yu said with a smile: "I don't want to explore other people's privacy too deeply. In fact, you don't have to answer. I know that there is no credit in power."

How many people have been betrayed, betrayed, hurt and abandoned when she can climb to the present position? I'm afraid that there are countless people. Wealth and power are gorgeous clothes woven with bloody bones. Even though she is not good at calculation, how can she not understand after seeing so many people before and after she comes here?

Wang Yizhi smiles and doesn't speak. Since Chu Yu already understands, he doesn't want to complain about his uncle.

It's common for people to cheat each other in the utilitarian arena. If everyone is honest with each other, it's the biggest abnormality. He is free and doesn't like to be constrained. He never wants to be involved in this. If he had known that Chu Yu was called by Wang xuanmo, he would not come today.

Chu Yu shrunk her shoulders, leaned against the carriage wall, and sighed: "because of this, I don't want to promise your uncle immediately." The marriage can not be agreed, and the agreement cooperation, Chu Yu is also very not at ease, not at ease with Wang xuanmo's position and credit, at the same time, is still confused about himself.

She did not know whether she should continue to help Liu ziye, the cruel and naive tyrant.

These days, the situation of the moment when Mo Xiang died is still replayed in front of her again and again. The dream is bleeding red, and the beautiful facial features are frozen in amazement. Chu Yu knows that this is her own knot and needs time to resolve it. Because Mo Xiang and the four children who were killed before, Chu Yu can't let go.

She knew the cruelty of kingship. I know the horror of the loss of human nature, but when I see it with my own eyes, I will still be too scared to move. I am not only afraid of death, but also of the ferocious and bloody face.

No matter what she thinks, even if she has all kinds of resentment against Liu ziye, in the eyes of outsiders, she and the little emperor are firmly bound in the same camp, and Liu ziye's interests are her interests. If Liu ziye falls down, she will lose power and even be killed.

Dai faxing died. Then, other senior officials who obstructed Liu ziye's arbitrary behavior would be killed. Then, an imperial uncle would rebel and kill the little emperor, and sit in the Dragon chair by himself.

Chu Yu, the rebellious uncle, can probably guess who he is now. It's probably Liu Yu, the king of eastern Hunan mentioned in the song. If he hasn't died in a while. Then you will have a great future.

Chu Yu couldn't help thinking about whether she wanted to please the future emperor and help him at the critical moment. So that after the change of the owner of the Dragon chair, Liu Jian will be grateful for her kindness and forgive her?

However, this idea is extremely unreliable. Let's not say whether the future emperor is really Liu Yu. Even though there are countless examples of revenge for kindness in the world, even if she is the first to do favors, if Liu Yu turns over his face and does not recognize others. She was afraid that it would be more miserable than before.

After careful consideration for a long time, Chu Yu sadly found that Liu ziye was the only one she could believe now that she could not hurt the people in her regime.

The first thing we will face is Liu ziye's hostility and the struggle for interests. Cruel competition, and even if the final success, the upper person will not cross the river and die, or unknown.

If you want to live as a princess, she had better choose the most convenient. It was Liu ziye who guaranteed the tyrant's permanence.

This reality makes Chu Yu feel disgusted.

Chu Yu sighed again. Wang Yizhi leaned over, raised her hand to flatten the wrinkles in her eyebrows, and said with a smile: "don't frown often, it will become old."

Chu Yu naturally grasped his hand with his backhand, looked at him with a little hope, and asked, "do you know what idea your old man is fighting, and which side is he standing on?"

Wang Yizhi shook his head helplessly and said: "I have never interfered in these, how can I understand the inside story?" Pulling out his hand, he looked at Chu Yu and said in a soft voice, "I don't like these things very much. This is about the first time and the last time for me to help you in this respect. I advise you not to believe anyone's promise in the fight." Don't believe it. Whoever believes it will lose.

Chu Yu suddenly remembered that the man in front of her was Wang Yizhi, who was immersed in the wind, moon, mountains and rivers, and had no influence on the secular world. This trip really embarrassed him a lot. If he didn't look at her face, he would not even have any power in his mind, let alone speak of it.

Thinking of this, Chu Yu could not help but feel guilty: "brother Yi, I'm really sorry." Knowing that Wang Yizhi didn't like it, she still asked him questions like this. It's really hard for her.

Wang Yizhi smiles and says: "although I don't like officialdom, I won't break up with those who participate in it because I don't like it. You are still my son Chu, and I've always been your brother. In the future, we'll only talk about Fengyue, not about family, country and the world. What's so good?"

Chu Yu gazed at Wang Yizhi. After a long time, she said with a smile, "thank you, brother Yi. If I go to find brother Yi in the future, I will bring tea and wine with me, and I will not be distracted." Although the difficulties are still ahead, but I don't know why, her mood suddenly relaxed and broadened a lot. Originally, she was worried that she didn't know how to choose, but now she has the illusion that there is a way to the front of the mountain.

Wang Yizhi also said with a smile: "I'll wait for you at any time, just for fear that you won't come."

In an instant, the worries dissipated and they looked at each other and smile.


After seeing Wang Yizhi back to his home, Chu Yu asked someone to drive back to Princess mansion. After Wang Yizhi left, she suddenly felt that the atmosphere around her body was heavy.

Still can't find the answer, still can't see the way forward.

After entering the mansion and passing through the junction of the East and the West upper Pavilion, Chu Yu should have directly returned to her residence. She turned around and went to the West upper Pavilion. She went to find Huan yuan first.

Huan yuan and Liu Se were busy in the room. Chu Yu was surprised to see that although the scenery was similar, the people were different. There were only two of the three people in the past. As usual, when she came here occasionally, she would hear Mo Xiang man's systematic sarcasm at Liu se, but now it is quiet, even in the air, there is a lonely taste.

Chu Yu calls Huan yuan out and asks about the result of Huan yuan's communication while she is away. The answer she gets is far beyond her expectation.

This is beyond expectation. During the period when she left, Huan yuan achieved better results than expected. He has become friends with several aristocratic families and frequent visitors. He even met two aristocratic families. Several people showed a certain degree of interest in Yu Zichu, Although these contacts are still floating on the surface, it is because Chu Yu has not really reflected the strength that people can see clearly.

From Huan yuan's narration, Chu Yu discovered one thing, that is, although Huan Yuan made friends with the aristocratic families in Jiankang City, there was no royal family among them. Today, however, Wang xuanmo went directly to find her. It can be seen that other families did not know her details for the time being, but the royal family directed their efforts at the principal.

From the side, it also reflects Wang xuanmo's deep thinking.

With a lot of doubts, Chu Yu leaves xiuyuanju and goes to muxue garden.

It's autumn, and there is still a little summer heat left in the air, but it's washed away in the bamboo forest of muxue garden.

As soon as you enter muxue garden and see a large bamboo forest, Chu Yu suddenly realized how she thought of the pattern of Chu Garden: when you enter muxue garden and see the forest, isn't this the idea copied from muxue garden?

It's no hesitation to enter the forest and see people. He is comfortable on the stone platform in the forest. His face is comfortable and his eyes are half closed. But Chu Yu knows that he is not asleep, so she goes forward and stands on the stone platform.

After a while, Rong Zhi opened his eyes without any action. He just gave her a smile. The smile bloomed in the green shadow and bamboo fragrance, just like the moonlight flowing water: "what's the matter with the princess?"

Chu Yu looked down at him and kept silent for a long time. Then she asked the question in her heart: "Mo Xiang is dead. How can I never see you sad?" At least, he has taught Mo Xiang for so long.

Although she was trapped in her own heart knot before, she didn't notice the abnormality of tolerance, but after these days, she couldn't help feeling a little chilly for Mo Xiang: was he given up like this? Free from worry and pain?

Rong Zhi was still smiling and said, "princess, I'm not sad. You can say I'm heartless or cruel. But if I feel sad, it's ridiculous and I'll be laughed at."

He leisurely smile, black and white eyes, reflecting the ice and snow like ruthlessness: "I am a ruthless person, now can care about, only the princess alone."