If it is spring, you can see fresh and green mulberry leaves, if it is early summer, you can harvest full and delicious deep purple mulberry, but in autumn, you can only see the mulberry garden that begins to wither.

But from the houses in the village, Chu Yu still felt a very leisurely atmosphere.

Obviously, Yu Wen came earlier than her. Maybe he had stayed here for a day or two. He stood politely at the entrance of the village and talked with an old man. When he saw Chu Yu's carriage approaching, he arched his hand at the old man and walked straight towards them.

At a distance of one foot, the carriage and Yu Wen stopped at the same time.

Yu Wen's eyes glanced at yuejiefei's body. Then he gave Chuyu a smile: "brother, you are punctual."

Chu Yu also smile: "can't compare with you, let you wait for a long time."

They didn't talk much nonsense, they started immediately after meeting.

Yu Wen rode a horse with a team of guards in front, while Chu Yu's carriage and people's hands followed closely.

In the carriage, Chu Yu gave a general account of Yu Wen's identity and revealed that Rong Zhi seemed to have an unusual connection with Yu's family in Jiangling.

These things, she did not say in the Princess House, when she finished, she saw huacuo frown and said to herself: "Jiangling at home, how can I not know?"

His unconscious voice is very small, but there is no noise in the carriage, and the distance is very close. Chu Yu hears him talking to herself without a trace of error, and laughs unkindly: "Oh, don't you know the relationship between Yu Jia and Rong Zhi? I thought you knew when I saw you so close to Rong Zhi. "

Her soft voice was very soft, but it was like a thin sword, which suddenly pierced into huacuo's heart, and the proud swordsman's face immediately showed some embarrassment.

Although not willing to admit, but spend wrong have to face up to. In fact, he doesn't know much about Rong Zhi.

Although he had been with Rongzhi for the past three years and knew what he had done, in retrospect, he didn't even know where Rongzhi came from. But with his parents and family coming back, where did he learn his skills.

He always thought that he knew a lot, but today Chu Yu's words made him suddenly think, compared with what he knew. Maybe he didn't know more - at least, he never heard of Jiangling Yu's family and canghaike.

Huacuo was a little flustered. He looked up at Chuyu sitting opposite him. The pretty girl dressed as a man appeared very elegant and free. Her gentle and clear eyes, with a shallow smile, stared at him without blinking. The kind of determined eyes seemed to be able to see through his guilty heart.

Compared to the confusion caused by discovering something you don't know. What makes huacuo even more alarmed is that he began to have doubts because of such a sentence

incorrect. Stop, Rong Zhi must have his troubles to do that. How can he waver because of the princess's words?

Looking at huacuo's changeable expression, Chu Yuwei smiles and leans her back against the car wall. The fur behind her makes her more comfortable.

She didn't mean to sow discord. She just asked.

The love and hate of huacuo is too strong. There was too much hostility towards her. It was not a bad thing to shake him. At least for some time in the future, he might be distracted.

It's just that this message surprised her a little. She wanted him and Yu Wen to see each other, but look at their faces. It seems that neither of them knows the existence of the other, nor the relationship between the other and Rong Zhi.

On the other hand, Yu Wen may not know her identity. She thought that since she had something to do with Rong Zhi, she should know - but this is not important. Whether you know it or not can not affect the present Chu Yu.

Smile just float to the corner of the eye brow tip. It turned into a sigh from the bottom of my heart: although it is said that eggs should not be put in one basket, how many baskets are there?

And how many eggs are in the basket?

Take a look at the "egg" in the carriage, and occasionally look at the "egg" on the horse in front of the window. Chu Yu carefully breathed out a breath: two eggs should not be broken when they touch each other.

She did take some risks. In fact, she could safely stay in the princess's mansion and send someone to take her place. But on the one hand, she didn't trust many people. On the other hand, after she chose to jump on the cliff, her mood finally changed.

Love leisure and hate work, be greedy for life and fear death.

Chu Yu was very impolite to evaluate her performance after she came to this world. Even though she tried hard to feel that she was already very busy and hard, when she thought about it carefully, it was still those eight words.

She died once on the plane, which did not alleviate her fear of death. On the contrary, it became deeper. Because she had died, she wanted to live more. After Susheng found that she became a princess, which also made her mind slightly deviate.

She was robbed by hejue. She experienced a critical moment of life and death, and then fell into the hands of horse thieves. The twists and turns during this period, even though she suffered some hardships, she suffered a lot in spirit. But now in retrospect, it is not a kind of luck.

Facing the moment of life and death, Rongzhi's calmness and calmness led her to watch from a perspective beyond the outside world, and then dare to take the risk of jumping off the cliff, which originated from the courage and determination of the new generation.

When she was imprisoned by the brigands, when she was allowed to use her means and negotiate with Sun Li, her reflection never stopped: did I lose my way or was I corroded by the soft luxury?

When she came here, she suddenly became a princess with great power and great status. How many people's lives and deaths were controlled by her. Even the emperor of a country depended on her and was close to her. Although she tried her best to keep her original ideas, the daily environment unconsciously affected her, and how many people were respectful to her, Let her some lost original oneself.

She can not care about other people's contempt or disdain, in the face of hostility from others, she can instinctively and naturally set up a defensive mind, but the comfortable life, other people's respectful flattery, these non hostile things, just like the burning incense in the house, invisible and colorless, gorgeous and intoxicating, imperceptibly change her.

Poverty cannot be removed, wealth cannot be debauched, and power cannot be subdued.

Only one can indulge himself.

External force is just an excuse. The root of real change is not firm enough heart.

The advantage of Chu Yu is that she is honest enough to herself. Even if she can't see clearly for a moment, she will try to reflect on herself and restrain herself in time.

Rongzhi is cruel to her body, but Chuyu is harsh to her heart. She dares to examine the dark and weak places in her heart, and objectively evaluates and even condemns them. If she has no faults, she will encourage them, and if she has faults, she will change them.

The easiest thing to face is yourself, but the hardest thing to face is yourself.

The people on the carriage and outside the carriage, each with their own thoughts, each thinking of their own thoughts, the two sides do not much contact, flower eggs and in eggs are also very peaceful.

After a few days' journey, they came to Jiangling, where the gentry gathered.