Xiao Chen and Tang Bing went inside. Xiao Chen didn't know the others, but Yan Qing, the young man in a suit, saw it.

Xiao Chen has no good impression of Yan Qing. He feels that the other party and Zhou Wenbin are the same kind of people.

When Yan Qing and several members of the branch of typhoid fever school came over, they didn't expect to see Tang Bing and Xiao Chen in a red vest.

There was a little surprise just now, but when I saw Tang Bing coming with Xiao Chen, the hatred in my eyes flashed by.

"Tang Bing, do you also participate in today's preliminary competition?" Yan Qing came over and asked.

"No." Tang Bing said coldly.

"Sister Tang Bing came with me." Xiao Chen smiled.

On the day of the typhoid school's free clinic activities, Yan Qing and others have seen that the young people who dress like this woodlouse are really not very simple.

Especially the other party has those mysterious recipes that can be made into ointments and pills, which makes his greed flash again.

Yan Qing didn't say any more and went inside with other members of the branch of typhoid school.

Xiao Chen takes his ID card and an examination card and goes straight inside.

This preliminary competition is not very strict, because the real competition is in the race and semi-finals, which is the real test of a person's medical level.

It is not enough now to exclude some contestants with low basic level of traditional Chinese medicine.

When Xiao Chen and Yan Qing went inside, Tang Bing had to go to the audience.

Ordinary people who don't have a preliminary can also come in and watch.

Xiao Chen and Yan Qing sit down inside. Then the examiner will shout up and answer questions according to their names. Moreover, this competition is more grand than the previous competition.

In addition to so many ordinary people in the audience watching, there are also TV reporters who came to shoot the scene. In the examiner, there are now three examiners. Xiao Chen doesn't know them. There are three names on them, which should belong to the generation of old traditional Chinese medicine.

Xiao Chen found his seat for the preliminary contest again. When he sat down and waited, he looked at the time. It soon came to 9 a.m.

Soon, the competition began. The first contestant was an old Chinese doctor in his fifties. Xiao Chen looked at it and found that the other party looked very energetic. It looked like a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing Tang clothes.

From the top to the top, it may be because of the shooting of reporters and TV stations, which makes the old man a little nervous.

"Please introduce yourself."

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zhang Tong from Jiangzhou. I have studied traditional Chinese medicine for 25 years."

"Dr. Zhang, please prepare to answer the first question." An examiner said.

When the old man seemed more nervous, the examiner asked, "question 1, please introduce Astragalus in detail."


It is a very commonly used Chinese herbal medicine.

Astragalus membranaceus, name of traditional Chinese medicine. This product is the root of leguminous plant Astragalus mongholicus. Excavate in spring and autumn, remove the soil, fibrous roots and root heads, dry them until they are 60% or 70% dry, straighten and bundle them, and then dry them in the sun. The main functions are: tonifying qi and solidifying the surface, supporting toxin and discharging pus, diuresis and generating muscle. It is used for deficiency of Qi, fatigue, diarrhea, anus, sweating, edema, chronic nephritis albuminuria, diabetes and wound healing.

This is the most detailed information about Astragalus membranaceus, and the respondents do not have to be so detailed. Just tell the results.

Dr. Zhang thought for a moment and probably answered the question.

From 9 a.m. to Xiao Chen's turn, it was more than 11 a.m.

Let Xiao Chen find that many TCM students are quite solid in the foundation of TCM. Basically, he thinks these contestants answered very well.

Now it's Xiao Chen's turn to go up. Soon, the examiner and the ordinary people in the audience found that the man wearing a red vest looked young, which surprised everyone.

However, Xiao Chen seemed very confident and indifferent, without any sense of tension. Since he was three years old, he followed his master and mother to read all the classic books of traditional Chinese medicine, whether it was the Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic or the compendium of Materia Medica, and even some isolated books of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Xiao Chen. I come from Southwest China and have studied medicine with my master for 15 years since I was a child."

Fifteen years of medical studies?

Not only the three examiners were surprised, but also the ordinary people in the audience. Looking at Xiao Chen's appearance, didn't he start to learn traditional Chinese medicine from kindergarten?

"Dr. Xiao, please answer the first question. Describe the syndrome characteristics of Qi, blood, ointment, stone, fatigue and heat drenching. "

This question must be a little difficult for many people, but all these questions are randomly selected.

"Frequent and urgent urination, endless drenching, astringent and painful urethra, urgent abdominal arrest and pain leading to waist and abdomen are the symptoms of various drenching

In addition, various gonorrhea syndromes have different special manifestations: Hot gonorrhea, sudden onset, or accompanied by fever, red hot urination and burning pain. Stone drenching, mainly due to the discharge of sand and stone from urination, or sudden interruption of urination, urethral distress and pain, or lumbar and abdominal colic. Qi drenching, fullness of lower abdomen is obvious, urination is difficult and painful, and the residue after urination is endless. Bleeding, drowning and pain. Cream drenching, drenching syndrome and see urine turbid, such as rice swill or greasy, such as cream. Laurine. For a long time, the urine drizzles and drips continuously. It will hair when it is tired. "

Xiao Chen thought for a moment and answered directly.

In less than five seconds, not only the examiner was surprised at Xiao Chen's reaction speed, but also the reporters and ordinary people in the audience were surprised. This young man is really not simple.

"Dr. Xiao, please answer the second question. Try to describe the pathogenesis characteristics of Xiaoke disease. "

"Pathogenesis characteristics: Yin deficiency as the basis and dryness and heat as the standard; Dryness and heat consume Qi and Yin, and Yin and yang are damaged over time; Dry heat consumption injury

Positive Qi, positive deficiency, susceptible to evil and poison; Long illness, blood stasis in collaterals, blood stasis and hundreds of diseases. "

Other contestants may take some time to answer, but for Xiao Chen, these are really too simple.

Xiao Chen answered three or two times, and in the examiner's opinion, this is more detailed than the standard answer.

From this point, the young man's basic level of traditional Chinese medicine is really very good.

Xiao Chen answered all the ten questions in less than ten minutes.

Finally, the examiner said, "Dr. Xiao, congratulations on entering the national medical competition and continue to work hard."

Xiao Chen thanked. When he came down from above, he knew that the other contestants continued, and Xiao Chen didn't stay any longer. When Tang Bing and Yan Qing came out of the inside, Yan Qing saw the two people leaving.

When going out, Tang Bing looked at Xiao Chen differently.

If she were allowed to answer, perhaps most of the questions could be answered, but it would certainly not be as fluent as Xiao Chen said.

"Where are you going now?" Tang Bing asked.

"Of course, I go back to lunch. I have to go back to school with my sister Xiaowan in the afternoon." For Xiao Chen, the preliminary contest is as simple as the primary school exam.