The typhoid branch dinner is very rich, including all kinds of meat and seafood. Moreover, the chefs in the villa are very high.

Xiao Chen has smelled the smell of the dish. Originally, Tang Lao asked Xiao Chen to eat there. However, Xiao Chen didn't want to go there, but sat at a table with the members of the branch of typhoid school, including several male members, several young women and Tang Bing.

"Come on, let's drink to Dr. Xiao!" A new member of the typhoid school said.

Xiao Chen knows that Jiao Zhulong is a little fat. According to the other party, he is good at surgery, but he is far from Xiao Chen.

However, his biggest fear is that others ask him his surname.

In addition, several are in their twenties and thirties. However, they are more than ten years older than Xiao Chen.

"Brother Jiao, come on, let's have a toast." Xiao Chen smiled.

He saw that these people were different from those of Yan Qing. Naturally, he also wanted to make friends. When he made friends, he really didn't care about other people's family and medical skills. He just needed whether the other person's character passed the customs.

Like Yan Qing, Xiao Chen knew it was impossible for him to make friends with them.

And these young women's friends, in fact, are also good. Although they are married, Xiao Chen certainly can't have a deeper relationship with them. She just acts as an ordinary friend, not as Liu Feifei.

The waitress in Yinhai villa sent the dishes one after another. While Xiao Chen and the members of the typhoid branch were eating here, Xiao Chen saw the president Li Wenru stand up and propose a toast to everyone.

There is no doubt that these are the most important things in officialdom.

Although the branch of typhoid school in Binhai city is only a semi official organization, the official form and the form of upper and lower levels still exist.

When Li Wenru toasted everyone, everyone must stand up.

Only Xiao Chen sat there alone. He was not a member of the branch of typhoid school.

Tang Bing and Jiao Zhulong looked at Xiao Chen. Soon, Li Wenru came over to Xiao Chen with a smile, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "doctor Xiao, I'll give you a toast from old Li."

Xiao Chen still didn't say anything.

"For a long time, I always thought that the older the TCM is, the richer the experience is and the better the medical skills are. Now it seems that there must be a mistake. TCM talents like Dr. Xiao are really better than the blue!"

"Thank President Li for his praise." Xiao Chen stood up and had a drink.

He guessed that what the other party really wanted to say was coming.

At this time, the eyes of Old Tang, Tang Bing, Yan Yishan, father and son, and others looked over. Li Wenru looked at Xiao Chen and said, "Dr. Xiao, old Tang recommended you to the branch of typhoid school to join our big family. I don't know you?"

Sure enough.

Although old Tang had already mentioned it to him when he came here just now.

However, Xiao Chen doesn't care about these reputations or this circle.

Moreover, Xiao Chen feels that traditional Chinese medicine does not only have the typhoid school, nor does it only include other traditional Chinese medicine schools, and what he learned is not only the medicine of the typhoid school.

In his opinion, typhoid fever school is only a small part of traditional Chinese medicine. Let him join the small part of traditional Chinese medicine and become a part of this small circle. Xiao Chen thinks he can't do it.

"President Li, thank you and old Tang for your kindness. I don't want to join the branch of typhoid school."

Although Tang Lao and Tang Bing guessed a little.

However, to the surprise of Jiao Zhulong and even Yan Qing, President Li personally invited Xiao Chen to join the typhoid school, but the young man refused.

He really refused!

Doesn't he want to mix in the circle of traditional Chinese medicine in Binhai city?

Any industry, any kind of industry, has a circle. For example, those singers have a large entertainment circle, and those rich second-generation have a rich second-generation circle in Binhai city.

Many people want to join this circle and seek more benefits for themselves.

Obviously, most of the members of the typhoid branch here think that way. They think it is an honor and honor, and it is also a circle to safeguard their own interests.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Chen refused and didn't give Li Wenru any face.

Just now, Li Wenru still had a smile on his face. Suddenly, the smile disappeared, looked at Xiao Chen and asked, "Dr. Xiao, do you really want to join?"

"President Li, I won't join this circle, and I don't need you."

Xiao Chen said directly.

Instead of euphemism, he said it very clearly, which was like slapping Li Wenru in the face.

What's the meaning of this?

Xiao Chen despises him, Li Wenru?

Or does Xiao Chen despise this branch of typhoid fever school?

It turned out that they were talking and laughing, and suddenly they became quiet.

If Yan Qing didn't know that Xiao Chen had such a treasure before, he would be very happy, because he didn't welcome people like Xiao Chen to join their circle.

However, when he learned that Xiao Chen had so many secret prescriptions of Chinese patent medicine and that there was an inexhaustible treasure Jinshan, he was different from just now.

"Dr. Xiao, this is the kindness of President Li and everyone. Why not accept it?" Yan Qing asked.

"Hehe, I never need others to make decisions for me." Xiao Chen said directly.

Like President Li of the Affiliated Hospital, I hope he can officially become a doctor of the affiliated hospital. Xiao Chen refused. He really doesn't need to see whose face to be a man?

Xiao Chen also knew that it was good intention for Tang Lao to bring him here and let him join the branch of typhoid school. However, Xiao Chen didn't have to do that, and he didn't have to rely on this so-called circle to seek any benefits for himself.

"You, you are too arrogant. Don't you just know some medical skills?" Yan Qing looked directly at Xiao Chen and said.

When he could see that Xiao Chen was not interested in this branch of typhoid school, Yan Qing knew that if he needed to seek Xiao Chen's secret prescriptions, he could only do it by other means. However, now he would not give up the opportunity to suppress Xiao Chen, especially when there were so many people in a branch of typhoid school, Xiao Chen was equivalent to a person and an enemy of the branch of typhoid school.

Xiao Chen looked at Yan Qing again and ignored such people.

Such a person is unworthy of talking to him.

Li Wenru knew that since Xiao Chen didn't want to, he wouldn't force it. Of course, it was the first time in many years that he had seen someone refuse to join the branch of typhoid school.

As for others, they are entrusted or looking for relationships. They hope to join the branch of typhoid school.

The young man's medical skills are very good, but his character is not good. Li Wenru thinks so. Sooner or later, he will encounter other problems.

Xiao Chen sat down. He was embarrassed at first, but soon he thought that he was just following Old Tang and sister Tang Bing to watch the excitement.

"Come on, let's eat. Although I didn't join this circle, it doesn't prevent me from becoming friends with you." Xiao Chen looked at Jiao Zhulong and said with a smile.