Xu Nan didn't disappoint Yang Xiaotian. His talent for cooking is not as flustered as song Qingshan. That fried steak, let Yang Xiaotian for the first time have a kind of original steak can also do so bad idea.

"Qingshan's food is simple, but it tastes good. At least because the seasoning is a little too much, it's a little bad in taste. As for Xiaonan's... "Yang Xiaotian's stomach could not help shivering when he recalled the steak he had just swallowed. This is myself. If ye mengrui and others have already raised their mouths, they will vomit directly after eating the steak.

"Xiao Nan's steak is a little bit hot, but it tastes good. Comprehensive judgment, in terms of color, Qingshan has the advantage, but in terms of taste, Xiaonan has the advantage Yang Xiaotian pressed his conscience under his armpit again, and then continued to run along the railway“ But after all, food is to eat into the stomach, taste is more important than color, so this competition, Xiao Nan won by a weak advantage

"Yeah, I won." Xu Nan jumped up excitedly, and then printed a fragrant kiss on Yang Xiaotian's forehead.

"In the evening, people leave a door for brother Xiaotian. Remember to come." After the kiss, Xu Nan breathes out in Yang Xiaotian's ear like a orchid. If his arm is not injured and he can't move, Yang Xiaotian estimates that he will immediately hold the goblin and do it wantonly.

"Hum, you are blowing black whistle!" Song Qingshan looks at Yang Xiaotian coldly, and then fixes her eyes on Xu Nan“ You must be the boneless girl who poured some enchantment soup on Yang! This is not a match. Let's do it again

"No!" Xu Nan has not yet opened his mouth, but Yang Xiaotian has already screamed.

Instant noodles soaked with anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as the steak that has been charred

Now it's very difficult for Yang Xiaotian to keep on vomiting!

And now Song Qingshan even said that she had to compete again! Yang Xiaotian can accept that there is a ghost!

Song Qingshan is angry, but she is finally convinced by Yang Xiaotian that she doesn't want to take the cooking comparison as a competition project. However, song Qingshan also takes advantage of the situation to ask Yang Xiaotian to use a signature in exchange for her not to compete with Xu Nan in cooking. Naturally, Yang Xiaotian will not refuse.

In Guang'an municipal government and mayor's office, Huang Yuanshuo is still diligently reviewing the documents. On the one hand, Huang Yuanshuo was no less or even more attentive than Jiang Ying.

However, Huang Yuanshuo took advantage of the rich and gave up profits to the poor. If this kind of thing was in the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, it might still be feasible. However, most of the rich businessmen today are those who seized the business opportunities and dared to take risks after the reform and opening up in the 1980s.

In any case, many of them were brave enough to eat crabs.

From then on, they began to go to the sea, and to achieve their present achievements, they paid all their youth in exchange. If they are to let the municipal government swallow the enterprises that they have worked so hard for decades to become what they are now, they should be willing.

Of course, those enterprises that have begun to make negative profits are naturally willing to join this state-owned enterprise. After all, after joining, there will be a series of preferential policies.

But on the whole, Huang Yuanshuo's so-called state-owned enterprise is just a fantasy.

"Dad, I'm back." Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door. The visitor was dejected, as if he had just lost a battle.

"Yes." Huang Yuanshuo answered casually, but after noticing that there was something wrong with the tone of the visitor, Huang Yuanshuo raised his head and saw a young face that was seven or eight Fen like himself.

"What's the matter?" Seeing his son like this, Huang Yuanshuo's tone became bad immediately. But he was not angry because his son was angry. Huang Yuanshuo knew what his son was.

As the saying goes, although his father is strict with himself, he is very distressed for his son Huang Liming. Basically, Huang's father never said no to what Huang Liming wanted.

But Huang Yuanshuo, who has been influenced by his father's temper since he was a child, can't stand his son's conduct at all. Most of the children who are brought up by their grandparents are spoiled. In addition to the state's one-child policy, I have only one child. Although his mother gave birth to many, his son was only Huang Yuanshuo.

So Huang Liming is a man of three generations. A large group of people in the Huang family basically revolve around Huang Liming. Besides Huang Yuanshuo, because he is the only one who is strict with Huang Liming.

At this time see Huang Liming so, Huang Yuanshuo where still don't know this smelly boy must be in where provoked prickly head, hit a nail?

"I... almost got beaten today." Huang Liming said carefully.

As a child, Huang Yuanshuo was too strict with Huang liming, so Huang liming was brought up by his grandfather Huang Chengren. Once Huang Liming gets into trouble and Huang Yuanshuo wants to beat him, Huang Liming will go to his mother for the first time to stop Huang Yuanshuo, and then go to his grandfather or grandmother to criticize Huang Yuanshuo.

But as he grew older, Huang Yuan Shuo gradually made some achievements and was sent out. And Huang Liming must follow Huang Yuanshuo and stay honest.

Of course, it is impossible for Huang liming, who has been wild since he was a child, to be honest all the time. It's just like in Suzhou and Guang'an now. In the first month, Huang Liming still lived his life carefully, for fear of making Huang Yuanshuo unhappy. But after a long time, when Huang Liming found a group of friends in the city Huang Yuanshuo sent, he would immediately expose his dandy nature.

Just like now, although Huang Liming has not made a big deal in Guang'an, the whole Guang'an knows that the young master of the Huang family is a two ruffian. In addition, when he was just in the top position, Huang Yuanshuo was quick to control the power of Guang'an City. For Huang Liming's behavior in Guang'an, the rest of the people turned a blind eye.

After all, Huang Liming is robbing other people's girlfriends at most, or other things, such as robbing private rooms. But I know that my father will not cover up after things get big, so Huang Liming has a sense of propriety when he does things.

For example, when robbing other people's girlfriends, Huang Liming will move the girl's heart with a trick, but he dares not do that kind of forced thing, even if he lends Huang Liming 100 courage.

Disturbing the people is what Huang Yuanshuo hates most. Today, the reason why Huang Liming and Yang Xiaotian grab a private room is that he sees Xiangduo and Zhenni Shu. Although the two girls are not the ranks of gorgeous beauties, they are also temperament beauties. In addition, their own beauty is also the upper class. Huang liming was attracted by the two women at the first glance when he entered the private room.

Throughout the ancient love story, white lady deliberately rain to deceive Xu Xian to give her an umbrella, cowherd while Zhinu bath to steal Zhinu's clothes. After Zhu Yingtai's death, he pretended to be a fool and molested Liang Shanbo. These love stories tell us that if we want to achieve a beautiful love story, at least one person must play a hooligan in advance!

So Huang Liming wants to play a hooligan, but Yang Xiaotian suddenly burst out of power, let Huang Liming to calm down, he can only choose to give up

"Even if you are beaten, you deserve it!" Huang Yuanshuo stares at Huang Liming and roars in a serious tone“ I warn you, don't think what you're doing here, I don't know. Fortunately, if you don't do anything too much, I will ignore you. If you've done too much, don't blame me for not warning you. Even if your grandfather comes, he can't protect you! "

"I know... I know." Huang Liming nodded cautiously, and then stood respectfully behind Huang Yuanshuo, holding his shoulder carefully. Let Huang Liming shoulder this treatment, throughout the Huang family, only Huang Yuanshuo can enjoy this treatment.

"Stinky boy, don't think that if you flatter your father like this, he will relax with you." Although Huang Yuanshuo said so, he knew how to please himself when he saw the smelly boy who was still defecating in his arms. No matter how dissatisfied he is with Huang liming, Huang Yuanshuo still feels a little comforted.

Tiger poison does not eat son, let alone his only son?

But as the saying goes, love is deep and responsibility is strong. Huang Yuanshuo was so strict with Huang Liming that he was just angry. No parents do not think that their children can become outstanding people, and no parents do not think that when others say their children, they will give a thumbs up instead of using other unkind words to describe their children.

"Alas..." thinking of Huang Liming's usual behavior, Huang Yuanshuo couldn't help sighing.

"Dad, do you know this man?" Suddenly, Huang Liming pointed to a picture on the computer and asked.

"Smelly boy, don't look at the things on dad's computer in the future... Do you know this man?" Originally, Huang Yuanshuo wanted to scold Huang Liming for a few words, but after noticing the photo Huang pointed to, Huang Yuanshuo suddenly changed his tone.

"I was almost beaten by this guy today." Huang Liming's tone is very bitter.

"Is this man in Guang'an now?" Huang Yuanshuo's eyes widened, and the photo on the computer was just Yang Xiaotian's photo.

"Well, yes. Today, when I went to eat in the sunny house, I met him with two women Huang Liming saw that Huang Yuanshuo's tone was urgent, so he did not dare to stop when answering.

"Two women... Well, you go out first and go to bed early." Huang Yuanshuo said suddenly.

"Oh, good dad." Huang liming was confused, but he did not dare to ask.

When Huang Liming comes out of the room, Huang Yuanshuo dials a number.


"The man, found it."