Although Liu Chang ran away, his real identity was not disclosed. Liu ziye's order was issued in the name of catching the escaped emissary, but it was the man who was good.

Liu Chang's portrait has been spread. At the moment, Jiankang city is on guard, and the atmosphere is solemn and dignified, just like the black cloud on the top of my head. It's getting dark very quickly today, and the setting sun is dim.

"That bastard." After listening to the officer's explanation in the car, Chu Yu could not help cursing in a low voice. Today, the little emperor has been advised by her. As long as Liu Chang'an is in charge of himself, there will be no trouble for the time being.

However, Chu Yu was relieved when she thought about it. If she had noticed that the emperor was determined to kill Liu Chang, she would have run faster than uncle yongri.

A bird in a state of panic, even if it only hears the sound of bowstring, will be scared to fly everywhere. What's more, Liu Chang has been a bird in a state of panic for more than ten years.

However, their actions were also affected by his escape.

The officer asked Chu Yu through the car curtain: "of course, I don't dare to embarrass you, but the rest of the city is under martial law. You have so many people, and ten thousand people are fighting together..." he didn't go on, but his meaning has been revealed.

Chu Yu glances at Rong Zhi and asks him what to do with his eyes. After a moment's thinking, Rong Zhi orders the private soldiers in the mansion to withdraw most of them temporarily and go out with only 40 people.

Chu Yu coldly said to the foreign army officer: "make way. Today, the princess will go out anyway."

Most of the people who had withdrawn had already given them a lot of face. When the officer heard Chu Yu's identity, he knew that he could not stop him any more, so he bowed down and made way.

In the middle of a conversation. The sky seemed to be engulfed by something, and the sky turned dark in an instant.

At the moment when the wheel turned again, it began to rain under the dark sky, and some hot air was invaded by the cool and humid water vapor.

it's raining.

Rain suddenly, splashing down, as if to take away the summer water one-time compensation back in general.

In this dark night.

Chu Yu was sitting in a strong and comfortable carriage. It wasn't so good, but both the royal family and their own guards turned around and were drenched.

Rong Zhi's eyes turned slightly outwards without a sound. "Princess, it's not suitable to go out to search at this time. Do you think..."

Before he finished, he was interrupted by Yue JieFei, who had been listening outside the car: "princess." He didn't say anything more, but the word princess was very sad, and all kinds of supplications were contained in it, as if anyone who refused his request would have failed him.

Chu Yu said with a smile: "get ready, let's continue." Although the weather is bad, but people still need to find.

Because of the sudden heavy rain. They had to delay a little longer and went back to the house to get rain gear. All the guards in the house were wearing bamboo hats and coir raincoats. In the heavy rain, in the extremely poor view of the rainy night, slowly forward.

On the way, there were several groups of patrolling soldiers. When they knew which carriage it was, they all voluntarily let it go. Except for those moments of waiting, it was almost unimpeded.

And rain, more and more big, clearly in the dark. In front of my eyes, there was a vast expanse of white. When the wheels rolled, there was a big splash. The guards' hats and raincoats were in vain, wet inside and outside. The strong rain not only oppresses people's body, but also makes people's heart slide to fatigue.

Chu Yu's goal is very direct, since the sky is like a mirror out of the city, then they also go out of the city, but the more they go out. The less confident she was, the more difficult it was for her to find a missing person outside the city, even if they wanted to keep their own people.

Chu Yu hesitated in her heart whether she wanted to order to return first. However, he had promised to fly to Vietnam earlier, but he didn't say it at this time. I'm afraid it's not good. Just as she hesitated, the leading carriage had already passed a street. At this time, a carriage came along the other road crisscrossing the street.

The four horses almost ran into each other. The temporary coachman Yue Jie Fei Yan Ming Shou Kuai stopped the horse in time. However, the skills of the other side were obviously poor, and they failed to hold it. As a result, one horse ran into each other and the other horse had to follow. They deviated from the original direction. The two carriages just didn't stop and were about to bump into each other.

Yuejiefei's eyes under his hat were calm. At the moment when the two carriages were about to run into each other, he quickly drew his sword, chopped the horse, chopped the cart, and then drew back his sword to control the horse, and the carriage stopped.

It's the other side's horse, the other side's car.

Yuejiefei only used two swords.

The first sword is to cut off the galloping horse from the other side, just from the part connected with the carriage. The body of the horse is still running out, but the head of the horse is left with the carriage.

Horse dying to eat pain neighing, even in the huge rain sound, still spread far away.

The second sword cuts the other side's car shaft. The first sword is extremely wide open and close, but the second sword is very clever and light. It doesn't use much force, and there is no damage to the car. However, when he controls the horse to stop and the other side's car comes along with the rest of the force, the car body seems to be scattered like rotten wood.

Just now with that sword, he has destroyed the most vulnerable part of the other side's carriage structure.

The sharpest and most ingenious swords, these two swords have already exhausted what Yue JieFei has learned all his life. After three movements, Rao Shi has to stop for a breath to recover.

Rongzhi sat in the car, listening to the movement outside the car. When the car stopped, he said softly, "OK."

The judgment of these two swords is very accurate. They were made at the critical moment just now. It's a very selfish move to protect one's own side at the cost of damaging the other side.

The carriage that collided with them was chopped off by yuejiefei, causing the carriage to fall to the ground and disperse, and the people in the carriage also fell out. Because of the violent shaking of the carriage and the horse neighing outside, Chu Yu could not help but lift the driving curtain to see the situation outside, but just saw the person on the other side's car fall out. He was holding a box almost half a person's height in his hand, which was very familiar.

Squinting, Chu Yu recognized each other: "Xiao BIE!"

In this rainy night, it's xiaobie, the son of Qianjin, who drives fast.

Chu Yu couldn't help asking, "what are you doing out in such a heavy rain?" Not to mention the city is still under martial law.

Seeing that the man on this side of the car is Chu Yu, a trace of unnaturalness flashed on Xiao don't's rain drenched handsome face. He looked at the wooden box in his arms anxiously and said: "princess, can I borrow your carriage to put my piano temporarily?" Although the inside and outside of the piano box were tightly sealed, he was worried that water would seep into it in such a heavy rain.

Chu Yu nodded, saw him put the piano on the car and then retreated, and said with a smile: "you are not afraid of being drenched by yourself, but you are afraid of being drenched by the piano?"

Xiao don't pursed her lips. She strained her face and didn't speak.

Chu Yu opened the curtain a little more, and invited: "I'm really sorry just now. We didn't mean to destroy your carriage. You don't have a carriage now. Why don't you come up? If you're on the way, I can give you a ride." Seeing the chaotic scene outside the car, Chu Yu could probably guess the situation just now.

Xiao's other car had a coachman. Because Yue JieFei had just done it, he fell to the ground in a mess. When he got up, the hat on his head slipped, and his face just caught Chu Yu's eyes.

Even though it wasn't very true in this rainy day, Chu Yu recognized it at a glance. The appearance of the coachman was clearly what he had seen in the palace today. At this time, he was being hunted everywhere. He pretended to be an emissary and was scared to death by Liu ziye. The middle-aged Royal handsome brother Liu yongri... No, Liu Chang!