In the suburb where Sang's martial uncle lives, Xiao Chen only came once, but he was really impressed. It can be said that this place came once and didn't want to come again.

Now Xiao Chen left the villa of Binhai villa and drove to the suburb.

Xiao Chen stopped the car, got out of the car and went to the place where martial uncle sang lived. During the day, Xiao Chen felt that this place was uncomfortable, especially at night.

It's still the dry well, the old locust tree without leaves, and it's quiet around.

"Old gentleman." Xiao Chen shouted.

Before long, that is, the last time, Xiao Chen saw the old man coming out of it in an old military uniform. The old man didn't seem to know what the young man was doing here.

However, from Xiao Chen's understanding of the rat curse, he knew that the young man was not simple.

"Are you looking for me?" Asked the old man.

"Is sang here?"

The old man naturally knows who Xiao Chen is talking about?

"Not here."

Sam's not here?

"Where has she gone?"

"She went back to miaojiang. Didn't she tell you?"

Sister sang went back to miaojiang?

Xiao Chen thought it impossible for the other party to go back without telling him.

So Sancha found out the scum mage?

"Did the mage find out?"

"Come in and say."

It's still too cold outside. Even if the old man knows those magic spells, it doesn't mean that he won't be cold in winter. At most, he makes a fire to warm himself without fire.

Xiao Chen followed the old man into his room. It was very dark inside. Obviously, the old man didn't turn on the light. Moreover, it was very cold inside. Naturally, there was no heat.

But there's wood to burn here.

In many poor places, this is used to keep warm in winter. For example, some remote poor mountain villages use charcoal after cooking and cooking to keep warm.

It's like throwing these charcoal under it and covering it with other things. It's warm all night.

However, if the door is closed and the window is closed and there is no air circulation, it is easy to have carbon monoxide poisoning. It is possible to fall asleep and die quietly because of excessive carbon monoxide poisoning.

Things like this happen occasionally.

"Old man, you don't have heating here?"

Xiao Chen thinks this should be very popular in Binhai city.

In fact, no, not even many rental houses. Naturally, it is to save money. It costs money to install this. The heating fee is also a lot of money, that is, only those better communities and those local Aboriginal places have heating.

The old man shook his head.

It's really cold inside. Even if Xiao Chen is a person of cultivation, he can feel it.

No wonder the old gentleman was wearing that old army coat.

This kind of military coat is usually very warm. As long as you wear it, you may even get hot.

Besides, the old man even heated the wine to drink.

However, when Xiao Chen looked at the wine, he found that it was actually medicinal wine. It was soaked with poisonous snakes and centipedes.

Xiao Chen knows that some medicinal wine and other herbs have a good effect on rheumatic bone pain. However, if you want to make such medicinal wine, Xiao Chen doesn't want to drink it.

"Would you like a drink?" Asked the old man.

Originally, this medicinal wine is different. After being heated, you can drink two or three cups a night. I'm afraid it's more comfortable.

Xiao Chen shook his head.

He felt that the medicinal wine made by the other party belonged to Miao Jiang. It was obviously different from that made by other old traditional Chinese medicine. Xiao Chen couldn't accept it.

Besides, he doesn't drink this normally.

Now they are sitting in front of the fire, which just emits a glimmer of light and sees the eyes of both sides.

Xiao Chen remembered that sister sang said to find out the scum mage with martial uncle last time, because Xiao Chen thought that a decent master could not do these evil and vicious spells like Chairman Wanbo.

Even if you know how to do it, you can't do that.

Now looking at the old gentleman, Xiao Chen also doubted and guessed the identity of the other party at the beginning. However, those people did those things for money or other equivalent exchange. However, looking at the other party so poor, it seems that they live similar to those beggars. It's not like this.

"Sister sang said you were her martial uncle, and she came to Binhai city to find the mage of the corrupt sect. Have you found out?"

The old man shook his head.

"There are so many people in Binhai city. It's not so easy. In fact, I've noticed that it was really done by evil wizards in miaojiang. However, it's not clear which sect these people belong to?"

"How did sister nasang leave Binhai?"

"She is the acting leader now. Of course she has to go back when the sect has something to do."

In fact, sang wanted to persuade martial uncle to go back.

After all, her master had died in the underground cemetery of Jiuli Valley and couldn't even find the bones. Now, I'm afraid this martial uncle has the highest status in the sect. She was ready to persuade him to go back after meeting him.

But the old man didn't want to go back.

As the saying goes, the big is hidden in the dynasty, the middle is hidden in the city, and the small is hidden in the wild. In those years, he had been in Binhai city for a long time. It usually seemed that he really lived the same life as those beggars. However, he was an expert. It can be seen from the other party's understanding of rat repellent talisman.

He used to have a feud with Sang's master. He was not interested in the sect, so he stayed away from Miao.

Unexpectedly, Sang's master, that is, his elder martial brother, died. Moreover, he died at the bottom of Jiuli valley. There were no bones left.

Xiao Chencai remembered that sang was indeed temporarily replacing the leader, because all the powerful martial brothers of ah man died below.

Sang is not famous. He will temporarily take the place of the leader to manage the sect. Who will be responsible?

Since sang is not here, the old gentleman doesn't talk much.

Xiao Chen is ready to leave.

When Xiao Chen was ready to leave, he said, "old Sir, if you are willing to improve your current accommodation environment, I can help you."

Of course, it's for Sang's sake.

"No, I've been used to it all these years." With his magic, it's really easy to make money, but he didn't use it to make money.

It shows that he is not interested in these. The so-called big is hidden in the city and small is hidden in the wild. It is more about self-cultivation to cultivate and improve his magic.

I don't seem to be as interested in other money and materials as I thought.

Xiao Chen mainly focuses on traditional Chinese medicine, but he is different from the old man.