Blood sacrifice has existed since ancient times, especially in the slavery society, there will be a large number of slaves, along with those cattle and horses being sacrificed by blood sacrifice, or even live sacrifice. It sounds very scary.

However, after entering the feudal society, this situation gradually decreased. After entering the modern society, it is impossible to have these things again.

Except that cattle, sheep and pigs may be slaughtered, those are legally allowed.

Xiao Chen didn't expect that there would be two living lives now.

"I don't want to. I really don't want to hurt them." Liu Gong said.

"Then why did you call them down? You know you'll die." Xiao Chen said.

Obviously, the three senior engineers and Liu Gong discussed this, because now we have to catch up with the work, and there has been no success in the column pouring here. I'm afraid there is really no other way, so we can only do it in this most evil way.

Of course, Xiao Chen feels that ordinary people really can't do such inhuman practices.

"At the beginning, we just asked Mr. Feng Shui and the mage to come and see. We thought there was a problem in that direction. Therefore, at the beginning, we poured a lot of live pig blood, but there was still no way. Later, the three senior engineers may have asked someone, and finally we can only pass this way."

"Who did you ask?"

"Even a mage who knows the big red sacrifice, I don't know where they found it. I heard that just let two people go down and accompany them. I didn't want to do that at first, but now I can't stop work. If I stop work, I will lose a lot. "

"So, you were defeated by money in the end?"

Liu Gong didn't speak, but it could be seen from his look.

When he smoked the cigarette deeply, Liu Gong continued: "originally, I wanted to go to the hospital to find dead babies instead, or even directly find babies. Anyway, there are so many abortions every year, and two babies should be able to buy them."

Replace it with a dead baby or a baby?

Xiao Chen thought it was too cruel.

Of course, dead babies are better than living ones.

"Unexpectedly, the mage said that it needs two living people, and it's best to be young and strong. It's no use using dead bodies."

The mage again?

This mage, Xiao Chen thinks it's too evil!

I've always advised others to do good things. Unexpectedly, someone advised others to do such things.

"Then you'll do it!"


Liu Gong said.

"You know what? The three senior engineers died one after another, and the way of death was very strange. One died in a hot-air balloon explosion, and even the bones could not be found. The second drowned directly. The remaining one first climbed and fell down, and then jumped down and died in the hospital for no reason. "

"I know. They must have come back for revenge." Liu Gong said.

The three senior engineers were the mastermind, and he was coerced. Of course, he could have done it.

Unexpectedly, the three died so miserably.

Now when it's his turn, Liu Gong said, "over the past year, I've always had a bad conscience. I can't eat well and sleep well every day. I always think of their past appearance and their family, that is, some time ago, when I returned to my hometown on vacation, I don't know why, I always feel that these two people always follow me."

"Then you have a mental problem?"

"Yes, I feel that they are always by my side. When I walk, one of them hunches in front of me and the other hugs behind us. They always look at me with gloomy eyes and occasionally say to let me go down to accompany them. They are very lonely below."

"What about you now?"

"I don't have that feeling anymore, but I still have an uneasy conscience and fear. I know I can't wash away my sins in my life. I owe them too much. "

After this incident, Liu Gong felt very uncomfortable at the beginning. After all, he hasn't done such a thing for so many years.

For example, he can take more and more migrant workers with him, thanks to those villagers who trust him. If those villagers know that he has done this, they may eat his meat directly.

Of course, there were others who knew that they had been bought off, so it didn't come out.

Moreover, it has been so long now that no one seems to mention it again.

"Dr. Xiao, I can die, but I don't want them to hurt others." Liu Gong knows that the three senior engineers, as well as him, are worthy of death.

Because this matter was not recognized by the two young migrant workers, that's how they cheated them. In addition, they were too young to even get married, so they died.

Therefore, Liu Gong felt that the death of himself and even the three senior engineers seemed to be normal at all.

"Why use this evil blood sacrifice to solve this problem? Is there no other way? And have you been in this industry for so many years? Has this always happened? "

Liu Gong couldn't answer the first question, because at that time, it was really used for various methods. He stopped work three times before and after, wasting a lot of man hours. It can be said that he lost a lot. When other methods can't be solved, he can only use this method.

"Dr. Xiao, I don't know other solutions, but now in this industry, whether it's building bridges and roads, digging tunnels, building houses, dams and railways, it's basically the same. Even more people die in many bridges, dams and railways."

"Is it the same with blood sacrifice?"

"Some are active, most are passive."

The so-called initiative refers to the two young people just mentioned by Liu Gong, that is, knowing that the two young people would die like that, they should also sacrifice blood to the gods in that way, and then pray for the smooth completion of the big project.

As for the so-called passivity, it means that many workers under construction, even those workers, such as senior engineers, will die during the construction period.

Some may be killed by smashing, some may be burned, and some may be drowned. Anyway, there are all kinds of death methods. It is normal to say that these passive belong to industrial injury, because these seemingly normal deaths are all due to careless death or injury during work.

Xiao Chen checked the web news that day and found that basically every major project has casualties, but some are relatively few and some are more. Moreover, most of them will be hidden and outsiders don't know.

Therefore, it can be said that every major project is really bloody and tearful, and may even be filled with human life.