After a few people have settled their luggage, they go back to the living room on the first floor. Naturally, there is no heating in this kind of resort. After all, each building has a large building area and is very scattered, so it's not cost-effective to build a boiler specially for heating.

But with the doors and windows closed, the central air conditioner on, and a humidifier, it's more comfortable in the room.

Turning on the TV, Yang Xiaotian said: "uncle, aunt, I still have something to do in the hospital. You should have a rest here first, and I'll come back later!"

Father Tong said: "work is the most important. Go to work. By the way, do you want Xiaoxin to accompany you?"

Yang Xiaotian quickly said: "that's not necessary. Xiaoxin is here to accompany you! If you want to take a hot spring, there will be a hot spring in the yard. If you have any problems, just ask the waiter! "

After telling Tong Xin a few words, Yang Xiaotian left.

After Tong Xin came back, his mother asked, "Xiao Xin, how much does it cost to live in this villa for a day?"

"It's like tens of thousands of dollars!" Tong Xin said uncertainly.

"So expensive?" Tong's mother was surprised and distressed. "Why don't we stop living? Can we just find a hotel? Besides, doesn't Xiaotian have a car? Let's go back to live in Landong, and our home is comfortable! "

Tong Xin said with a smile: "don't worry, you two haven't enjoyed it. Enjoy it this time! Don't worry about money. It doesn't cost a cent! "

Then she handed the black card to Tong's mother and explained, "Mom, look at this card. With this card, all consumption here is free!"

Mother Tong took the card and said in surprise, "so good? How did Xiao Tian get this card? "

"It's from the boss of the trading group!" Tong Xin explained.

This made Tong's mother even more puzzled and asked: "the boss of other people's trading and investment group, how big an official that must be, why would he give Xiaotian this card?"

"Because xiaotiange cured his mother's disease!" Tong Xin told old lady Wu about her treatment.

Father Tong sighed: "look, you really need to have a skill. You are not afraid to travel all over the world, and you are respected!"

A family of three sitting in the warm hall watching TV, outside I do not know when it began to snow.

Looking at the snow outside the huge French window, Tong Xin thought with emotion, "it's really the contrast that makes you happy. Looking at the snow outside, you feel warmer in the room!"

After watching TV for a while, Tong's mother keeps taking pictures with her mobile phone, and then sends wechat to her friends. She lowers her head, and her hands are typing all the time.

Tong's father sighed and said, "keep a low profile. Don't show off like this. People are not happy to see it!"

"How do you know people are not happy to see it? You see, how many people have replied to me? It's only a short time now, and I'm more than 30. You don't think they are as popular as you Mother Tong's words definitely caused tons of critical damage.

Tong's father was speechless and said for a long time, "whatever you want."

After a while, mother Tong said, "let's go shopping."

"Shopping?" Tong Xin a face surprised, looking at the snow outside, "this kind of day to buy vegetables?"

"Yes, I buy vegetables and cook in the evening!" Tong's mother said with pride, "you have to help, too, and old Tong, you are not allowed to be lazy!"

"Eh!" Tong Xin asked, "I thought I was eating the food here directly."

"Hey, it's Chinese New Year. If the food is also eaten outside, how can it be without the atmosphere of Chinese new year?" Mother Tong said painstakingly, "this woman should be able to keep a man's stomach..."

This is the beginning of experience.

But it works.

Tong Xin was immediately convinced and said with a smile, "OK, let me ask where there is a vegetable market!" So I called the front desk.

The front desk said politely, "Hello, what kind of food do you need? You can tell us. We'll buy it for you. You don't need to go in person!"

Tong Xin looks at her mother.

Mother Tong shook her head and said, "if you cook by yourself, you have to buy by yourself. I don't trust what others buy."

So Tong Xin said, "no, just tell me where there is a vegetable market around here. Let's buy it ourselves."

"All right!" The front desk quickly tells Tong Xin the location of the nearest food market. It's not too far from here. If you walk there, you can get there in ten minutes.

But it's almost ten minutes from the villa.

It takes forty minutes to go back and forth.

Tong Xin calculated, and said with a smile, "Mom, why don't you go with my father? I'll have a rest at home

"You've had a few days off, haven't you had enough? I'll see who wants you if I rest and grow fat again Tong's mother was really distracted every sentence and drove Tong Xin away.

"All right, all right, I'll take it as exercise!" Tong Xin said.

It's snowing outside. You don't have to take an umbrella. Just wear a hat.

Three members of the family walk side by side in this small snowy day with arms hooked, revealing infinite warmth.

Yang Xiaotian's Internal Medicine Department of traditional Chinese medicine is not busy. In fact, it can be said that there are few people there, and there has not been a single number since the morning.

But the emergency department is very busy.

The director of the emergency department heard that Yang Xiaotian had also worked in the emergency department, so he called for help: "director Yang, I'm really too busy here. I've called all the people who can come from other departments. Do you have time to help me?"

"All right, I'll be right there!" Yang Xiaotian said.

He went out and told the nurse to keep an eye on the door, call him if there is something, and then rush to the emergency department.

The more holidays, the more busy the emergency department is.

And it's usually about eating and drinking.

Eating too much, drinking too much, all kinds of stomach discomfort, and drinking too much, wrestling, drunk driving accident.

It is said that the disease comes from the mouth, but the emergency department in recent days is definitely a disaster from the mouth.

As soon as Yang Xiaotian arrived at the emergency department, he saw an ambulance speeding up and stopping at the door. They were carried down from the ambulance. They looked like they were bleeding.

A question, drunk driving, fortunately did not harm others, he hit the pole.

Yang Xiaotian simple examination, the problem is not too big, said to the nurse: "first to debridement, and then check whether there is a big problem, no problem first bandage, and then wait for the patient's family to see whether to do further treatment!"

This kind of situation actually does not do the treatment also to have no big problem, is after the intense impact some brain concussion, estimated also will not be very serious.

"All right, director Yang!" The nurse obeyed immediately.

Here, Yang Xiaotian really found the feeling when he was in the emergency department of the first people's Hospital of Nanhu city. The rhythm was very fast. It seemed that he even had to run when he walked.

The waiting chair was full of anxious or sad family members.

Most of the patients' families are waiting patiently.

However, there are also some people like Laozi and Laozi. In their opinion, no matter when they came, they have to be diagnosed first.

However, this is a military hospital. The security guards teach them how to behave every minute, which is better than the safety of medical staff in a municipal hospital.

Yang Xiaotian sees all this in his eyes.

He thought that this is to learn, no matter what the problem is, it can not affect the normal work of the doctor, or because you are delayed alone, the people behind you still need treatment?

Emergency is not fun, because when the doctor, you know, you can't save everyone, this time, there will be a very weak feeling.

Sometimes I really try my best to save the patient, but in the end there is no way.

This is what doctors don't want to see.

No one likes to see others die in front of them.

In fact, there are many doctors who don't like emergency. Busy is one aspect, and seeing dead people often is another.

Yang Xiaotian saw a child with a high fever and fainted.

The child was about three years old. He had a high fever and fainted. His mouth was full of blood.

He was covered in a thick blanket.

In the hall, Yang Xiaotian opened the children's cotton blanket and untied their clothes, leaving only their autumn clothes and trousers.

Loud and nervous said: "in a fever, the temperature is rising, at this time can not give him such cover sweat, will realize the problem, let him heat!

If you think about it for yourself, you'll know that your body is hot enough. What will happen if you don't let him dissipate the heat? "

At the end of the day, he was almost scolding his parents.

Parents are also sad face, said: "we do not understand ah!"

"If you don't understand, you should learn more. After all, you are parents. If a child has any problems, you will be the first to find them!" Yang Xiaotian said while holding the child to the emergency room.

Fortunately, it came in time. After rescue, the child's symptoms tended to be stable and out of danger.

The child's family is naturally grateful, and there is no embarrassment after being reprimanded.

Yang Xiaotian said: "in the future, you should pay attention to the point, really do not understand, come to the hospital!"

"Yes, yes!"

After a day's work, there was still no one there. Yang Xiaotian said hello to the nurse, asked the nurse to lock the door, and then drove to the hot spring resort.

Park the car at the door of the villa. As soon as you open the door, you can hear a very lively voice inside.

"Brother Tian, you're back!" Tong Xin almost flew over.

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "back!" There is a weariness on the face.

"Tired?" Tong Xin asked with concern.

"Well, our department is not busy, but we went to the emergency department to help. Today's emergency department is almost two days a day!" Yang Xiaotian said.

"Then you can go to the sofa and have a rest. My parents are cooking. It will be fine in a while! After dinner, let's go to the hot spring to relieve our fatigue! " Tong Xin then pulls Yang Xiaotian to the sofa in the living room and presses Yang Xiaotian on the sofa.

On the TV is the program of no nutrition but no sense of joy during the Chinese New Year. A group of people are silly, but they are also very good-looking.

Tong Xin said, "take a rest first. I'll help you in the kitchen."

Yang Xiaotian looked at the room, happy, suddenly feel, this kind of feeling is very good.