For a moment, the chill ran through Rongzhi's heart. He was not afraid of the cold, but now he felt his fingers trembling. In his life, he had never been so afraid.

He's... Scared.

The fear almost crushed his heart.

However, the loss was only a moment. Soon, he took a breath, and the cold air filled his chest. In his eyes, he was calm.

Now is not the time to panic, the first thing to be sure is whether there is an accident in Luoyang. Although the coincidence of time made him palpitating, the delay of the letter may not have something to do with the palace.

Care is chaos.

However, Luoyang is two thousand miles away from Pingcheng. For a moment, he can't know the specific situation. At this time, Rong Zhi can't help thinking of the "telephone" that Chu Yu told him about later generations. If only he could have a telephone at this time?

He also had a man in Luoyang who was directly under the control of the housekeeper and was responsible for the safety of Chu Yu. If Feng Ting wanted to attack Chu Yu, his subordinates would be able to do something to stop him.

Even if Luoyang is sure to change, he can't rush to save people immediately.

Calm down miscellaneous thoughts, allow a little meditation, make a decision now.


Guancanghai was able to send someone to summon him for a meeting. The message was very urgent. In his heart, he was surprised that he had always been in charge of the overall situation. He was calm and steady, and his face remained unchanged at the critical moment of life and death. What happened this time? It seemed that it was more important than life and death?

Following Rongzhi's subordinates, we quickly walk all the way to see the sea and feel the cold atmosphere in the street. The sound of horses' hoofs and the orderly running steps passed him,

Flying snow.

The bugle of the army first sounded in the street. Then, guancanghai heard the echoes from all directions, the shouts of officers, the collision of weapons, and the noisy and cold beating of guancanghai's eardrum.

If someone is watching in the sky at this time, they can see that in Pingcheng, which is covered by snow, small black spots gather to form a stream. Divide the snow-white city into several squares, and these black flows rush to the same place.

That place is——


He was astonished to see the sea.

At present, in Pingcheng, the only one capable of mobilizing a large number of troops is Rongzhi.

What is Rongzhi doing?

Want to go to the palace?

Although Feng Ting's action is slower, he is not so impatient, is he?

Guan Canghai always remembers that when he was very young, Rong Zhi was very calm. How could he become so impatient today?

This question becomes more intense when we see Rongzhi, and we feel keenly when we look at the sea. The mood of tolerance was strongly suppressed by himself, as if he would spray out fiercely at the slightest touch.

"... stop?" Looking at Canghai is a bit uncertain. He couldn't see it. At this time, he even doubted whether the person standing in front of him would stop.

Rong Zhi said succinctly, "the letter from Luoyang is two days late."

Although Guan Haiping doesn't calculate much about people, he is no less clever than Rong Zhi. At the same time, he knows a lot about Rong Zhi, so he only listens to this sentence. Then he understood what he was worried about and said, "maybe it's just that the letter is late?"

Rong Zhi said quietly, "but maybe there was an accident." Maybe, maybe, maybe it's OK, but he can't afford the "maybe".

As soon as he realized that Feng Ting might be harmful to Chu Yu, he immediately decided to summon all the people he could immediately mobilize to control the inside and outside of Pingcheng. Guard the gate, and divide half of the troops to lock the palace.

These are just preparations.

Guancanghai and Rongzhi, shoulder to shoulder, walked quickly on the way out of the way of the army, when the palace was near. Guan Canghai suddenly said, "I still don't understand. How can Feng Ting do this?"

He always felt that. Feng Ting has no reason to deal with Chu Yu. If Feng Ting wants to do harm to Chu Yu, her purpose is nothing more than to stop him. But no matter how she thinks about it, it is extremely unwise.

It's fair to say that nearly half of the power of the Northern Wei Dynasty is now in Rong Zhi's hands. Although Feng Ting is the empress dowager, if she wants to fight with Rong Zhi, she will be overthrown if she only meets her face.

There are two possibilities in Luoyang.

First, Feng Ting killed Chu Yu. This is the stupidest possibility. Killing Chu Yu, not only can't bring any benefits, but will enrage Rong Zhi and lead to terrible revenge.

Second, Feng Ting kidnaps Chu Yu to coerce Rong Zhi. This journey seems possible, but it is also difficult. Two thousand miles away from Pingcheng, Luoyang, many variables can be changed in the process of escorting him.

However, the premise of all this is that the deployment of Rongzhi in Luoyang must be disintegrated first, but that is not too easy.

At the moment, Rong Zhi could see the gate of the imperial city. Surrounded by a lot of soldiers, the former magnificent imperial palace showed some unbearable fragility. His eyes were deep, and he said without emotion: "even if it has nothing to do with Luoyang, today we will solve the pending problems."

His idea is close to that of guancanghai. What guancanghai can think of, he can think of naturally. No matter from what aspect, Feng Ting has no reason to deal with Chu Yu, because she does not have enough strength to rely on.

However, different from guancanghai, Chu Yu doesn't accept any fluke for his weight. Now he has to control the situation with certainty.

If Feng Ting really makes an unwise move, the troops surrounding the palace are his chips and weapons; Even if it is certain that Luoyang is safe, on the other hand, it is an indisputable fact that Feng Ting has been delaying the abolition of the emperor. He took this opportunity to solve the matter by force.

Before he called in his subordinates, Rong Zhi had thought about all the possibilities, the best and the worst, and made corresponding strategies.

In the best case, he was very thoughtful, and the secret letter arrived soon. Tuo bahong passed the throne to little Tuo bahong under pressure, and the Empress Dowager assisted him.

The worst case... The worst case

Worry because of love, fear because of love.

When they reached the palace gate, Guan Canghai noticed that Rong Zhi stopped and asked, "what's the matter?" Why don't you go?

Rongzhi's long eyelashes were coagulated with a few tiny ice beads. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a soft voice, "nothing's wrong."

If, he said if, if anything happened to Chu Yu, he didn't mind taking the whole palace of the Northern Wei Dynasty to be buried with him.

This is the worst case scenario. Killing all the members of the royal family will do him a lot of harm without any benefit. Although he is in control of a great power now, not the whole Northern Wei Dynasty is under his control. Once the supreme ruler collapses, civil strife and competition will inevitably occur.

Naturally, for him, the difference between peaceful capture and military conquest is just a little less effort and bleeding distance, which is not much different. But at this moment, Rong Zhi sincerely hopes that he will not use the last resort.

He has a cold heart. Even if his eyes are full of blood, he can't shake him, but he doesn't want Chu Yu's blood in it.

When they came to the palace whose gate was closed, they stopped, looked up slightly, and said, "open the door."

As soon as the words were heard, two rows of sergeants joined forces to pick up the thick log and smashed the door open.

"Bang" a loud noise, the tall Palace door to the two sides apart, the north wind rolled up, blowing the grass rustle sound, with the cold snow, rushed into the door before Rongzhi!