It could have bloomed, it could have been appreciated, but it hid in the flowers and leaves. Habu stroked the flowers and bones with his fingers. He suddenly took up the indescribable strangeness in his eyes and murmured, "you are a beautiful woman, how can you be a ghost!"

He slowly turned back and focused on rusha. His eyes looked down at her. Suddenly, he scattered a murderous spirit like cold ice and said, "why?"

Rusha said, "what? Why?"

Habu Huo suddenly smiled with unspeakable evil.

Rusha smiled, too.

Habu sighed softly and said, "you know, you remind me of my wife."

Rusha said with a smile, "will people like you get married?"

"At that time, my boss asked me to do something, but she hid my shoes. I thought she didn't want me to go. I was very moved, but later I found that she was having a tryst with another man."

"She obviously wants me to go, but she pretends she doesn't want me. People are very strange animals. You can love someone deeply. On the surface, you actually hate him and go crazy."

Rusha's hand holding the glass suddenly trembled.

Habu shrugged and said, "for Duan Xin, you have lost your status, dignity and everything, but you are still helping him. Is it worth it?"

Rusha lowered her head and said, "do you think I'm for him?"

"But he took Qiutian away and left you here," Habu said. He couldn't stop biting his teeth and said, "he blew up my running boat."

"How else would I come here?"

Rusha said, "but you're still alive, aren't you?"

Habu looked at the flower branch in his hand and said with a smile, "as long as I live, no one is good."

Rusha's eyes showed a trace of vigilance and sighed, "I thought you were a gentleman."

Ha preached, "maybe"

Outside the garden, there were several barks of dogs. Rusha poured herself another glass of wine and said, "bad dogs will hurt people. It's better to stew early."

Habu smiled again. In the next second, he had moved, as if he were sliding under the wind and fire wheel, and the flower branches in his hands spun out of a semicircle in the air, slow and beautiful, with a natural momentum like the wind.

The wind rises and falls invisible, coming and going without a trace. Who can resist it?

Rusha's hand didn't move until the cold killing force had pierced into the skin pores. Her hand whirled like lightning and covered the tip of the flower branch with a wine cup.

At the same time, her body floated upside down, like falling flowers gliding in the air.

The flower branches trembled vigorously.

The fragile branches seem to have consciousness and strength, like wild animals trapped in cages. In the blink of an eye, they break the thick crystal wine glass.

Smash and swing.

If Sha's toes are gently on the stone steps, she turns over in the air, and the whole person floats and falls among the flowers.

With a smile on her lips, she picked up a piece of soft rope used to bind flowers and trees.

"Good weapon!" The last note fell, and Habu had swept close to her, as if stepping on the wind, and the flower branches in his hands were floating with the wind.

There is no sharp light.

This broken flower branch would not have a shining light.

But the traceless, unpredictable, light and fast arc, with a wonderful visual charm, such as falling flowers, graceful and flying all over the sky.

The murderous spirit never surged, but it was cleverly hidden in the colorful room, under a falling flower.

There is no mountain fighting, there is no intoxicating golden song, the soft rope is light if there is nothing, but the momentum that can not be gathered is scattered and arranged between the dots. After the attack, it is entanglement.

Two people's body methods are mysterious. They seem to be faster than the wind and lighter than falling flowers. They dazzle among the magnificent flowers.

Falling flowers are flying.

The flower branch slid to rusha's wrist like a soft rope and a sharp knife. It was broken easily, but in Habu's hand, it had the power of splitting the sky and the earth.

Rusha's eyes flashed, with some excitement and some ridicule, and she used her strength to play. When her hands at both ends of the soft rope gathered together, her right hand, which drew a semicircle and drew closer, suddenly loosened. The soft rope generated terrible strength under the sliding of the flower branches, and threw it at Habu's face door like a fine steel whip.

At the same time, he clenched his right hand into a fist and, with the help of his body, flashed into Habu's heart.

"The saint is really extraordinary!" Habu's eyes radiated strong heat when he was neutral. He twisted his body and turned sideways, as if the flower branches that could not be taken back changed in an instant, and suddenly swept to rusha's shoulder.

At the same time, close the left arm to the heart pit, twist the body and step out of the right foot to swing greatly, evoke a strong wind and throw it out.

As a top expert, Habu's reaction and action ability are beyond doubt. He can clearly analyze the situation and respond at the moment of losing moves, turn passivity into initiative, and change losing moves into counterattack. This is due to his rich experience against the enemy and his natural unimaginable killing instinct.

Even if he retreated or flashed, he retreated and flashed very methodically. Sometimes he seemed clumsy and disordered, but he would never waste any strength or enlarge any space, just to prepare for a counterattack.

Rusha kept her mind steady. While she was almost immutable, she came out passively. This foot seemed to be in a hurry, but she still gathered her strong and terrible strength.

The flower branches swept across his face, the soft rope cut off his shoulders and fell, hitting his fists and elbows and touching his feet.

All this happened in less than a second.

Two blood lines fluttered and bloomed like flowers.

The two men separated with a blow.

Out of balance, rusha stumbled and withdrew seven or eight steps away, almost fell down, and confusion and dignity flashed in her eyes.

Habu slipped on his toes and floated back three or four steps, with a melodious smile on his mouth. He gently waved the flower branches, looked at a blood hole swept out of his shoulder, and muttered, "I've been to Heiya island for so long. It's really nice to wear new clothes for the first time."

Looking at rusha, his eyes flashed with evil and strange light. Habu said again: "Hindu saint, I really appreciate you, especially you are so beautiful, but you have to stand on Duan Xin's side, so I can only take you on the road."

Rusha sneered and said, "it's not certain who will send who on the road!"

"You have a good foundation. If you can work hard in attack and defense, you may not be able to send me on the road in the future. You know, although the attack is bright, the real experts are good at both attack and defense." Habu said with a faint smile and said, "also, Habu is never afraid of death, but he hinders my life and my dead."

Rusha's eyes were cold, the soft rope wound around her palm for several times, her feet touched the ground like exploding beans, and her body flashed like a mountain cat. There was no intention to underestimate the enemy. The soft rope shot from her right hand jumped up like a poisonous snake, straight to Habu's eyes, as if to decide life and death in one move.

When he saw her coming, Habu took a hissing breath and was murderous.

He simply picked the flower branches obliquely, but drew several circles between the shaking, as if to form a black hole like tear, such as Sha's move.