"Didn't that boy say Tang's national medical school? This is the Tang family medical center! " When Liu Mengqi came out of the Pudong district police station last night and hurried home by taxi, she learned that she was seriously ill, so she immediately went to a third class hospital for examination accompanied by her parents.

Xiao Chen doesn't have to say that Liu Mengqi knows about dysmenorrhea. However, Xiao Chen said that the lump on her chest was what worried her most.

Accompanied by his parents, he came to the hospital to prepare for an examination. He found that because it was too late, the radiologist had left work and had to go through the hospitalization formalities first, or wait for the doctor to come tomorrow before he could accept the examination.

Liu Mengqi knows that in this case, she can't wait for a quarter of an hour. When doctors in this hospital get off work, they go to other hospitals and find that this is the case. Liu Mengqi can only go home with her parents first and come to register for examination early tomorrow morning.

Liu Mengqi didn't sleep well all night. Early the next morning, she came to the hospital with her parents to register, first with the breast department, and then with the radiology department.

Accompanied by her mother, Liu Mengqi went into the breast department and sat down in front of an attending doctor. When receiving the treatment, the attending doctor looked at Liu Mengqi and asked, "Miss Liu, is your chest uncomfortable?"

"Doctor, I found a lump on my right chest!"

When Liu Mengqi was asked to roll up her skirt for examination, the female doctor found that there was indeed a lump in Liu Mengqi's place.

"When did you find it?"

"Yesterday." If it weren't for Xiao Chen's reminder, Liu Mengqi really didn't know. Moreover, neither she nor her mother expected that the lump was so big.

"Miss Liu, how old are you? Get married? Have children? "

"I'm just twenty-four. I'm not married and have no children."

"Then you have a boyfriend!"

"No, No." Liu Mengqi said shyly.

"If you don't have a boyfriend, you have to do a detailed examination. Finally, you can see whether it is benign or malignant through film examination. If it is malignant, you must treat it as soon as possible. When the cancer cells fall off and spread to the whole body, it will be difficult to treat."

Liu Mengqi is just because she is a teacher, and has received modern education and knowledge, which is different from those traditional women in the countryside. What worries her most is the occurrence of nauseous breast cancer. Especially now, I don't know how long it has been.

Yang Xiuying, Liu Mengqi's mother, thinks that it must be her daughter who has been supporting local education in the past two years. If she works in Binhai and checks regularly every year, where will this happen now?

In the past, Liu Mengqi and his mother went to the radiology department to prepare for further examination through X ray. If she could confirm breast cancer, whether benign or malignant, she knew that it could only be treated as soon as possible.

After completing the examination from the radiology department and getting the examination report from the radiology department, Liu Mengqi went back to the breast department to check with the female doctor just now.

Female doctors based on the results of the film, it is obvious that this is breast cancer, and the radius of about two point five centimeters, but no matter whether benign or malignant, must be treated as soon as possible.

"Doctor, how's my daughter?" Yang Xiuying asked worried.

"Liu Xiaojie, and Liu Xiaojie's mother, this disease is indeed breast cancer, but for the time being, it is not sure whether it is benign or malignant. However, I suggest that we should be hospitalized as soon as possible, and then do further examination. If it is confirmed that it is malignant, then it must be treated."

Liu Mengqi almost fainted. She didn't expect that what Xiao Chen of the bus said was true. Yang Xiuying almost fainted.

Ordinary people are most afraid of cancer, tumor, and now breast cancer is not cancer cancer!

Now Liu Mengqi is still so young, how can she have this disease?

"Well, how to treat it?" Liu Mengqi asked.

Now she felt her whole body trembling. It was fear and fear.

"If it is not very serious, local surgery can be carried out, such as a part of the breast, or further radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Even, if you want to be safer, you'd better remove the whole breast, especially both sides."

Cut it off?

This is a result that Liu Mengqi had long thought of.

Of course, she knows that this is also the safest way.

Otherwise, it is likely to relapse, and the spread of cancer cells will be more troublesome.

"Is there any other way?" Liu Mengqi asked.

Although the death rate of the disease sounds not 100%, if it is malignant and occurs repeatedly, it will be very serious at that time.

Of course, the chest is the second life of women. If all of them are cut off, they will look even more flat than the airport, which will not only affect the breastfeeding of children in the future, but also affect their beauty.

For women, this is the second life. Most people really can't bear it. However, if the first life is gone, what is the use of a second life?

"In general, these are the best treatments. In addition, at most, there are some auxiliary treatments, such as traditional Chinese medicine, but the effect is not great. " Said the woman doctor.

Liu Mengqi already knows.

Although she was ready last night or even yesterday, she can't bear it now, and so is Yang Xiuying. She is just an ordinary middle-aged woman in Binhai. Unexpectedly, her daughter has such a thing now. What about her daughter's life in the future?

"Go through the hospitalization formalities as soon as possible, and I'll ask the doctor to give you further treatment. The sooner you find this disease, the better. If it's later, it'll be late." Said the woman doctor.

Liu Mengqi thought about it, but she hasn't decided yet. She remembers what Xiao Chen said to her in the bus.

Xiao Chen asked her to go to the Tang family medical school to find him. I wonder if it can really cure her disease?

"Girl, girl, I'd better go through the admission formalities as soon as possible. My parents still have some savings. They originally wanted to make a dowry for you, but now they can only take it out to treat you." When Yang Xiuying said this, her face was already very pale. She was not a pity for the money, but a pity for her daughter's young age. How could she get this disease? How could it be known by others later? She didn't know what it was?

Liu Mengqi's father Liu Qiang is waiting outside. Looking at the mother and daughter coming out, he looks very wrong. Is it true that the daughter has this cancer as Liu Mengqi said?

"Xiuying, how's Mengqi?" Liu Qiang asked hurriedly.

"The doctor asked her to go through the hospitalization formalities as soon as possible. Go back and get the money quickly."

Liu Qiang is also a little confused. He has rarely heard of this disease. However, when it comes to cancer, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is a terminal disease.

Now my daughter has this disease. I'm afraid I have to treat her even if she sells a house.

"Mom and Dad, don't worry. I'll go back and have a rest and think about it. Where is the treatment?"

"Girl, this hospital is good. Can you think of a better hospital for examination? We'll accompany you to have a detailed examination. In case the examination results in a hospital are incorrect, you'll be relieved at that time." Yang Xiuying thought Liu Mengqi was worried about this.

In fact, now Liu Mengqi wants to find the young man on the Tang's national medical center and the bus first and ask him to help see how to treat it?