"Don't go to Luoyang! Don't go to Luoyang! "

"Go to Luoyang! Go to Luoyang


Time is short, years are long, little Tuoba grows up day by day, can speak, can climb, can walk, and soon, he will be able to run unsteadily.

However, it is strange that the power struggle between empress dowager Feng and Tuo bahong, or the secret confrontation between Rong Zhi and Tian Rujing, has never really intensified and produced results.

Chu Yu didn't know and didn't intend to know what was going on in the palace and in the court. But she knew what was going on in her family. Several people in her family also showed a delicate situation. It was clear that they didn't have a good relationship, but they kept a superficial peace and didn't break out.

Huan yuan naturally went out early and returned late to give advice to Tuo bahong, the emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and even made political plans. It was not easy to be a counselor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, because the Northern Wei Dynasty was transformed from nomads. Although he had worked hard to learn the rules of the Han people, there were still many places that were not in place. Reforming a social system is a very arduous task. Huan yuan's plan has been made one after another, and has been revised again and again according to the actual situation.

Although I don't admit it, Huan yuan is really contributing to the cause of Sinicization of foreign people.

The other two people in the family, aman and huacuo, are practicing martial arts in the courtyard. Huacuo is not only diligent in practicing martial arts, but also diligent when Rongzhi comes. Every time Chu Yu passes by the gate of their courtyard, he can hear the sound of metal crashing. When he looks inside, he can see the light and shadow of the sword flashing, which means that he is sharpening his sword to Rongzhi.

Several times, huacuo and Rongzhi met at home, but huacuo was calm. Maybe he knew the strength gap between huacuo and Rongzhi, before he could deal with Rongzhi. He is no longer reckless and provocative.

This may be mature, but is this kind of maturity really what we want?

As for Chu Yu, she and Rong Zhi are the most idle people in the family. Although Rong Zhi has an official title, he stays at home all day "sick" because he is a relative of the empress dowager, and goes out for four or five days at most every month, which is not much different from Chu Yu who is a real idle person.

When you don't want to go out, you will set up two soft beds in the bamboo forest. Make a few dishes of snacks, make a pot of tea, and then invite Chu Yu to give him a lesson.

After learning the main functions of tianru mirror bracelet, Rongzhi was not satisfied, so he asked Chu Yu to know everything she knew. After teaching tianru mirror English in the Southern Dynasty, he came to the Northern Dynasty. Chu Yu once again had the opportunity to return to her old career, and the teaching object was Rongzhi. The scope of teaching is general practice.

Before the beginning of the class, Chu Yu is ready to be hit. She knows that Rong Zhi is very smart. Learning things will be quick, even if it is to see him never forget, should not feel strange, but despite this preparation, after the formal start of teaching, Chu Yu is still restrained by the ability to absorb and understand, it is not simply never forget, do not have to teach twice, but to reach the realm of "one to know two to know three to know ten": for example, teach him a formula. Then he can deduce several related supplementary formulas according to what he has learned before. For example, if he teaches him an English word, he can basically learn all kinds of deformation and extension of the word without any teacher.

Fortunately, Chu Yu only taught him half an hour at most every day, otherwise he would be beaten to death on the first day.

This is no longer a humanoid learning machine. It's a black hole.

Class every day for a quarter of an hour, which is the requirement of accommodation. At first, when Chu Yu saw this time, she thought it was incredible. If she only taught half a quarter of an hour every day, how long would it take to finish what she had studied hard for more than ten years? However, after the real class, she found that Rong Zhi was too considerate, not only considering his learning speed. And her mental resilience.

Their daily schedule is like this: Chu Yu sleeps in the morning. Sleep comfortable, wash gargle finished, there is a attendant waiting outside, please her to Rongzhi courtyard, arrived at the place, generally Rongzhi has been waiting, two people eat breakfast together, if get up late, then by the way eat lunch together.

After half a quarter of an hour's hard work, it's a happy leisure time. Chu Yu occasionally talks about things in the 21st century. He listens to them with great interest and occasionally inserts a sentence or two.

In this world, although the first person to know that Chu Yu had knowledge beyond the limitations of the times was Tian Ru Jing, the person who could understand Chu Yu's thinking was Rong Zhi.

When they were in Princess mansion, Rong Zhi had ulterior motives, and Chu Yu also concealed something. That was the most wrong and estranged time when they did not trust each other and had reservations; When he was in Luoyang, Rong Zhi's incarnation was watching the sea, deceiving Chu Yu unilaterally, and Chu Yu kept a distance from him.

... until now.

It was not until Pingcheng that they were truly honest with each other for the first time after a seemingly equal deal that at least both sides agreed to.

Chu Yu doesn't have to worry about what will be revealed when she talks. Anyway, for Rong Zhi, she has nothing to disclose. She can talk about things before crossing at will.

Rong Zhi, though he conceals an important thing, his time with Chu Yu is the most honest state in his history. When they talk about something, he no longer conceals his true thoughts, but speaks out his thoughts frankly. Sometimes, he coincides with Chu Yu by accident, but sometimes, he is opposite.

When it comes to emperors, one comes from the 21st century when the monarchy was abolished. One is above all people, one is indifferent, the other is indifferent. Looking at each other, they all laugh.

But most of the time, their views are quite different. Take teaching little Tuoba, for example, Chu Yu insists on training little Tuoba in the aspect of Four Haves, while Rong Zhi teaches a two or three-year-old kid the idea that people should not be killed for themselves.

"Discipline? Ideal? literate? Moral? As an emperor, morality is the most superfluous, and his ideal can only be his own country. "

"Well, it's not normal for me to teach him the standard of future Siyou newcomers, but it's normal for you to teach a kid under four how to use power to kill people and play tricks?"


Just for this matter, they don't know how many quarrels they had. After quarreling, they broke up unhappily. The next day, Chu Yu came to eat as if she had nothing to do. After eating, it depends on the weather or mood.

It was a very happy time. Even the quarrel was very happy. It was more than the false harmony in Luoyang. I don't know how happy it was.

However, whether it is Chu Yu or Rong Zhi, they both know that such a day will come to an end.

Just because they don't say it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

And that day, at the age of four, came.

The wind blows in the day and the light flows westward.

Time seems to give birth to a pair of invisible wings. In the blink of an eye, it flies by in a moment.