Dear students, because of the severe crackdown on the Internet, I have to delete the part with H. this time, I have to be more careful to avoid being harmed.

I don't want to delete the whole book because of a few chapters.

I hope you will understand.


Chu Yu decides to leave.

Leaving this era is what she had long hoped for. Now the opportunity comes to her. Although there is no ecstasy in her imagination, she still instinctively seizes it like a subconscious.

According to the number of energy grids, leaving here will consume three grids of energy, so the rest will not be enough for her to come back again. In other words, she can only go through it once at most.

Although there are many worries about this place, in another world, there are also people she cares about. If she has to make a rational choice, Chu Yu can only say that she can't make a choice, she just instinctively wants to go back.

Maybe it's because I want to see my family anyway, or maybe I can't really have fun staying here. Even though she could talk and laugh with others as if nothing had happened on weekdays, the terrible emptiness would cover her whole body when she came back to sleep in the dead of night.

When Chu Yu left, it was a quiet night, and the spring breeze at night was just as tender and affectionate. Chu Yu's legs were fully recovered, so she secretly packed up her things and went to visit Huan yuan late at night.

The reason why she wanted to leave secretly was that she had tried to talk to them a few days ago. Liu Sang's reaction to the assumption of leaving with her was very fierce. Aman was also very angry. When he really left, he had unnecessary conflicts with them. Chu Yucai fled all night.

As soon as he knocked on the door, the door opened. Huan yuan stood at the door, dressed neatly. He seemed to have expected her coming and waited behind the door.

Chu Yu was stunned.

Seeing Chu Yu's expression, Huan yuan smiles slightly. "Are you going to leave this time?" he said

After a while, Chu Yu came back to herself. She nodded her chin and said in a low voice, "yes." These days, she is a little out of her mind, and the strange situation falls into Huan yuan's eyes, which gives him a clue.

But it doesn't hurt to see it out for Huan yuan. She also wants to tell him.

Seeing Chu Yu's lonely look, Huan yuan sighed: "although I knew I couldn't keep you, I still didn't expect that this day will come so fast... You won't come back, will you?" These days. When he saw Chu Yu glancing at them, his eyes were full of sadness and guilt. It was clearly a farewell look. If it's just a temporary separation, it's impossible to linger like this.

Chu Yu pursed her lips, more empty and uneasy: "yes, maybe she will never come back."

Huan yuan suddenly smiles, and his elegant eyes reflect the dim yellow lights in the room. At this moment, the warmth reaches the extreme. He whispers: "take care all the way." He knew Chu Yu couldn't stay.

Chu Yu's eyes are sour. She stepped back and bowed: "I left two letters to Liu sang aman in the house. If they are angry because of me, please apologize to them for me... Huan yuan, thank you for taking care of them all these years."

Huan yuan was silent, but suddenly he stepped back and raised his hands with wide sleeves, very upright. It was also a very gentle bow.

Over the years, they have been accompanying and supporting each other. They are not only friends, but also close to relatives. Not only Chuyu but also Huanyuan. Although there was a heart beating moment in the process, it finally turned into a continuous flow.

He is her relative. Always.

The shadows of the two people are far away from each other. There is always such a distance between him and her.


Left Luoyang, Chu Yu did not immediately start the bracelet, she went to Pingcheng alone.

After this, Chu Yu may never come back, so before she left, she planned to have a good look at the world, and before she left, she tried to have a look at the people she wanted to see.

Feng Ting finally got what she wanted. After defeating Rong Zhi, she forced Tuo bahong to abdicate and passed the throne to little Tuo bahong, who was only five years old. As an assistant empress dowager, she was honored as if she had no crown.

After getting the bracelet, Chu Yu found that there were many functions that they didn't develop. For example, one of them was to change the refraction of light to achieve the effect of "invisibility" for a short time. Taking advantage of this, Chu Yu sneaked into the palace and secretly looked at the young grandparents and grandchildren. Feng Ting was still radiant, But a pair of eyes has shown far beyond the true age of the vicissitudes.

Little Tuoba, who was still a child, had a heartbreaking early wisdom in his eyes. Chu Yu could no longer see his carefree smile. At the beginning, he chose this road as a descendant of Tuoba's family. I don't know if he regrets it now.

After watching for a long time, Chu Yu left the palace, changed his direction, and walked slowly southward.

Spring, summer, autumn wind, winter snow, spring, time in front of a pair of constant eyes slowly flow. Chu Yu deliberately slowed down her journey, and walked and lived. She wandered around all the places that had left her good memories.

From the Northern Dynasty to the Southern Dynasty, it's not that we didn't meet the bandits on the way. But as long as we sacrifice the blue light shield, we can scare the robbers to escape. Therefore, Chu Yu walked safely.

In fact, there are not many old friends left in the Southern Dynasty. Some Chu Yu didn't even know where to look for them. In fact, most of them came back to the Southern Dynasty to remember some places.

It is probably because Liu Yu, who was tortured by Liu ziye and overthrew Liu ziye, had not been emperor for many years. His life came to an end in a few short years and passed the throne on to his son.

Although Jiankang had lived in that city for only one year, she was left with too much happiness, anger, sadness and happiness. Before she left, she didn't take a look. Chu Yu was always worried.

In Jiankang City, the Chu garden of Princess mansion has changed its owner. Seeing that the sign on the lintel had changed into something else, Chu Yu had already decided to give up, but there was always something bad in her heart. She felt that her own things had been taken away by others.

After wandering for a long time in Jiankang City, Chu Yu returned to the princess's residence and waited quietly. The owner of Princess mansion seems to be the residence of a civil servant in the court, but the civil servant seems to be very happy and quiet. Chu Yu stood at the door for a long time, but no one came in and out.

Where she wants to go. There must be an entrance for people to go in and out of that place. Although she can be invisible and defensive with her bracelet, she is not really Superman after all. She can't fly on the eaves and walk through the wall or go through the room directly.

It's so easy to see a sedan chair coming, open the door and enter. Taking advantage of the dim light at this time, Chu Yu quickly launched "stealth" and quietly entered after the sedan chair. Princess mansion seems to still keep the panorama when she left. There was not much change in the architectural pattern. There were not many people in the inner garden. Chu Yu came all the way. Not to mention the guards, there are few servants.

There was no one in the house, and the night was dark. Chu Yu simply removed the light refraction and walked slowly to her former residence alone.

The courtyard she used to live in was almost the same as before. Even the name of the courtyard had not been changed. Seeing this, Chu Yu could not help feeling that the new owner here was too lazy, so she changed the plaque at the door. Everything is the same inside.

Open the old house gently, the house is clean and tidy, but you can see that it is a long time no one lived in the cold appearance, Chu Yu sighed, back to the bedroom that can be found with closed eyes, the bed is the original furniture.

Looking at everything in front of her, Chu Yu couldn't help feeling that she was in this bed at the beginning, and she opened her eyes. At the first glance, you can see Rongzhi.

Now I think it was many years ago. At that time, she never expected the ups and downs, life and death. And deeply in love with someone.

Chu Yu went to sit on the bed and suddenly felt tired. It was as if all the tiredness of the journey had poured in. She sighed, raised her wrist and set up a protective ring. As soon as someone stepped into the set circle, she immediately put out a protective mask. In this way, even if someone finds her, she will not worry about her life.

Set up these, she as a few years ago, in this long lost bed deep sleep.

This sleep Chu Yu sleep very peacefully, this more than a year, often after falling asleep, she always dreamed of some things in the past, but this night nothing came to disturb her.

When she woke up in the early morning, Chu Yu straightened her clothes and went to the old West Pavilion before the light came out. She walked through the familiar courtyards one after another. The people who used to live in these courtyards also came to her heart one by one. The color of willow, the fragrance of ink, huacuo, liusang, Huanyuan

Finally, muxue garden, Rongzhi.

Chu Yu stood in front of muxue garden, where the bamboo forest was still luxuriant. She stood still from a long distance. She looked at the black lacquer gate, and felt as if she had passed a samsara.

I don't know how long I've been standing, but a sound of the flute suddenly rises up. It's like a string thrown over the nine heavens. It runs through Chu Yu's heart and soul.

The sound of the flute is so clear and crisp, and it turns low.

She had only heard such a voice in one place in her life.

Chu Yu opened her eyes wide and almost couldn't believe it.

The sound of the flute is so long and winding.

She took a step, but as if afraid of something, she withdrew her feet, and her expression became suspicious.

But the sound of the flute never stopped. With each sound, she was almost heartbroken.

All of her body seemed to be shouting. Finally, Chu Yu ran to the door with her feet raised. Her mind was blank. Every inch of her body was eager. Rationality had long been abandoned, and her soul was boiling.

With a bang, Chu Yu pushes open the black lacquer wooden door. She rushes into the green bamboo forest. The sound of the flute stops.

It's as if the picture in the movie is frozen, as if time never revolves before. She just comes through, and enters into the world of the young man in white.

On the smooth blue stone platform, the young man half leaning on the bamboo bush in white clothes sways the ground, just like ice and snow. His eyes are light and warm, his skin is as smooth as jade, his lips are smiling, and his eyes are unfathomable.

What is different from before is that the beautiful hands protruding from the wide sleeves and the white skin are crisscrossed with mottled scars.


Dragging his feet, Chu Yu slowly walked past. She could not hold out her shaking hand and gently stroked his beautiful face. The skin under the palm is warm, cool and soft. It's real and alive.

Chu Yu blinked carefully, for fear that some people in front of her would disappear. Her hand moved down slowly, but her fingertips touched the rough scars. Full of heartache, she opened his collar and saw that under his neck, white skin was crisscrossed with terrible scars. Just looking at these scars, she could imagine what kind of suffering he had suffered before.

Chu Yu couldn't say anything. She just touched those scars again and again with tears in her eyes. She didn't care to ask how Rong Zhi survived. She also forgot to think about why he was here. It didn't matter. The important thing was that Rong Zhi was in front of her now.

His breath is warm, his heart is stable, Chu Yu carefully opened his clothes, sad to fingertips across every scar. Even though these injuries had healed, she could not stop the impulse to cry.

Rongzhi mouth slightly a sun, hand will pull the coat. In the mouth light way: "don't look, very terrible, will frighten you." He stopped before he moved, because Chu Yu grasped his hand.

Looking at his body almost countless scars, Chu Yu finally can't help crying out, she seems to be able to see, Rong Zhi's body is how to break open, she slowly lowered her head. Gently cover his lips over the scar between his neck.

What's so terrible? No matter what it becomes, Rong Zhi is her Rong Zhi.

What's more, these scars, every pain, are printed with the name of her Chuyu.

Chuyu was confused and flustered, and she was kissing Rongzhi's neck. She hardly knew what she was doing. Only instinctively desire more warmth, so that we can prove that Rong Zhi is alive.

Unknowingly, Rong Zhi was lying on the bluestone platform. He looked at Chu Yu funny. She was crying and kissing and biting him. Her face was full of tears, like a wronged child, struggling for a little comfort.

Funny at the same time, he was a little distressed, so he raised his hand to caress her back and gently smoothed her uneasiness.

I don't know how long later, Chu Yu gradually recovered. She wiped her tears and saw the situation in front of her eyes. She was stunned: This is all her work?

His clothes had been stripped to his waist. His black hair was soft as a cloud, and he lay on his back on the bluestone platform.

The bluestone platform is just enough for one person to lie down.

The kissing and biting marks start from his white neck with scars, spread to his round shoulders, and spread downward along the undulating texture. His skin outside the scar was smooth, but he was bitten by Chu Yu at this time. The wound was even worse, and there were several bleeding spots.

Chu Yu's mind was buzzing, and her face seemed to have a fire: what did she just do? Have you been possessed by Princess Shanyin? Even if it is not easy to meet too excited, she does not have to bite Rongzhi like this, right?

Or, in fact, she has a strong SM tendency in her heart, but it hasn't been developed before?

What should we do now?

Chu Yu raised her eyes in shame, and accidentally caught a glimpse of the scars on Rong Zhi's body. She didn't know where to put her eyes.

It's to hold him up and say, "I'll be responsible for you."

Or hide your face and say: "today's event should not have happened..."

In the panic, Chu Yu's eyes were smiling. Even if they were pushed and gnawed, his attitude was still calm. He looked at her with a smile in his eyes.

Chu Yu took a deep breath and turned his head like an ostrich, as if he didn't look. It didn't happen.

Don't look at Rong Zhi, her tension just relaxed a little bit, then Fang remembered the fact that should have noticed: "you lied to me." Husky voice, Chu Yu some complain ground accuse.

Since he's not dead, the body must be a fake. The reason why Guan Canghai cheated her must have been inspired by Rong Zhi.

As soon as she thought that she had been hurt for so long, Chu Yu felt very unwilling. She was so sad for so long, so sad for so long. As a result, this guy suddenly appeared in front of her like magic again, and she immediately jumped on it.

Completely without thinking.

When I think of my gaffe. Chu Yu then secretly grinds his teeth: it's really cheap for him to bite so lightly just now. He should bite more heavily.

But if she wants to wake up and bite again now, she can't bear it.

Rong Zhi half sat up with one hand supporting his body. He looked at Chu Yu with a smile. Shen Ning's eyes gradually turned soft. He didn't explain Chu Yu's accusation, but said faintly: "yes, I lied to you. I'm sorry

Chu Yu turned her head and glanced at him. She saw the scar on his body, which was a burst of heartache. But when she saw the scar, she also inevitably saw those teeth marks, followed by a burst of embarrassment. She turned back in a hurry.

"You lied to me and made me sad." Chu Yu snorted, and decided that this time he must stop this bad habit. If he is used to cheating all the time. In the future, she will be cheated one after another, "I'm very angry."

Rong Zhi looked at her with interest and could not help pursing his lips. Smile: "yes, yes, it's all my fault, please forgive me." He has a loose tone, and such an apology is almost perfunctory. It sounds insincere.

Listen to him this tone, Chu Yu a burst of stuffy, but the next moment. Hard to maintain the serious or rapid passage, she always can't help but want to see Rongzhi, want to rush to embrace him.

After struggling for a long time in her heart, Chu Yu gave up and sighed. She turned around and controlled her eyes not to look beyond Rong Zhi's face.

Just looking at him quietly, countless warm feelings emerge in my heart, and the strong and unbelievable ecstasy washes back and forth like the tide. She has never been so desperate because of a person's death, and has never been so quickly resurrected from despair because a person did not die.

However, the panic in my heart still exists, everything in front of me seems to be a dream, even now. Chu Yu still can't help but wonder if it's too real a dream. As long as you wake up, your tolerance will disappear with your dreams?

Small resentment disappeared without a trace, Chu Yu leaned over to embrace Rong Zhi again, when her arms filled, she felt at ease. When the arm is empty, her heart will fall into the fear that can't break free.

Be cheated, she said before? As long as he lives well, it doesn't hurt to be cheated. What's more, looking at the scars on his body, how could she have the heart to be more critical?

Chu Yu raised her arm a little, went over Rong Zhi's naked shoulder, and put her arms around his neck. She was a little embarrassed. She quickly gave him a gentle kiss on his lips.

After kissing, Chu Yu turned to her hot face, but her hands were even tighter. She stuck to Rong Zhi's ear and murmured, "it's so good that you're still alive."

No matter how Rong Zhi survived, or how much she cheated, and how sad she was these days, how could she care so clearly if she liked someone?

She is sad, she is sad, she is willing to, she deeply like this person, he is alive, she is happy, he died, she is sad, this person is irreplaceable, can no longer care about the many.

Rongzhi holds her with his backhand. He doesn't explain for himself. He doesn't mention how he survived this year or what he cheated her for. Holding Chu Yu's face up, Rong Zhi straightens her face and looks at it carefully. She's crying so much. Her face is full of tears, her eyes are red, and now she's still shining.

He had never seen her cry so impolitely, as if the emotional levee in her heart burst and flooded thousands of miles.

The heart moistens the warm meaning of Wen Wen, Rong Zhi is smiling slightly, partial head pitifully kisses her.

From the tip of Xiuzhi's eyebrows to the red corner of his eyes, his soft lip flap all the way down, butterfly like across her tearful cheek, fine brush her thin chin.

He kisses her very carefully. His lips are covered tightly and warm. At last, he prints her lips slowly.

Chu Yu opened her eyes and looked at Rongzhi's eyes. She was so close that her eyes fell into the bottomless abyss of the Black Sea.

Instead of pushing Rong Zhi away, she hugged him harder and responded to his kisses clumsily.

Because of shyness or other reasons, tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

The cheek is next to the cheek, so warm and intimate, Chu Yu slightly gasps, hands press on his shoulder to restrain him, don't open his face a little, low voice call way: "Rong Zhi."

Rong Zhi saw her eyes flashing, voice nervous, heart clear, he smoothly and safely should be: "I am."

Chu Yu was relieved and called again: "Rong Zhi..."

"I'm here."

With the response. Along with it comes the joy of being lost and recovered. Such a cherished mood has never existed before, and it will never happen again in the future.

Some satisfied with a sigh, Chu Yu arms slide, palm holding Rongzhi's face, seriously watching, eyes soon hazy up, she slowly closed her eyes, timid and gentle. Kiss the cheek, a series of small touch, like the wings of a butterfly, but it seems more gentle a few minutes.

Chuyu's face is burning like fire, and her cheeks are flying. The ruddy color is reflected on the white jade's skin, just like the white jade pearl accompanied by the gorgeous lake, adding some rare beautiful color.

Rong Zhi lay half at will, and let her move, with her eyes fixed on it. I saw her eyes closed, long eyelashes slightly trembling, clearly some shy. But it is strong from calm, moist lips bright color, breathing is hot.

Rong Zhi raised his hand and hooked Chu Yu's neck. His slender fingers were half closed and half spread like a newly blooming flower. His fingertips crossed the delicate skin behind her ears.

Chu Yu grasped Rong Zhi's shoulder with both hands. He felt that his senses were as tight as silk strings. All of them gathered behind his ears where they were touched. His fingertips gently touched and sketched. Occasionally there are rough scars.

But after a while, she found that the shoulder under her palm was naked, and the warm skin was surrounded by rough scars, which made her panic again.

Open an eye, Chu Yu is looking at almost to want to be pushed down by her to lie down, the facial expression calmly spreads to fall of Rong Zhi.

Now Rong Zhi is no longer a teenager. He has grown up a little. It seems that he is about twenty-two or twenty-three years old, and his skeleton is stretched out a little, but the beauty and elegance between his eyebrows have never changed. His beauty is as beautiful as when I first saw him.

"... stop."

"I'm here."

Chu Yu summoned up her courage. Closer, watching his smiling eyes.

He's here.

This is a good look. It's unique in the world.

He did not dissipate like a bubble, and did not melt away like spring snow. He lived, no matter what he had experienced.

The heat on his face continued. Intellectually, he knew that he should get away, but in his heart, he wanted to hug.




"I'm here."

"Stop, stop."

"I'm here."

"Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi, Rong Zhi..."

"I am, I am, I am..."

In the soft murmuring voice, the feeling of the pulse is crisscrossed. Chu Yu looks down at the scar of his bare upper body, and almost can't help crying.

Under the green shadow, in the spring breeze, Chu Yu's heart was half hot and half cold. She was so shy that she wanted to retreat, but she couldn't help kissing and hugging.

"Rong... Rong Zhi..."

"I'm here."

Let go of

I am here.

Fear, uneasiness, impatience, disappear.

My heart seems to be filled with something.


Chu Yu buried the whole person in the quilt, but she didn't care that the whole person was burned into a red shrimp. An ostrich cried, "don't come here, get out, get out!"

She would rather have passed out than be embarrassed.

Waking up from the chaos, she found that she was in the bamboo forest. In other words, she was sitting on Rong Zhi in a forced and oppressive manner outside.

At that time, Chu Yu's mind was not clear, and her thinking was slow.

Then, Rong Zhi sat up and took her back to the room. Seeing the bed in the bedroom, Chu Yu rushed over. Without saying a word, he lifted the quilt to cover himself and told Rong Zhi to go out quickly.

It's a shame. She won't see anyone.

She must have been possessed by the devil just now. Otherwise, how could she be so impulsive? She didn't care where she was, and she took the initiative to eat up Rongzhi. She cooked the raw rice in broad daylight.

Fortunately, no one was passing by, otherwise she could have killed herself in shame, but it was not much better now.

I want to die.

Rong Zhi didn't go forward to persuade her. He just glanced at her half white leg exposed outside the quilt and said in a soft voice, "you're good to have a rest." Then he closed his clothes and went to the door. When he reached the door, he heard Chu Yu's low voice again: "Rong Zhi..."

"I'm here." He smiles and closes the door

He had an easy look. Black hair, disheveled clothes, walking slowly in the past Princess House, but has not been stopped, no one disturb.

Until he reached the junction of East and West upper Pavilion, he saw the figure standing in front of him, and then he suddenly burst into a smile: "you've been waiting for me here?"

Guan Canghai complains uneasily: "you really don't know how to control, broad daylight..." from the beginning of Chu Yu and Rong Zhi, he listened. But he had a good ear. In order not to hear what he shouldn't, he had to stay away from the noise.

After a pause, he frowned and said, "now I regret that I cheated her for you. You even cheated me." He once heard Chu Yu say that when Rong Zhi went to Luoyang for rescue, he felt something was wrong at that time, and now he is back and forth. Finally suddenly understand.

In fact, Rong Zhi has been setting up a bureau.

When he was in Luoyang, he pretended to let Chu Yu go, but he showed something strange. Let Chu Yu aware, return to see his miserable.

If he had a heart, he could have been abnormal without showing a little bit, but he didn't.

——He did it on purpose.

The collapse of the body is irreversible, but he took advantage of it.

Chu Yu always had a heart knot in her heart. She thought that even if she and Rong Zhi were together, they couldn't keep each other at peace. So he took a strong medicine. Deliberately let her discover, deliberately let her feel guilty, deliberately let her witness the most tragic scene.

Rong Zhi wants what, will try to get hand, even if Chu Yu body temporarily leave, he also wants to lead her heart and soul. He didn't regret giving up what he had for Chu Yu, and he didn't regret the pain of being cut, but he must get it.

He gave so much. How can we not get it back?

He is not Chu Yu. He can never be selfless.

If he could not have both Jiangshan and Chuyu, he chose something more important to himself, but he had to get it. He doesn't mind giving his life. But Chu Yu wanted to leave, but she couldn't.

Let go... How is that possible?

Rongzhi's mouth is covered with a shallow smile. Black eyes, but it is incomparably calm: "you blame me?"

Guan Canghai sighed: "I won't blame you. The person you tossed is not me. If you really want to complain, Chu Yu is qualified. Now I still don't understand why you deliberately feign death and let her feel so sad since you won't let go? "

Rong Zhi said with a smile: "naturally, it's also for her to remember me forever. When I live, I want her to remember me. When I die, I want her to remember me. " At that time, he was not sure that he would survive, so he arranged it on purpose. First, he separated with sadness, then let her find something strange and return, and then taught her to see him because of the blood all over her, and finally he died with a smile.

Even if it was the last moment of parting, he was also an excellent demeanor.

So, the last impression he left Chu Yu was still the calm smile and the fact that he died for her.

Rong Zhi is a master of playing chess and people's heart. He knows what kind of person Chu Yu is. This deliberate design is enough to make her mind close to collapse, and she will never forget him until she dies.

After straightening the untidy skirt, it seems that you can still feel the warmth and smoothness around your fingertips. Rongzhi smiles and says, "there is a saying that there is no filial son in front of a long sick bed." It's the same everywhere. Naturally, he would not think that if he had lived half his life and let Chu Yu take care of him, Chu Yu would not love him for this. But that would undoubtedly weaken what he deliberately created and solidify to the eternal desolation in a moment.

If he died, Chu Yu might be sad, but he would never be so unforgettable. If he survived, Chu Yu would not be so ecstatic.

At the most tragic moment, he cut the knife decisively, leaving the deepest wound to her soul.

He is a heartless person, in order to achieve the goal, even his heart people are willing to hurt, even listen to Guan Canghai with his daily report Chuyu how sad, even if some sad, but he did not have the slightest soft hearted shake, even in accordance with the original plan to arrange the riverside bone for her to see.

He used the sharp weapon of death to make her feel miserable, and then slowly suffered for some time. After a period of time, he made sure that she had felt deeply enough to let sang open her heart.

At that time, Chu Yu was already under his control.

Later, there was an accident. He didn't expect that tianrujing would give the bracelet to Chuyu. When he heard that Chuyu was going to leave, he knew it. Chu Yu didn't want to go anywhere, but to leave this era and reach a future he would never touch.

Others don't know, but he knows the origin of Chu Yu.

Fortunately, Chu Yu didn't plan to leave immediately, and gave him a period of time to buffer, so he sent someone to follow him. After his injury was initially improved and healed, he came with him.

Princess mansion is the place he has arranged for a long time. Even if Chu Yu wants to leave. He will surely come back here to cherish his memory. He sent ink incense back to do some business very early. This place seems to be the residence of the officials of the Southern Dynasties, but it actually belongs to him,

On the surface, all that happened after gathering in the bamboo forest was that Chu Yu was just flustered and excited, but in fact, it was he who carefully arranged to lead you into the urn step by step.

He seduced without a trace. Let Chu Yu mistakenly think that she takes the initiative, the relationship between the two further. He is not a man of desire, but Chu Yu is shy. If you lead her to take this step, it means that she has more obstacles, and he has more chips and assurance to prevent her from leaving. Afterwards, it's not his fault.

From the beginning to the end, it's all in his hands. Occasionally, it's separated from him, and it's also connected with constant string.

Rong Zhi said quietly: "elder martial brother Canghai. Do you know that in those days, I lay in the sarcophagus and said to you, if I die, close the lid and burn me, but my heart is not reconciled, I came to this world once, but nothing. But at least I want to keep her, no matter what means, no matter whether she will be sad or not Because there was still obsession in his heart and something he wanted to get, he kept a strong breath. Wandering between life and death, on the edge of such a terrible hell. Finally, he struggled to survive.

No one can stop him.

Listening to him talking about those days, looking at the sea, he sighed and said, "I don't know whether it's lucky or unfortunate to be loved by people like you."

Rong Zhi said with a smile, "if you know the temperature of drinking water, you don't have to worry too much, elder martial brother."


Chu Yu and Rong Zhi lived in the former princess's mansion for several days. Although it seems to be the residence of officials of the Southern Dynasties, the interior, especially the inner court, is still in Rong Zhi's hands.

Chu Yu doesn't bother to ask who he bribed and colluded with. Anyway, he has a lot of means, not to mention Princess mansion. As long as he has the heart, even if he wants to open up a private garden in the palace, it must not be too difficult.

What's more, she has more important things to think about.

She always wanted to go home, live and go back. Ever since she knew that there was a possibility of going back, this idea lingered in her heart. Several times, she also tried, even this time she really planned to do it.

But ah, Rong Zhi

After all these years of gathering, scattering and parting, it is absolutely impossible to give up as resolutely as it was at the beginning. It's no longer her one-sided problem.

How much Rong Zhi gave up for her, she has indirectly learned from Guan Canghai that if she left, would she be too hard on him? It's hard for her to imagine how she could be so proud and lonely, so ruthless... How could she go?

Compared with Rong Zhi's calmness, Chu Yu tossed and turned, almost unable to sleep at night.

A few days later, when they were walking in the street, they saw a young man with a fierce color galloping in the market, startling countless pedestrians, and the young man laughed.

Chu Yu saw that although the boy was only twelve or thirteen years old, he was even more fierce than the Liu family.

Rong Zhi's lips attached to her ears and whispered, "this man is Liu Yu, the emperor of the Southern Dynasties." He is also the son of Liu Yu.

Not long after his father died, he inherited the throne, but he didn't even do what he did. He galloped in the market. The emperors of the Southern Dynasties are becoming worse and worse.

Chu Yu glanced at him and said, "are you sorry?" Great rivers and mountains, if he didn't give up everything to her, now I'm afraid he's already fighting in the Southern Dynasty.

Stop saying nothing, but just smile.

Chu Yu saw that his eyes were sincere, and finally she could not help feeling soft. She took the initiative to hold his hand and said, "let's go. A lot of people are watching

"Where to?"

"The ends of the earth."

Life and death agree, and Zicheng said. hold your hand and grow old together with you.

I don't know how many times this sentence has been used since ancient times, but it is the most true promise. In this vast sky, she is just a dust mole ant, letting her invisible hand overturn, life and death, she may not be able to master anything, but at least let her hold the warmth in her hand.

No separation, no abandonment.



Finally... It's over.

Write end, I feel very sad.

In the end, there are some people who are unrepentant in their pursuit of benevolence, and others who leave everything behind and sing songs all over the world. This exile can finally end. At least two people have been embracing each other in the windstorm wasteland.

For them, that's it.

The title of Phoenix prison Phoenix, this time is to show the real meaning.

This is the overall situation that I designed from the very beginning.

Those means of tolerance are his habits. It's impossible for him to be so stupid as to dig out one's heart and lungs. He is used to controlling and abandoning so many things, and it's even more impossible for him to ask for nothing at all.

Of course, he won't let Chu Yu know all his life.

But at least love is true.

What's more, from a certain point of view, we are also imprisoned.

In fact, it's no big deal to be trapped. Just be free. There is a saying like this: even if I am locked in the core, I am still the king of infinite space—— Shakespeare's Hamlet

What can really imprison a person is himself.

In some parts of the article, I actually set up some ambush, including but not revealing, but in the end, I didn't point it out. Some things don't need to be broken completely, so it's better to leave some room.

Guess as much as you can. It doesn't matter if you can't guess. It's fun to guess~~

What's more, I'll write a few extra books slowly. If I can, I'll write. If I can't, I'll just forget it. Some people's stories are too cumbersome to be narrated in the main body, so they should be supplemented in the form of extra time.

That's it. Phoenix prison is over, but I hope you don't take this book off the shelves. I'll be distressed to see the decline in collection. I'll also announce new books in the future.