Chu Yu did not expect that the purpose of the boy's asking for or even kidnapping her was not to take a fancy to her, but to learn the real identity of huacuo from her.

After hearing the young man's question, Chu Yu asked strangely, "if you want to know, why don't you ask my master in person?" Under the last full performance of Hua Cuo, Chu Yu attracted all the attention and doubt. Chu Yu was also happy that the young man really regarded her as the maid of guancanghai. However, if she had any words, she couldn't ask guancanghai in person, instead, she wanted to arrest her specially?

The youth light way: "I naturally want to ask him, just before this, want to hold you in the hand." After a pause, he sneered at himself: "because I am very suspicious."

Chu Yu thought about it and understood.

If the young man asks Guan Canghai directly, even if Guan Canghai tells the truth, he doesn't want to believe it. So he plans to arrest her to ask, then coerce her to question Guan Canghai, and then compare their answers to verify their authenticity.

This distrust is not based on uneasiness, but on the habitual suspicion of the superior.

Chu Yu couldn't help but wonder who the boy was and why he developed such a self respecting and suspicious personality?

This feeling, combined into four words, is simply - lonely... And the highest place in the world is extremely cold, the most lonely place is the throne.

But it's totally impossible.

As soon as the idea came out, Chu Yu immediately denied her guess.

At this time, there were two countries in the north and the south. The emperor in the South was now determined to be her uncle who was locked up by Liu ziye. I just don't know why they announced that they killed the emperor and succeeded to the throne two days later on the 27th, which is exactly in line with the records of tianrujing. The new emperor in the north can be seen from the discussions in the streets. This year, he is only about 13 years old, but now he is at least 18 or 19 years old.

No matter how well the nobles of the Northern Wei Dynasty developed, they were unlikely to look five or six years older than their real age?

In his heart, Hu siluan thought, Chu Yu slowly answered the boy's question, trying to stand in a real maid's point of view, objectively narrated what had happened. She only said that a few days ago, huacuo intruded into guancanghai's home. It seemed that she regarded guancanghai as a shelter, and then went on. I don't know what Guan Canghai and Hua CuO talked about, so I asked him to come back that day, pretending to be a servant behind him. The young man should know the next thing.

While listening to Chu Yu, the young man frowned and thought. Chu Yu carefully observed her expression. When she said Rong Zhi's name, the young man's eyebrows moved slightly.

After the interrogation, the boy pondered for a moment. With a bit of ridicule, he said to Chu Yu: "do you want to know what weight you have in your heart? If he really valued you, he would come to help. Before he comes, stay with me. "

Chuyu was not happy when he said this seriously. She had nothing to do with guancanghai, but she couldn't say this to the young man. She could only bow her head and smile.

Chu Yu follows behind the boy and goes out of the room where she is kept. As soon as she comes out of the room, the guards outside the door surround her closely. Surround Chu Yu.

Chu Yu and the young man were more than two feet away from each other. A total of 16 bodyguards were around them. The distance between them was three feet. The pace of these bodyguards was almost the same, as if they were carved out of a mold. In their actions, there was a kind of fierce spirit. It makes Chu Yu feel uncomfortable.

Another look at the young man walking in front of her, the young man seems to be totally unconscious, or she has been used to it for a long time.

Walking to the study, the boy stopped and asked Chu Yu, "can you read?"

Chu Yu nodded subconsciously. But when she heard the boy's next sentence, she regretted it. Because the youth said: "just in time, come and serve me to read."

Entering the study, there were only two young people and Chu Yu left. The guards were still waiting outside. On several bookshelves were various kinds of books, and on the table near the window was a roll of open books.

The young man sat down at the desk, picked up half of the books he had read and continued to look down. He stopped to turn the pages and pondered for a long time. A faint smile appeared on his face. Chu Yu stood by and took a peek. He found that it was a book recording people's feelings and the assessment of officials. When he looked at the books on the shelf, they were mostly military history books, or some records,

The boy was very attentive and attentive. Occasionally he asked Chu Yu to find some information, but he actually used Chu Yu as a maid.

Chu Yu wakes up in the afternoon. She thought guancanghai would soon find her missing, but she didn't expect to see guancanghai or anyone else come to rescue until the evening.

Even if guancanghai doesn't come, her own Huan yuanliusang and others will always find a way after they find her missing.

In this way, while guessing and waiting, Chu Yu worked part-time as a maid in the afternoon and at night, until the boy went to bed. She was a little upset at last, because after entering the bedroom, the boy opened his hand and ordered her to undress for him.

Even though Chu Yu originally thought that the youth could not have a different mind for her, at this time, he could not help but shrink back: Although he knew that the real purpose of the youth was to find out the wrong identity of Hua, it did not mean that he would not use her to warm the bed by the way. After all, she was only a little maid in his eyes now.

The youth discovers Chu Yu's reaction, the idea turns to also follow to understand her idea, his beautiful face peeps out the sneer smile: "your master didn't tell you, I'm not a man?"

Hearing what he said, Chu Yu immediately froze.

Not a man?

So, in other words, is this teenager... A woman?

After a long time, Chu Yu came back to her senses and subconsciously turned her eyes to the young man's chest. She found that there were slight ups and downs there, but because the clothes were too wide, it was difficult to see the curve.

She's a woman.

With this understanding, Chu Yu looked around her body and found new evidence to support this argument: although her appearance was slightly neutral, her voice was deep and hoarse, her skin was too delicate, her neck was a little thin, and although she was tall among women, she was a little shorter than her appearance

These evidences all show her female identity, but if she didn't tell her in advance, Chu Yu would still regard her as a man. Even if Rong Zhi stood with her and told her that one of them was a woman, she might regard Rong Zhi as a woman instead.

Because this woman's temperament is too tough and resolute.

At the first sight of this woman, what Chu Yu noticed was not her appearance, but the fierce and noble momentum in her bones. That kind of arrogance swept everything like a gale, quickly made her distinguish her from Rong Zhi, and also quickly made her subconsciously think that a man with such temperament was a man.

Chu Yu was still in a daze, but she saw the boy... No, it should be said that the woman dressed as a boy sneered, walked out of the bedroom and pushed open the window of the outer room.

In the night, the vague and chaotic commotion came quickly from far and near.